The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy
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John Rhoades, farmer; P. O. Bloomertown; born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, June 24, 1820; was reared upon a farm near Farmersville; when 20 years old, he came to Miami Co. and located in the northern part of Newberry Township, where he is living at the present time. He has twice been married; first, on Dec. 26, 1840, with Miss Barbara Apple, of his native place; she died June 1, 1860, leaving three children— Uriah V., Noah and Amanda; by his second marriage, which occurred Dec. 15, 1861, he has had five children, four living William F., George C., Emma J. and Charles D. By industry and economy, Mr. Rhoades has accumulated a respectable fortune; he has 352 acres, all in one tract, with three sets of farm buildings upon it.