The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy
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William H. Rhodes was born on a farm near Petersville, Maryland, September 23, 1828. He went with his parents to Knoxville, Maryland, where he attended school and worked with his father at the carpenter's trade until twenty-three years of age. He then went to West Virginia, and helped timber the "Board-tree " and King- wood Tunnels, on the b: & O Railroad. In January, 1854, went to Springfield, then worked for Hannon & Ragsdale. He was married February 21, 1856, to Miss Anna V. Green. She was born in Virginia, and was a daughter of Geo. M. and Mary (Miller) Green, natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, in 1856, went to Rochester township, where they had six children, viz.: John D., Chas. W., Geo. W., Minnie B., Hattie E., and Mary O. Rhodes. Mrs. Rhode* died here, September 17, 1870. Mr. Rhodes was married to his present wife, Misa Mary J. Marshall, May 25, 1871. She was born in Columbus, Ohio, and was a daughter of John Marshall, born in London county, Virginia, and died August 21, 1880. His wife, Miss Jane A. Wyatt, born in Virginia, the mother of eight children. She is still living on the old homestead in Salisbury township, Sangamon county, Illinois, where she and husband settled in 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes have three children, Clarence M., Archibald F., and Laura A. Rhodes. In 1877, Mr. Rhodes moved on the farm where he now resides, in section thirty-two, Salisbury township.
The father of W. H. Rhodes, Peter Rhodes, was born in Maryland. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1864. He died November, 1876. His wife, Miss Elizabeth Feaster, was born in Montgomery county, Maryland. She was the mother of ten children, nine living, five girls and four boys. Mr. W. H. Rhodes has his farm of two hundred and forty acres under good cultivation. Mrs. Rhodes is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Rhodes, in politics, is a Democrat.