Title: History of Pittsburgh and Environs: Biographical,
American Historical Company
Publisher: American Historical Society, 1922. Page 184
GEORGE PEARSON RHODES—For many years active in the business world of
Pittsburgh, George Pearson Rhodes is identified with many and varied
interests. Mr. Rhodes is a son of James and Elizabeth (Peebles) Rhodes,
of Newcastle, Pa. The elder Mr. Rhodes was long connected with the coal
and iron business in this section. Robert H. Peebles, of Pittsburgh,
Mr. Rhodes' maternal grandfather, was also prominent in the same
George P. Rhodes was born in Newcastle, Pa., March 21, 1871. He
received his education in the schools of his native town. Coming to
Pittsburgh at the age of nineteen years, Mr. Rhodes became connected
with the Pennsylvania Tube Works and was in the office of that concern
for a period of ten years. Then, in association with J. d: Rhodes, he
organized the Pennsylvania Casting and Machine Works. This was in 1899,
and six years later Mr. Rhodes purchased the controlling interest in
the National Car Wheel Company and is still operating both concerns. He
is vicepresident and treasurer of the Pennsylvania Casting and Machine
Works, and is secretary and treasurer of the National Car Wheel
Company. He is also vice-president of the Keystone National Bank. In
various other concerns Mr. Rhodes holds an interest, being a director
in the Castalia Portland Cement Company, in the Hillman Coal and Coke
Company, and in the McKeefrey Iron Company. He is vice-president and
director of the Newcastle Steel and Iron Works, is trustee of the
estate of Anna Rhodes Gulick, and is a trustee of St. Margaret's
Hospital. He is a member of Calvary Episcopal Church. Fraternally Mr.
Rhodes holds the thirty-second degree in the Masonic order, and is a
member of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. His
clubs include the Pittsburgh, the Duquesne, the University, the
Pittsburgh Golf, the Pittsburgh Country, and the Pittsburgh Athletic
In 1895 Mr. Rhodes married Ellen Bower, of Newcastle, Pa., and they
have three children: John Bower, Roberta Peebles, and George Pearson,
Jr. The elder son, John b: Rhodes, enlisted for service in the World
War, and was commissioned second lieutenant.