
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

We hope you find your missing links among ours

From the book entitled: History of Idaho: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests, Volume 3
History of Idaho: A Narrative Account of Its Historical Progress, Its People and Its Principal Interests
Author : Hiram Taylor French
Publisher: Lewis Publishing Co., 1914, 966-67.

Dorsey L. Rhodes. Holding a firmly-established position in the confidence of his fellow-townsmen through the recognition of his ability in the field of law and jurisprudence and because of his efficient and conscientious services in the office of county attorney, Dorsey L. Rhodes, of Idaho City, holds a conspicuous place among the members of the Boise county bar. He has been a resident of Idaho since 1907, coming here almost immediately after the completion of his legal training, and has had no reason to regret his choice of location for the prosecution of his labors, as he is in the enjoyment of a large general practice as well as the regard of his fellow practitioners. Dorsey L. Rhodes was born in Avoca, Pottawattamie county, Iowa, May 8, 1880, and is a son of Silas and Evangeline (Cheatem) Rhodes, retired farming people of Wagner, South Dakota. His parents had a family of five children, as follows: Lotta. who married H. W. Strayer, of Wagner, South Dakota; Dorsey L.; Ivy, who married E. J. Dolph, of Schuyler, Nebraska; Edith, who married C. A. Strayer, of Moore, Montana; and Jesse, who is a college student of Iowa City, Iowa.

After attending the public and high schools of his native place, Dorsey L. Rhodes became a student in the State University at Iowa City, where he was graduated from the law department with the class of 1907. Shortly thereafter, he came to Idaho, and in 1907 was admitted to the bar in Emmett, where he entered practice. In 1910 he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the office of county attorney of Boise county, and now practices in Idaho City, although he still maintains his office in Emmett, and has a large practice in both cities. In Emmett he is associated professionally with James P. Reed. Mr. Rhodes has been connected with a number of important cases of litigation during his comparatively short residence in Boise county, and it is a recognized fact that these have been conducted ably and honorably. To his office he has brought a high regard for the responsibility placed in his hands and his faithful services in the discharge of his duties have been such as to stamp him as a public-spirited citizen no less than an able official. His success in the profession of his choice has been due entirely to his own abilities and efforts, and he may truly be said to have been the architect of his own fortunes.

On July 20, 1910, Mr. Rhodes was united in marriage with Miss Bernice Laravea, the daughter of Stephen Laravea. Both have numerous friends in Idaho City and are favorites with the younger social set.

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