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Issac Hall, farmer P. O. Pleasant Hill; one of the few early settlers of Miami County ; was born in Newberry District, S. C., near Newberry Court House in 1806, Jan. 19; his father was Amos Hall, of South Carolina, and his mother, Sarah, daughte r of Marmaduke Coate; he landed in Ohio the 1st of March, 1807, having been six weeks on the journey; he located in Union Township, on land now owned by David Ellenman; bere he died at the advanced age of 84 years, at his son-in law's, Millen No rth. Sarah, his wi fe, died previously, at the same place; they reared a family of nine sons and five daughters. The subject of this sketch is the fifth child of the family, and the oldest surviving member; his education was acquired when the im perfect subscription system was in vogue, and consequently his early advantages were limited; he helped his father on the farm till majority, when he moved to his present farm in November, 1827; it was then all in the woods, and required much ha rd labor, with many sacrifices, to make out of it a home; but this Mr. Hall accomplished by his unflagging industry; he lived on the land seven years before he could raise sufficient money to enter it; it then consisted of 80 acres, but he now h as in his possession nearly 250 acres; he comes from a vigorous and indust rious stock, and has nobly contended with the difficulties and hardships incident to frontier life he is a self-made man, his present competence being wholly the result o f his own industry and skill, assisted by his noble wife, his life has been an exemplary one, inoffensive, unpright and generous; in religion, he is with the Christian denomination; in politics he is Republican; he was originally a Whig, and cas t his first vote for Henry Clay. He has been married three times, first to Anna Hayworth, daughter of James Hayworth, an early pioneer; she was born in 1809, and died in 1849 ; five sons and five daughters were the issue of this union. His secon d marriage was with Catherine Lowry, nee Rodehamel, of this Township, who was born in 1804, and died in 1863. For his third wife hemarried Maria Clem in 1864, a native of Maryland, born near Harper's Ferry.