
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

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North Carolina Revolution War Service of Benjamin RHODES & Sobrina W 9251
(born in N.C. Bounty Land Warrant)
no.71129 for 160 acres in 1855.
Declaration was made in Graves Co., Ky-1832, Oct. 12th.

N.C. Service of Benjamin RHODES & Sobrina who applied under the Act of June 7, 1832; stating he volunteered about Oct.1, 1780 in a company of Light horse raised in Guilford Co,N.C. by order of Col. GILLESPIE and commanded by Capt. Asa BRASHERS, Lieut. James DELAY and Ensign Hezeikiah RHODES, brother to the applicant. He states that this company was raised for the purpose of acting as an auxillary to the main army under Gen. GREEN in suppressing the tories and watching the movements of the British. It was considered a company of minute men and he states that he was with the rest of the company, was frequently at home for some days at a time but was mad of the time in actual service and always with the companywhen in service which service was employed in scouring the county of Guilford, Randolph and Chatham and for good part of time in search of a certain Col. FANNING a tory whom they could catch but quite the contrary to prevent being taken. He states that he procurred his own horse arms while in service, which was of the severest kind as they had to ride in a manner both night and day while in service. He served about 7 months when he was discharged by Capt. FRASHEARS. That 25 years ago while residing in Tennessee he met with misfortune of having his house burnt and his discharge burnt. Sabina RHODES age 72, applied 1857, July 9th. She states she married Benjamin RHODES, 4 July 1805 in Onslow Co.,N.C. & that her husband was private in the Rev. War and that he died 1 March 1834 in Graves Co.,Kentucky. She mentions a will recorded at Maysville, Graves Co., Ky. Affidavits of John B. RHODES and Rhoda RHODES.

Source-National Archives-W 9251, #71129-Rev. War-Bounty land records.

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