The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy
Carl & Elaine (Grove) Rhodes' Genealogy Pages
BackRhodes Genealogy & History Blog
The Back Rhodes Message Board
Descendants of William Rhodes
Ancestors of Arnold James Rhodes
Ancestors of Sadie Winifred Hattery
Descendants of Hans Graf (Grove)
Ancestors of Howard Frank Grove
Ancestors of Donna Rose Baugher
Rhodes Deaths in West Virginia
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes Births of WV
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes IN Marriage to 1850
Abigail - Hannah R. Rhoades/Rhodes
Henry Rhodes - Mary Rhoades/Rhodes
Mathias - Wm Rhoades/Rhodes
Queensland Australia Vital Records
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Marriages 1829-1914
Queensland Deaths (1829-1914)
Rhodes/ect. that served in the Rev War
Revolutionary War
MA Soldiers & Sailors of the Rev War
Aaron to James Rhodes
Jere to Prephus Rhodes
Samuel to Zebulon Roads
Stoughton MA Minutemen
Rhodes' from Lynn, MA
Officers in the Continental Army
Rhodes/ect that served at Valley Forge
US Soldiers from 1784-1811
Rhodes/etc. in the War 1812
War of 1812 Land Warrantees
War of 1812 Pensioners
South Carolinia War of 1812
IL Black Hawk War Veterans (1832)
Civil Warr/War Between the States
FL Confederate Pensions
TX Confederate Pensions
TN Confederate Pensions
VA Military Institute Cadets
Britsh fatalities of WW I
Cemetery Records
Cemetery Records Page 1
Cemetery Records Page 2
A. A. Rhodes to Arthur Rhodes
A. A. Rhodes, b. 1862, Dane Co., WI, d 1898, Syracuse, NE
A. C. Rhodes, of Drew County, Arkansas
A. L. Rhodes, of California
A. S. Rhodes of Hampshire County, WV
Abraham Rhoades, b. 1854, Montgomery Co., of Darke Co., OH
Abraham Rhodes, b. 1810, Bedford Co., PA, of Rush County, IN
Abraham Rhodes b. 1838, York Co., of Lawrence Co., PA
Albert H. Rhodes, b. 1848, TN
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840 Pittsburg, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, in Pittshurgh, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, Montgomery Co., OH, of Rush County, IN
Alexander & Mahala (Evans) Rhodes, & their Descendants
Alexander Rhodes, Will of Jones Co., NC
Allin L. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Amos A. Rhodes, b. 1841, Shelby County, IL, of Christian County, IL
Amos Rhodes b. 1795, of Lynn MA
Andrew M. Rhodes Family Bible
Ann Elizabeth Rhodes & John M. Beaver
Ann Rhodes & John of Tompkins Co., NY, in 1894
Annie Rhodes Jones Bible
Anthony Rhodes, 1795-1864 of Hinton VA(WV) & his Descendants
Armina Rhoads, Genealogy Notes
Arthur Rhodes of Edgefield Co., South Carolina
Basil Rhodes to Charles Benjamin Rhodes,
Basil Rhodes family of Loudoun Co. VA & Nelson Co. KY
Basil Rhodes, Monongalia Co., WV, b. 1830, of Rush County, IN
B.B. Rhodes b. 1826, Blair County, of Indiana Co., PA
Beechum Rhodes, & his Descendants
Beechum Rhodes, b. 1762 in MD, d: KY
Benjamin & Sobrina Rhodes' of Graves Co., KY, Rev. War Bounty Land
Benjamin Franklin Rhodes, Sr, 1869-1947
Benjamin Rhodes of NC & Graves Co., KY, Rev. War pension
Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1799, of Onslow Co., NC, & his Descendants
Benjamin Rhodes, of GA, & his Descendants
Bert J. Rhodes, b. Shirland, IL, 1877, of Iowa
Bertrand Rhodes, b. 1837, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Bradford Rhodes, b. 1849, in Beaver county, PA
Bradford Rhodes, b. Beaver Co., PA, 1849, of New York
Carey W. Rhodes, b. 1869, Adams Co., OH, of Cook Co., IL
Cecil B. Rhodes b. 1858, in Auburn, IN,of Kansas City MO
Cecil B. Rhodes, :1858 Ft Wayne IN, of Barton Co., MS
Cecil John Rhodes
C. H. Rhodes, b. Marcellus Falls, Onondaga Co., NY, of Bay City, MI
Charles Alexander Rhodes, b. 1855, of New York, NY
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1874, Bibb County. GA, of Macon, GA
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1849, of Schuyler County, NY
Charles C. Rhoads to Daniel Rhoads
Charles C. Rhoads, b. 1824 KY
Charles E. Rhodes, from Genesee County, of Bay City, MI
Charles Frederick Rhodes of Tuscarawas Co., OH
Charles Henry Rhodes, b. 1924, of McCracken County, KY
Charles H. Rhodes, b. 1842, Henderson, IL, of Knox County IL
Charles L. Rhodes of Cuyahoga Co., OH
Charles L. Rhodes, b. 1834, of Warrick Co., IN
Charles Rodes, Amherst County, VA, 1805 Will
Charles S. Rhoads, b. 1854, Cincinnati, OH, of Indianapolis, IN
Charles T. Rhodes, b. Muscatine Co., IA, 1868, of Decatur Co., IA
Charles Walter Rhodes, b. 1853 Baltimore, MD
Charlotte Rhodes, (Will of) - Butler Co., AL., 1857
Christian Rhodes, of Kansas
Christopher Pinckney Rhodes, b. 1786-1861, of Greenville Co. SC
Christopher Rhodes b. 1776, Warwick, RI
Christopher Rhodes Sr, & his Descendants
Christopher Rhodes, Sr. & his children
Clayborne Rhodes of St Charles Co. MO, and Family
Cornelia Harsen Rhoades born Dec. 1, 1863, in New York City
Crawford J. Rhodes, b. 1829 Philadelphia, PA, of Bureau Co., IL
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1755 Bedford, PA, of the 1st PA Rifle Reg.
Daniel Rhoads to Dudley Ward Rhodes
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1839 Montgomery Co., OH
Daniel Harker Rhodes, b. 1839, Sussex County, NJ, of Wichita, KS
Daniel James Rhoads, b. 1834, Warrick Co., IN, of Muhlenburgh Co., KY
Daniel L.(Boone) and Mary Polly Keith Rhoads
Daniel Rhodes, 1781-1838 & Sally Ann Fenner b. 1785, Bible Record
Daniel Rhodes, b. 1898, in Maryland
David Rhodes, b. 1820 in Stark county, Ohio
David & Susanna (Butters) Rhodes
David B. Rhodes, & his Descendants
David B. Rhodes b. Rockingham Co., VA, in 1828, of Ray Co., MO
David E. Rhoads, b. 1842 Yazoo Co., MS
David E. Rhodes, b. 1869 Fulton Co., IN
David F. C. Roads, Pvt., of Co. G, 36 Alabama Infantry
David G Rhoades, & his Descendants
David Rhodes, b. 1849, of Richland Co., OH
David Rodes, of Albemarle Co., VA, will dated 1790
David W. Rhoads, b. 1857 DeKalb Co., MO
Dennis A. Rhodes, b. 1847, Franklin Co., PA, of Ray County, MO
Dorsey L. Rhodes, b. Pottawattamie Co., IA, 1880, of Idaho City, IA
Dudley Ward Rhodes, 1849, Marietta, OH, of Hamilton Co., OH
Durant Hatch Rhodes to Elisha Hunt Rhodes
Durant Hatch Rhodes Family Bible
Earl R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Early Rhodes' in the Town of Exeter, North Kingstown, RI
Ebenezer Rhodes (1762-1839), Yorkshire, England
Ebenezer Rhodes, b. 1780 Holland
Ebenezer Rhodes, and the Disciples of Christ in IL
Ebenezer Rhodes, Rev., b. 1780 Holland
Edward A. Rhodes of CA & NC CSA
Edward J. Rhodes, b. 1865 Pana, IL
Edwin D. Rhodes, Dr., b. 1832 GA
Edwin Herbert Rhodes, b. 1833 Congleton,of County Chester, ENG
Eleazer Rhodes, & his Descendants
Eliakam Rhodes, b. 1795, d 1863' his Bible record
Eliakim Rhodes, of Taylor Co., GA, & his Descendants
Elias Rhodes, b. 1828 Breckinridge Co., KY
Elijah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Averitt Rhodes b. 1791, Bertie Co., NC, of TX
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Ancestors & Biography
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Hunt Rhodes to George H. Rhodes
Elisha Hunt Rhodes , General
Elisha Jefferson (Jeff) Rhoades, b. 1810, TN, of MS
Elisha Rhodes of Bertie Co., NC, & his Descendants
Eliza Rhodes & James Ballou, of Orleans County, NY, in 1894
Elizabeth (Rhodes) Jack, b. 1822, of Tipton Co., IN
Emanuel William Rhoden, b. 1885 Colquitt Co., GA
Ephraim Rhodes of Saratoga Co. NY, & his Descendants
Eugene Manlove Rhodes, b. 1869, NE, d: 1934, Alamogordo, NM
Ezekiel Rhoades & Anna Greatsinger, & their Descendants
Frank De Rhodes of Columbiana Co., OH
Frank Valerius Rhodes, b. 1855, Frederick Co., MD
Fred H. Rhodes, of Humboldt, KS
Fred H. Rhodes, of Kansas
Frederick Rhodes
George A. Rhoades, b. Kansas, 1881, of OK
George Rhodes, b. 1835, Alabama, NY, of Wheatville, NY
George G. Rhodes, b. 1838, Richmond, VT, of Knox County IL
George H. Rhodes, b. 1848, Taunton, MA, of Bristol Co., MA
George Holbrook Rhodes,to Harry R. Rhodes,
George Holbrook Rhodes, b. Tuunton, MA, 1848, of Bristol, MA
George L. Rhodes b. 1844, in Madison Co., NY, of Chicago, IL
George N. Rhodes, b. 1843, Colchester, VT
George Pearson Rhodes b. 1871, of Pittsburgh, PA
George R. Rhodes, b. 1833, in Frederick Co., MD, of Ogle Co., IL
George Rhodes, b. 1816, Lincolnshire, ENG, of New Zealand
George Rhodes, b. 1821, Ithaca, NY, of Tompkins Co., NY
George Rhodes, Lieut. Gen., b. 1923, Corrine, WV
George W. Rhodes, b. 1843, of Jefferson Co., PA
ItemGeorge W. Rhodes, of Saratoga County, NY, b. 1804
Gerard Rodes, & his Descendants
Gertrude Rhodes, & Charles A. Steinbarge of St. Lawrence Co., NY, 1932
Halsey A. Rhodes, b. 1836, Chemung NY, of Steuben Co., NY
Harold Winston Rhodes, b. 1905, Australia, of New Zealand
Harrison Garfield Rhodes, b. 1871, in Cleveland, Ohio
Harry Hartley Rhodes, b. 1869, of Chicago, IL
Harry R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Henry S. Rhodes, to Henry Rhoads
Henry S. Rhodes, b. 1839, Rush County, IN
Harry W. Rhodes, b. 1865, Chester Co., of Delaware Co., PA
Heinrich Roth Rhoads, & his Descendants
Helen M. Rhodes, and Fred G. Smith, of Knox County, IL, in 1912
Henry (Heinrich) Roth Sr. of Ursina PA, & his Descendants
Henry (Heinrich) Roth, (Rhoads/Rhodes) Sr., b. 1712 Germany d: 1774, Somerset Co., PA
Henry C. Rhodes, b. 1853 Savanna, IL
Henry Colclazier Rhodes, b. 1858 Wabash Co., IN
Henry F. Rhodes, b. 1835 Bollinger Co., MO
Henry H. Rhodes b. 1846 in Erie, PA, of Painesville, OH
Henry Heckford Rhoades b. 1844, in New York City
Henry Little Rhodes, b. 1829, Orange Co., NY, of Centralia, IL
Henry P. Rhodes, b. 1842, of Richland Co., OH
Henry P. Rhodes, b. Lancaster Co., PA, of Richland Co., OH
Henry Rhoads of Somerset County, PA, Bible Record
Henry Rhoads, b. Germany, 1739, of Muhlenberg Co., KY
Henry Rhoads, to Hiram H. Rhodes,
Henry Rhoads, b, 1824 Muskingum Co., OH
Henry Rhodes 1608-1675, b. Lancashire, ENG, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes 1715-1780, of Onslow County, NC
Henry Rhodes 1760-1815 of Buncombe Co., NC, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes b. 1793 TN, d: CA
Henry Rhodes of Dobbs County, NC, Will dated 1773
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Will dated 1751
Henry Rhodes,1715-1780 of Onslow Co., NC
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Bible Record
Henry Rhodes, b. Lancashire, ENG, d: 1675, Lynn, MA
Hezekiah Rhodes Revolutionary War Pension
Hezekiah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Hezekiah (Ezechias) Rhodes, via. Craig Rhodes
Hiram H. Rhodes, b. Madison Co., MO, 1882
Hiram K. Rhoads to J. J. Rhodes
Hiram K. Rhoads, of Kansas
Hiram Rhodes b. 1804,Orange Co., NY, d: 1856, Kent Co., MI
Hiram Roads, b. 1838, Montgomery Co., OH, of Darke Co., OH
Holden Rhodes, b. 1797, Middlebury, Vt., d Richmond, Va., 1857
Hugh Rhodes b. 1550, Devonshire, Engand
Ira J. Rhodes, b. 1871, Rockingham Co., of Welch, WV
Ira O. Rhoades, b. 1863, Rockiand, ME, of Sait Lake City, Utah
Irwin Rhodes, b. 1859 Lawrence Co., PA
saac Rhodes b. 1822 in Kent, England, of Iowa
Isaac Rhodes, of Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1875
Ivison T. Rodes, b. 1838, of Fayetteville, TN
J. B. Rhodes, b. 1863, Sarahsville, OH, of Zanesville, OH
J. D. Rhodes, b 1832, of Jones County, Iowa
J. J. Rhodes, of Kansas
J. Newton Rhoads,to James Clinton Rhodes
J. Newton Rhoads, b. 1856, Cumberland Co., PA
J. Wesley Rhodes, b. 1829 PA, of Lawrence Co., PA
Jacob B. Rhoads, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., PA
Jacob M. Rhoads, b. 1835 Macoupin Co., IL
Jacob M. Rhodes, b. 1843 Louderville OH, d: 1933, Family Bible Record
Jacob Rhodes b. 1835 Licking Co., of Knox Co., OH
Jacob Rhodes, b. 1836, in Highland, OH, of Decatur Co., IA
Jacob Rhodes, Robeson Co., NC, Will dated 1822
Jacob S. Rhodes, b. Frederick county, VA 1822, d: 1881 Wheeling, OH
Jacob W. Rhoads, b. 1857 OH, of Compton, IL
James "JR", b. 1845 & Nancy Stevens/Rhodes b. 1850, of Barnwell, SC
James A. Rhodes, b. 1827, IN, of Butler Co., KS
James Clinton Rhodes, Rhodes Ancestry
James E. Rhoades to James Rhodes, Genera
James E. Rhoades, & his Descendants
James E. Rhoads, b. 1828, in Marple, PA, d: 1895, in Bryn Mawr, PA
James Ford Rhodes, b. 1849 Cleveland, OH
James Ford Rhodes, b. in Cleveland, OH
James G. Rhodes b. 1808, CT, of Cambridgboro, PA
James Harrison Rhodes, b. 1836, Summit Co., of Cleveland, OH
James J. Rhodes, b. 1833 Preble Co., OH
James M. Rhodes Jr., Brigadier General, b. 1937, Santa Monica, CA
James Manly Rhodes b. 1850, Johnston County, NC, d: 1941, Littleton, NC
James P. Rhodes, b. 1853 Carroll Co., TN
James Rhodes, 1761-1803, of Edgefield Co., NC
James Rhodes, General, of Wayne County, NC Bible Record
James W. Rhodes to John E. Rhodes
James W. Rhodes, b. 1847 Fayette Co., of Huntington Co., IN
Jarrett Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jazeb R. Rhodes, Captain in the C.S.A., The Execution of
Jeremiah R. Rhodes, b. 1840, of Muskingham Co., OH
Jesse Rhoads, b. 1700, Family, of NC, & IN
John Rhoades, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., of Miami County, OH
John & Sir Godfrey Rhodes of RI, & Yorkshire, ENG
John B. Rhodes b. I860 Savanna IL
John C. & Lydia Peters Rhodes, of VA, and their Descendants
John C. Rhodes, b. 1861, Chester Heights, Delaware County, PA
John E. Rhodes, Lieutenant General USMC
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., to Melancthon Rhodes
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., b. 1851 OH, of Chicago, IL
John Foster Rhodes, b. 1850, Brownsville, PA, of Chicago, IL
John H. S. Rhodes, b. 1796 MD, of McLean County, IL
John J. K. Rhodes, 1903-1985, of Blackpool, Enlgland
John K. Rhodes, b. 1827, of Allegheny, Co., PA
John Knox Rhodes b. 1901, Silverdale, Craven Co., NC Bible
John L. Rhodes, b. 1873 Argos, IN
John M. & Martha (Kuhn) Rhodes, of Kansas
John Martin Franck Rhodes, Bible Record
Melancthon Rhodes b. 1849, of Gaston Co., NC
John Miltom Rhodes to John Rhodes of Jones County, IA
John Miltom Rhodes, b. 1817, Middlebury, OH, of Yolo Co., CA
John N. Rhodes b. 1809, painter, of Leeds ENG
John Nicholas Rhodes,Yorkshire ENG Artist 1809-1842
John R. Rhodes, b. Bluir Co., Pa., 1859, of Monona Co., IA
John Rhoads of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, Will dated 1826
John Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, Will dated 1765
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b 1813, of Akron, Ohio, and Jones County, Iowa
John Rhode, of Boone County IL to John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN,
John Rhode, b. 1857, German, of Boone County IL
John Rhodes b. 1712, Switzerland, d: 1764, Page Co., VA
John Rhodes b. 1766 of Albemarle Co., VA, & his Descendants
John Rhodes b. 1843 Fayette, Co. PA, of Effingham Co., IL
John Rhodes b. 1857 of Kosciusko Co., IN
John Rhodes b. bef. 1620, ENG, & his Descendants
John Rhodes of Wayne Co., NC, Will dated 1808
John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN, of Dakota County, MN
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA to John Roades of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b. 1857, of Kosciusko Co., IN, 1902
John Rhodes, of Butler Co, AL & Nancy McGinty, & their Descendants
John Rhodes, b: 1783,Northampton Co., of Milton, PA
John Rhodes, Revolutionary War Lt. of Prince Williams Co., VA
John Roades / Rhodes of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes of Greene Co., IL to John Thornton Rhodes,
John Rhodes b. 1824, Yorkshire, ENG, of Greene Co., IL
John Roth (Roads/Rhodes), & his Descendants
John S. Rhodes, b. Yorkshire, England, 1848, of Topeka, KS
John Stafford Rhodes, Capt. b. 1826 VT, of Mercer Co., OH
John Sivley Rhodes, of MS
John Thornton Rhodes, b. 1816 Madison Co., of Amherst Co. VA
John W. Rhodes b. 1759 to John W. Rhodes of Bay County, MI
John W. Rhodes 1759-1837, Genealogy Records
John W. Rhodes, & his Descendants
John W. Rhodes, b. 1841, Dearborn County, IN, of Havana, IL
John W. Rhodes, b. 1857, Santa Clara County, CA
John W. Rhodes, b. Wayne County, N. Y., of Bsy County, MI
Jonathan Rhodes to Joseph F. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jonathan S. Rhodes b. 1821, RI, of Crawford Co., PA
Jonn K. Rhodes, b. 1827, in Allegheny Co., PA
Joseph F. Rhodes, Chicago, IL, 1881, of Los Angeles, CA
Joseph R Rhoades to Joseph Rhodes,of Foxborough, MA
Joseph R Rhoades b. 1796, NJ, & his Descendants
Joseph Rhodes of Carteret Co., NC, Will dated 1789
Joseph Rhodes, b. abt. 1750, of Foxborough, MA
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, OH to Joseph S Rhodes, Herrin, IL
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, Champaign Co., OH
Joseph S Rhodes 1866-1854, of Herrin, IL
Joshua Rhodes b. London, England 1824, of Pittsburgh PA
Joseph Rhodes, of Northville, PA to Mary (Carrier) Rhodes
Joseph Rhodes b. 1828, New Jersey, of Northville, PA
Joseph Rhodes, b. 1824 Yorkshire, ENG, of Pike County, IL
Joshua Rhodes, b. 1823, in London, England, of Pittsburgh, PA
Joshua and Susannah Jane Rhoades of Vinton Co., OH
Julius Dextor Rhodes Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
Leander Rhoades, b. 1837, of Warrick Co., IN
Leander L. Rhodes, b. 1833, Hampshire Co., MA
Ledru K. Rhodes, b. OH, of Denver, CO
Ledru R. Rhodes, b. Licking Co., OH, 1849, of Larimer Co., CO
Leidigh H. Rhodes, b. 1843, Medina Co., of Portage Co., OH
Leslie G. Rhodes, b. 1852, East Almond, NY, of South Haven, MI
Lester Francis Rhodes' Military Record
Levi Rhodes b. 1825 PA, of Delaware Co., OH
Levin Rhodes, & his Descendants
Lewis G. Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1880
Lewis Rhodes, 1799-1859, Marlboro, Ulster, NY
Lottie M. Rhodes, & Irving F. Whitaker, of Broome Co., NY
Louise A. Rhodes,, and Tobias D. Kilkenny, of Solano Co., CA
Lydia Rhodes & L. E. Heisel, of Cambria Co., PA
Manoah Rhodes, b. 1810, of County York, ENG
Marion Edward Rhodes, b. 1868, in Glen Allen, MO
Martine Rhodes b. 1608, Shropshire, ENG, & his Descendants
Mary (Carrier) Rhodes, b. VA, of Licking Co., OH
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott,to O. A. Rhodes
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott, of Poweshiek County, IA
Mary Ida Rhodes, b. 1862, in Webster Co., IA, of Ft. Dodge, IA
Mary Louise Rhodes (1916-1987), of Midland, TX
Mary M. Rhodes & Wm S. Anderson, & their Descendants
Mary Rhodes & Willis W. Whyland of Rensselaer Co., NY
Matthew Rhodes of County Chester, England, Will dated 1896
Michael Rhodes 1749-1820, of Shenandoah Co., Virginia
McHenry Rhoads, b. 1858 Muhlenburg Co., KY
Miles Rhodes, b. 1818, Dryden, NY, d: 1891 Tompkins Co., NY
Miron M. Rhodes, b. 1842, Richmond, VT, of Knox Co., IL
Moses Rhodes, & his Descendants
Moses Rhodes, Loudoun Co., VA, 1769 Wil
Mosheim Rhodes, b. 1837, in Williamshurg, PA
N. C. Rhodes, b. 1806, Cazenovia, NY, of Trumbull Co., OH
Nathaniel P. Rhodes, b. Sand Lake, NY, 1800, d: 1890
Nathaniel Rhodes, b. 1685, & Mary Blythe b. 1685, of Shropshire, ENG
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. 1836, NY, d: 1905, Decatur Co., IA, Obituary
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. New York, 1836, d Decatur Co., Iowa
Nelson Osgood Rhoades, b. 1869, Franklin, WI, of Los Angeles, CA
Nicholas Rhoades, his Descendants
Nicholas Rhodes, b. 1823, Knox Co., TN, of Missouri
Noah Rhoades, b. 1851, of Miami Co., OH
O. A. Rhodes, b. 1861, West Sunbury, PA, of Columbiana Co., OH
O. H. Rhodes, M. D.,to Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
O. H. Rhodes, M. D., b. Madison Co., of Baldwin, IL
Oliver L. Rhodes, b. 1850 Bridgewater, VA, d 1915, MD
Omar R. Rhodes, b. 1854, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Omer O. Rhodes b. Neoga, IL, 1882, of Terre Haute, IN
Orange Hampton Rhodes, b. 1862, Wabash Co., IN, of Vienna, IL
Orlo b. Rhodes, Scriba, b. 1849, Oswego Co., NY
Peter M. Rhodes, born at Wheeling, OH in 1847
Peter S. Rhodes, b. 1864 of Lawrence Co., PA
Rabie Rhodes b. 1901 AR, of Harrison, AR
Reddick/Rhodes Cemetery, Rush Co., IN
Raleigh E. Rhodes, b. 1868, San Francisco, of Madera Co., CA
Reuben b. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1831 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Rev. John Q. Rhodes, b. 1846, of Albemarle Co., VA
Rhoades/ect. Obituaries in the Alexandria (VA) Gazette 1916-1946
Rhoades/Rhodes family of Chesterfield, MA
Rhodes & Rhoden's Birth records of Williamsburg, VA, 1662-1797
Rhodes Ancestry of Doris Faye Bauguess Duncan
Rhodes' buried in the Oakdale Cem., Osceola County, MI
Rhodes Descendants of Abraham Beery, b 1718, Switzerland, of PA
Rhodes Descendants of Christian Wenger
Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
Rhodes burial records from MI to Richard Rhodes, b.1690, of MD
Rhodes family burial records from MI
Rhodes family of Fayette County PA
Rhodes Family of Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire, ENG
Rhodes Family of New Zealand
Rhodes Family of Stonington, Connecticut
Rhodes Family of Taunton and New Bedford, MA
Rhodes Family of Tompkins County, NY
Rhodes family of Upper Ohio Valley
Rhodes Genealogy of RI and Beaver County, PA
Rhodes' in Hampsthwaite Parish, Co. York, ENG
Rhodes' of Woodlawn Cemetary in Bloomington IL
Early Rhodes/ect., Marriages of Montgomery Co., OH
Rhodes, Rhoads, Rodes, by Sue Moore
Rhodes/Roads Marriage Records of Duplin County NC
Richard I, Vicomte de Rodes, & his Descendants
Richard Lee Rhodes, b. July 4. 1937, Kansas City. KS
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), engraver, of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes, 1760-1823, of Warwick, Kent Co., RI, Rev. War Pension
Richard Rhodes, b. Abt. 1690, of MD
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG to Rufus Napoleon Rhodes
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG
Richards R. Rhodes b. 1853, Robeson Co., NC, of Grant Co., AK
Richard S. Rhodes 1842 b. RI
Richard Silas Rhodes, b. Providence, RI, of Chicago, IL
Biography of Robert Bussell Rhodes, b. 1845, Cleveland, OH
Robert E. Rhodes, Rev., b. 1850, of Webster Co., MS
Robert Emmett Rodes, General of CSA
Robert Heaton Rhodes of New Zealand
Robert J. Rhodes b. Fayette Co., 1844, d Whiteville, TN, his Obituary
Robert R. Rhodes, b. 1845 Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Rhodes, b. 1840 Warwick, RI
Rodes family of Virginia
Ross Homer Rhoads, of Kansas
Roth-Rhoads Mystery
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes of Birmingham, AL
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, in Pascagoula. MS
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, of Jefferson County, AL
Rufus Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, 1871 Will
Samuel A. Sandy & Minnie Rhodes of Northwest Missouri
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, to Stephen Holbrook Rhodes
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, b. 1861, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhoades, b. 1752, MA, d: 1832, of Kingsbury, NY. Rev War Pension
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1832, Knoxville, TN, of Jasper Co., M
Samuel Rhoads, 1711-1784, Congressman, Builder
Samuel Rhoads, Congressman, b. 1711 in Philadelphia, d: 1784, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhodes, congressman from 1774-75
Samuel Rhoads, 1822-1896, of Somerset County, PA, & his Descendants
Samuel D. Rhodes, b. 1841, NY, of Bay County, MI
Samuel Rhodes, & his Descendants, of, Forton, Staffordshire, ENG
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1812 PA, of Clark Co., PA
Samuel S. Rhodes, b. PA, of Indianapolis, IN
Samuel Thomas Rhodes b. 1861 MS, of Roanoke Co., VA
Sanford Rhodes b. 1884, & Lucy L. Smith, b. 1886, of Martinsburg/Altoona, PA
Sarah Ann Rhoads, & her Descendants
S. C. Rhoads, b. 1843, Marion Co., IN, of Warren Co., IA
Simeon Rhodes - Tyrrell Co., NC, 1865 Will
Sir. Girard De Rodes, & his Descendants
Stephen Holbrook Rhodes, b. 1825, in Franklin, MA
Stephen H. Rhodes, to Ulrich Rhodes
Stephen H. Rhodes, b. 1836, Hampshire Co., MA
Sylvester B. Rhodes, 1842-104, of Wilkes Barre, PA, awarded Medal of Honor
Susan M. Rhodes and Henry James Farmer, of Detroit, MI
Sylvester Rhodes, Rev. War Privateer, b. 1742, Warwick, RI
Tholemiah Rhodes, of Loudoun Co., VA, 1821 Will
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1860 Savanna, IL
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1856, in Greene County, PA, of Cincinnati, OH
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, b. 1837, in Berks county, PA
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1837 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Thomas J. Rhodes, b. 1867, of Miami Co., IN
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1826 in Lanoastershire, ENG, of Summit Co., OH
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1753, Leesburg, Loudoun County, VA, of Bonaparte, IA
Thomas Rhodes, Revolutionary War Pension application S17045
Thomas Rode/Rhodes, 1521-1587 b. Cheshire, d: Yorkshire, ENG,
Thomas Willett Rhodes, b. 1833 at Marcellus, NY
Thomas Willie Rhodes, b. 1846, KY, d: Trigg County, KY
Ulrich Rhodes, & his Descendants
W. A. Rhodes to William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
W. A. Rhodes b. 1851, NC, of Hope, AK
W. E. Rhodes, b. 1866, Bradford, England
Walter Hancock Rhodes, b. Mason Co., IL, of Lewistown, IL, & Omaha, NE
Welton C. Rhodes, b. 1894, of Madera County, CA
Willemus deRode, & his Descendants
William B. Rhodes, b 1850 WI, of Dodge City, KS
William Barnard Rhodes, b. 1807 Lincolnshire, Eng., d 1878, New Zealand
William Barnes Rhodes 1772-1826, of Leeds, ENG
William C. Rhodes b. 1846, of Allen County, Ohio
William E. Rhoads, b. 1835 Montgomery Co., PA
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
William H. Rhodes, b. 1801, KY,, d: 1891, AL, & his Descendants
William H. Rhodes, b. 1828 MD, of Sangamon Co., IL
William H. Rhodes, b. 1829 Nova Scotia, d: 1912, of Revere, MA, Bible of
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869 Atehison Co., KY
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
William Henry Rhodes, to William P. Rhodes
William Henry Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822 NC, of San Francisco
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, Bertie Co., NC, of San Francisco, CA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, in Bertie county, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1824, Orange Co., N
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1858, in Comfort, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1861, d 1933 Wayne Co. NC, Bible
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1890 Colquitt Co., GA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1848 in KY, of Trigg Co., KY
William J. Rhodes, b. 1832 Mobile AL, of Mobile AL
William James Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Lee Rhodes b. 1840, Frederick Co., Maryland, d 1902
William Oran Rhodes, b. 1883 d. 1954 in Baytown, TX. &s Ancestors
William P. Rhodes, b. 1833 Tippecanoe Co., IN
William P. Rhodes, b. 1853, Greene Co., MO, of Clay Co., NE
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC to William Rhodes, Captain, of, RI
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, 1765 Will
William Rhodes & Esther Craven, of Calverley, Yorkshire, ENG, & their Descendants
William & Sussannah Rhodes of Urbana, OH, & their Descendants
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, 1828 Probate record
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, Obituary
William Rhodes b. Dec 3, 1724, died NC or SC?, 1743 Will
William Rhodes of Newport RI (c.1672-c.1716)
William Rhodes Sr., Orange Co, VA, & his Descendants
William Rhodes, 1764-1813, NY, & Sophia Rhodes 1770-1813, NY, Family Bible
William Rhodes, b. 1818, of Greene Co., PA
William Rhodes, b. 1844, Wakefield, England
William Rhodes, b. 1850, of Leeds, England
William Rhodes, born 1765, Fairfax County, VA
William Rhodes, Captain, of Burrillville, RI
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel to Young J. Rhodes
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel of Quebec
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
Rev. William Rhodes, b. MA, of Lenawee Co., & Detroit MI
William V. & Eliza (Gowdy) Rhodes
William V. Rhodes, b. 1846, Bedford Co., PA, of Wrightsville, IL
William Venables Rhodes, b. 1849, Cleckheaton, England
William W. Rhodes b. 1804 Alexandria, VA, d Noble Co., OH
William Wade Rhodes, b. 1820, AL, d: 1864 LA,, & Descendants
William Wallace Rhodes, b 1861, MS, of Lincoln Co., WA
William Watson Rhoades, b. 1818, AL, d: Neshoba Co, MS, & Descendants
William Rhodus, b. 1791, SC, d: Pike Co., MS
Willis Rhodes, b. 1865, Thorncreek Twp., of Whitley Co., IN
Young J. Rhodes b. 1852, Crawford Co., PA, of Cambridgboro, PA
Zachariah Rhodes to Zechariah Rhodes,
Zachariah Rhodes, b. 1603, ENG, of RI, MA, & some Descendants
Zacharias Rhodes - Westbrook Bible
Zadock Rhodes b. 1811, CT, d 1870, Crawford Co., PA
Zadock Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, 1852 Will
Zebulon Rhodes b. 1760,of Hampshire Co., MA
Zechariah Rhodes, Sr., b. 1755, of Mason Co., (W)VA & Descendants
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy
Carl & Elaine (Grove) Rhodes' Genealogy Pages
BackRhodes Genealogy & History Blog
The Back Rhodes Message Board
Descendants of William Rhodes
Ancestors of Arnold James Rhodes
Ancestors of Sadie Winifred Hattery
Descendants of Hans Graf (Grove)
Ancestors of Howard Frank Grove
Ancestors of Donna Rose Baugher
Rhodes Deaths in West Virginia
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes Births of WV
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes IN Marriage to 1850
Abigail - Hannah R. Rhoades/Rhodes
Henry Rhodes - Mary Rhoades/Rhodes
Mathias - Wm Rhoades/Rhodes
Queensland Australia Vital Records
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Marriages 1829-1914
Queensland Deaths (1829-1914)
Rhodes/ect. that served in the Rev War
Revolutionary War
MA Soldiers & Sailors of the Rev War
Aaron to James Rhodes
Jere to Prephus Rhodes
Samuel to Zebulon Roads
Stoughton MA Minutemen
Rhodes' from Lynn, MA
Officers in the Continental Army
Rhodes/ect that served at Valley Forge
US Soldiers from 1784-1811
Rhodes/etc. in the War 1812
War of 1812 Land Warrantees
War of 1812 Pensioners
South Carolinia War of 1812
IL Black Hawk War Veterans (1832)
Civil Warr/War Between the States
FL Confederate Pensions
TX Confederate Pensions
TN Confederate Pensions
VA Military Institute Cadets
Britsh fatalities of WW I
Cemetery Records
Cemetery Records Page 1
Cemetery Records Page 2
A. A. Rhodes to Arthur Rhodes
A. A. Rhodes, b. 1862, Dane Co., WI, d 1898, Syracuse, NE
A. C. Rhodes, of Drew County, Arkansas
A. L. Rhodes, of California
A. S. Rhodes of Hampshire County, WV
Abraham Rhoades, b. 1854, Montgomery Co., of Darke Co., OH
Abraham Rhodes, b. 1810, Bedford Co., PA, of Rush County, IN
Abraham Rhodes b. 1838, York Co., of Lawrence Co., PA
Albert H. Rhodes, b. 1848, TN
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840 Pittsburg, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, in Pittshurgh, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, Montgomery Co., OH, of Rush County, IN
Alexander & Mahala (Evans) Rhodes, & their Descendants
Alexander Rhodes, Will of Jones Co., NC
Allin L. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Amos A. Rhodes, b. 1841, Shelby County, IL, of Christian County, IL
Amos Rhodes b. 1795, of Lynn MA
Andrew M. Rhodes Family Bible
Ann Elizabeth Rhodes & John M. Beaver
Ann Rhodes & John of Tompkins Co., NY, in 1894
Annie Rhodes Jones Bible
Anthony Rhodes, 1795-1864 of Hinton VA(WV) & his Descendants
Armina Rhoads, Genealogy Notes
Arthur Rhodes of Edgefield Co., South Carolina
Basil Rhodes to Charles Benjamin Rhodes,
Basil Rhodes family of Loudoun Co. VA & Nelson Co. KY
Basil Rhodes, Monongalia Co., WV, b. 1830, of Rush County, IN
B.B. Rhodes b. 1826, Blair County, of Indiana Co., PA
Beechum Rhodes, & his Descendants
Beechum Rhodes, b. 1762 in MD, d: KY
Benjamin & Sobrina Rhodes' of Graves Co., KY, Rev. War Bounty Land
Benjamin Franklin Rhodes, Sr, 1869-1947
Benjamin Rhodes of NC & Graves Co., KY, Rev. War pension
Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1799, of Onslow Co., NC, & his Descendants
Benjamin Rhodes, of GA, & his Descendants
Bert J. Rhodes, b. Shirland, IL, 1877, of Iowa
Bertrand Rhodes, b. 1837, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Bradford Rhodes, b. 1849, in Beaver county, PA
Bradford Rhodes, b. Beaver Co., PA, 1849, of New York
Carey W. Rhodes, b. 1869, Adams Co., OH, of Cook Co., IL
Cecil B. Rhodes b. 1858, in Auburn, IN,of Kansas City MO
Cecil B. Rhodes, :1858 Ft Wayne IN, of Barton Co., MS
Cecil John Rhodes
C. H. Rhodes, b. Marcellus Falls, Onondaga Co., NY, of Bay City, MI
Charles Alexander Rhodes, b. 1855, of New York, NY
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1874, Bibb County. GA, of Macon, GA
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1849, of Schuyler County, NY
Charles C. Rhoads to Daniel Rhoads
Charles C. Rhoads, b. 1824 KY
Charles E. Rhodes, from Genesee County, of Bay City, MI
Charles Frederick Rhodes of Tuscarawas Co., OH
Charles Henry Rhodes, b. 1924, of McCracken County, KY
Charles H. Rhodes, b. 1842, Henderson, IL, of Knox County IL
Charles L. Rhodes of Cuyahoga Co., OH
Charles L. Rhodes, b. 1834, of Warrick Co., IN
Charles Rodes, Amherst County, VA, 1805 Will
Charles S. Rhoads, b. 1854, Cincinnati, OH, of Indianapolis, IN
Charles T. Rhodes, b. Muscatine Co., IA, 1868, of Decatur Co., IA
Charles Walter Rhodes, b. 1853 Baltimore, MD
Charlotte Rhodes, (Will of) - Butler Co., AL., 1857
Christian Rhodes, of Kansas
Christopher Pinckney Rhodes, b. 1786-1861, of Greenville Co. SC
Christopher Rhodes b. 1776, Warwick, RI
Christopher Rhodes Sr, & his Descendants
Christopher Rhodes, Sr. & his children
Clayborne Rhodes of St Charles Co. MO, and Family
Cornelia Harsen Rhoades born Dec. 1, 1863, in New York City
Crawford J. Rhodes, b. 1829 Philadelphia, PA, of Bureau Co., IL
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1755 Bedford, PA, of the 1st PA Rifle Reg.
Daniel Rhoads to Dudley Ward Rhodes
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1839 Montgomery Co., OH
Daniel Harker Rhodes, b. 1839, Sussex County, NJ, of Wichita, KS
Daniel James Rhoads, b. 1834, Warrick Co., IN, of Muhlenburgh Co., KY
Daniel L.(Boone) and Mary Polly Keith Rhoads
Daniel Rhodes, 1781-1838 & Sally Ann Fenner b. 1785, Bible Record
Daniel Rhodes, b. 1898, in Maryland
David Rhodes, b. 1820 in Stark county, Ohio
David & Susanna (Butters) Rhodes
David B. Rhodes, & his Descendants
David B. Rhodes b. Rockingham Co., VA, in 1828, of Ray Co., MO
David E. Rhoads, b. 1842 Yazoo Co., MS
David E. Rhodes, b. 1869 Fulton Co., IN
David F. C. Roads, Pvt., of Co. G, 36 Alabama Infantry
David G Rhoades, & his Descendants
David Rhodes, b. 1849, of Richland Co., OH
David Rodes, of Albemarle Co., VA, will dated 1790
David W. Rhoads, b. 1857 DeKalb Co., MO
Dennis A. Rhodes, b. 1847, Franklin Co., PA, of Ray County, MO
Dorsey L. Rhodes, b. Pottawattamie Co., IA, 1880, of Idaho City, IA
Dudley Ward Rhodes, 1849, Marietta, OH, of Hamilton Co., OH
Durant Hatch Rhodes to Elisha Hunt Rhodes
Durant Hatch Rhodes Family Bible
Earl R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Early Rhodes' in the Town of Exeter, North Kingstown, RI
Ebenezer Rhodes (1762-1839), Yorkshire, England
Ebenezer Rhodes, b. 1780 Holland
Ebenezer Rhodes, and the Disciples of Christ in IL
Ebenezer Rhodes, Rev., b. 1780 Holland
Edward A. Rhodes of CA & NC CSA
Edward J. Rhodes, b. 1865 Pana, IL
Edwin D. Rhodes, Dr., b. 1832 GA
Edwin Herbert Rhodes, b. 1833 Congleton,of County Chester, ENG
Eleazer Rhodes, & his Descendants
Eliakam Rhodes, b. 1795, d 1863' his Bible record
Eliakim Rhodes, of Taylor Co., GA, & his Descendants
Elias Rhodes, b. 1828 Breckinridge Co., KY
Elijah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Averitt Rhodes b. 1791, Bertie Co., NC, of TX
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Ancestors & Biography
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Hunt Rhodes to George H. Rhodes
Elisha Hunt Rhodes , General
Elisha Jefferson (Jeff) Rhoades, b. 1810, TN, of MS
Elisha Rhodes of Bertie Co., NC, & his Descendants
Eliza Rhodes & James Ballou, of Orleans County, NY, in 1894
Elizabeth (Rhodes) Jack, b. 1822, of Tipton Co., IN
Emanuel William Rhoden, b. 1885 Colquitt Co., GA
Ephraim Rhodes of Saratoga Co. NY, & his Descendants
Eugene Manlove Rhodes, b. 1869, NE, d: 1934, Alamogordo, NM
Ezekiel Rhoades & Anna Greatsinger, & their Descendants
Frank De Rhodes of Columbiana Co., OH
Frank Valerius Rhodes, b. 1855, Frederick Co., MD
Fred H. Rhodes, of Humboldt, KS
Fred H. Rhodes, of Kansas
Frederick Rhodes
George A. Rhoades, b. Kansas, 1881, of OK
George Rhodes, b. 1835, Alabama, NY, of Wheatville, NY
George G. Rhodes, b. 1838, Richmond, VT, of Knox County IL
George H. Rhodes, b. 1848, Taunton, MA, of Bristol Co., MA
George Holbrook Rhodes,to Harry R. Rhodes,
George Holbrook Rhodes, b. Tuunton, MA, 1848, of Bristol, MA
George L. Rhodes b. 1844, in Madison Co., NY, of Chicago, IL
George N. Rhodes, b. 1843, Colchester, VT
George Pearson Rhodes b. 1871, of Pittsburgh, PA
George R. Rhodes, b. 1833, in Frederick Co., MD, of Ogle Co., IL
George Rhodes, b. 1816, Lincolnshire, ENG, of New Zealand
George Rhodes, b. 1821, Ithaca, NY, of Tompkins Co., NY
George Rhodes, Lieut. Gen., b. 1923, Corrine, WV
George W. Rhodes, b. 1843, of Jefferson Co., PA
ItemGeorge W. Rhodes, of Saratoga County, NY, b. 1804
Gerard Rodes, & his Descendants
Gertrude Rhodes, & Charles A. Steinbarge of St. Lawrence Co., NY, 1932
Halsey A. Rhodes, b. 1836, Chemung NY, of Steuben Co., NY
Harold Winston Rhodes, b. 1905, Australia, of New Zealand
Harrison Garfield Rhodes, b. 1871, in Cleveland, Ohio
Harry Hartley Rhodes, b. 1869, of Chicago, IL
Harry R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Henry S. Rhodes, to Henry Rhoads
Henry S. Rhodes, b. 1839, Rush County, IN
Harry W. Rhodes, b. 1865, Chester Co., of Delaware Co., PA
Heinrich Roth Rhoads, & his Descendants
Helen M. Rhodes, and Fred G. Smith, of Knox County, IL, in 1912
Henry (Heinrich) Roth Sr. of Ursina PA, & his Descendants
Henry (Heinrich) Roth, (Rhoads/Rhodes) Sr., b. 1712 Germany d: 1774, Somerset Co., PA
Henry C. Rhodes, b. 1853 Savanna, IL
Henry Colclazier Rhodes, b. 1858 Wabash Co., IN
Henry F. Rhodes, b. 1835 Bollinger Co., MO
Henry H. Rhodes b. 1846 in Erie, PA, of Painesville, OH
Henry Heckford Rhoades b. 1844, in New York City
Henry Little Rhodes, b. 1829, Orange Co., NY, of Centralia, IL
Henry P. Rhodes, b. 1842, of Richland Co., OH
Henry P. Rhodes, b. Lancaster Co., PA, of Richland Co., OH
Henry Rhoads of Somerset County, PA, Bible Record
Henry Rhoads, b. Germany, 1739, of Muhlenberg Co., KY
Henry Rhoads, to Hiram H. Rhodes,
Henry Rhoads, b, 1824 Muskingum Co., OH
Henry Rhodes 1608-1675, b. Lancashire, ENG, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes 1715-1780, of Onslow County, NC
Henry Rhodes 1760-1815 of Buncombe Co., NC, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes b. 1793 TN, d: CA
Henry Rhodes of Dobbs County, NC, Will dated 1773
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Will dated 1751
Henry Rhodes,1715-1780 of Onslow Co., NC
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Bible Record
Henry Rhodes, b. Lancashire, ENG, d: 1675, Lynn, MA
Hezekiah Rhodes Revolutionary War Pension
Hezekiah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Hezekiah (Ezechias) Rhodes, via. Craig Rhodes
Hiram H. Rhodes, b. Madison Co., MO, 1882
Hiram K. Rhoads to J. J. Rhodes
Hiram K. Rhoads, of Kansas
Hiram Rhodes b. 1804,Orange Co., NY, d: 1856, Kent Co., MI
Hiram Roads, b. 1838, Montgomery Co., OH, of Darke Co., OH
Holden Rhodes, b. 1797, Middlebury, Vt., d Richmond, Va., 1857
Hugh Rhodes b. 1550, Devonshire, Engand
Ira J. Rhodes, b. 1871, Rockingham Co., of Welch, WV
Ira O. Rhoades, b. 1863, Rockiand, ME, of Sait Lake City, Utah
Irwin Rhodes, b. 1859 Lawrence Co., PA
saac Rhodes b. 1822 in Kent, England, of Iowa
Isaac Rhodes, of Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1875
Ivison T. Rodes, b. 1838, of Fayetteville, TN
J. B. Rhodes, b. 1863, Sarahsville, OH, of Zanesville, OH
J. D. Rhodes, b 1832, of Jones County, Iowa
J. J. Rhodes, of Kansas
J. Newton Rhoads,to James Clinton Rhodes
J. Newton Rhoads, b. 1856, Cumberland Co., PA
J. Wesley Rhodes, b. 1829 PA, of Lawrence Co., PA
Jacob B. Rhoads, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., PA
Jacob M. Rhoads, b. 1835 Macoupin Co., IL
Jacob M. Rhodes, b. 1843 Louderville OH, d: 1933, Family Bible Record
Jacob Rhodes b. 1835 Licking Co., of Knox Co., OH
Jacob Rhodes, b. 1836, in Highland, OH, of Decatur Co., IA
Jacob Rhodes, Robeson Co., NC, Will dated 1822
Jacob S. Rhodes, b. Frederick county, VA 1822, d: 1881 Wheeling, OH
Jacob W. Rhoads, b. 1857 OH, of Compton, IL
James "JR", b. 1845 & Nancy Stevens/Rhodes b. 1850, of Barnwell, SC
James A. Rhodes, b. 1827, IN, of Butler Co., KS
James Clinton Rhodes, Rhodes Ancestry
James E. Rhoades to James Rhodes, Genera
James E. Rhoades, & his Descendants
James E. Rhoads, b. 1828, in Marple, PA, d: 1895, in Bryn Mawr, PA
James Ford Rhodes, b. 1849 Cleveland, OH
James Ford Rhodes, b. in Cleveland, OH
James G. Rhodes b. 1808, CT, of Cambridgboro, PA
James Harrison Rhodes, b. 1836, Summit Co., of Cleveland, OH
James J. Rhodes, b. 1833 Preble Co., OH
James M. Rhodes Jr., Brigadier General, b. 1937, Santa Monica, CA
James Manly Rhodes b. 1850, Johnston County, NC, d: 1941, Littleton, NC
James P. Rhodes, b. 1853 Carroll Co., TN
James Rhodes, 1761-1803, of Edgefield Co., NC
James Rhodes, General, of Wayne County, NC Bible Record
James W. Rhodes to John E. Rhodes
James W. Rhodes, b. 1847 Fayette Co., of Huntington Co., IN
Jarrett Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jazeb R. Rhodes, Captain in the C.S.A., The Execution of
Jeremiah R. Rhodes, b. 1840, of Muskingham Co., OH
Jesse Rhoads, b. 1700, Family, of NC, & IN
John Rhoades, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., of Miami County, OH
John & Sir Godfrey Rhodes of RI, & Yorkshire, ENG
John B. Rhodes b. I860 Savanna IL
John C. & Lydia Peters Rhodes, of VA, and their Descendants
John C. Rhodes, b. 1861, Chester Heights, Delaware County, PA
John E. Rhodes, Lieutenant General USMC
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., to Melancthon Rhodes
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., b. 1851 OH, of Chicago, IL
John Foster Rhodes, b. 1850, Brownsville, PA, of Chicago, IL
John H. S. Rhodes, b. 1796 MD, of McLean County, IL
John J. K. Rhodes, 1903-1985, of Blackpool, Enlgland
John K. Rhodes, b. 1827, of Allegheny, Co., PA
John Knox Rhodes b. 1901, Silverdale, Craven Co., NC Bible
John L. Rhodes, b. 1873 Argos, IN
John M. & Martha (Kuhn) Rhodes, of Kansas
John Martin Franck Rhodes, Bible Record
Melancthon Rhodes b. 1849, of Gaston Co., NC
John Miltom Rhodes to John Rhodes of Jones County, IA
John Miltom Rhodes, b. 1817, Middlebury, OH, of Yolo Co., CA
John N. Rhodes b. 1809, painter, of Leeds ENG
John Nicholas Rhodes,Yorkshire ENG Artist 1809-1842
John R. Rhodes, b. Bluir Co., Pa., 1859, of Monona Co., IA
John Rhoads of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, Will dated 1826
John Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, Will dated 1765
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b 1813, of Akron, Ohio, and Jones County, Iowa
John Rhode, of Boone County IL to John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN,
John Rhode, b. 1857, German, of Boone County IL
John Rhodes b. 1712, Switzerland, d: 1764, Page Co., VA
John Rhodes b. 1766 of Albemarle Co., VA, & his Descendants
John Rhodes b. 1843 Fayette, Co. PA, of Effingham Co., IL
John Rhodes b. 1857 of Kosciusko Co., IN
John Rhodes b. bef. 1620, ENG, & his Descendants
John Rhodes of Wayne Co., NC, Will dated 1808
John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN, of Dakota County, MN
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA to John Roades of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b. 1857, of Kosciusko Co., IN, 1902
John Rhodes, of Butler Co, AL & Nancy McGinty, & their Descendants
John Rhodes, b: 1783,Northampton Co., of Milton, PA
John Rhodes, Revolutionary War Lt. of Prince Williams Co., VA
John Roades / Rhodes of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes of Greene Co., IL to John Thornton Rhodes,
John Rhodes b. 1824, Yorkshire, ENG, of Greene Co., IL
John Roth (Roads/Rhodes), & his Descendants
John S. Rhodes, b. Yorkshire, England, 1848, of Topeka, KS
John Stafford Rhodes, Capt. b. 1826 VT, of Mercer Co., OH
John Sivley Rhodes, of MS
John Thornton Rhodes, b. 1816 Madison Co., of Amherst Co. VA
John W. Rhodes b. 1759 to John W. Rhodes of Bay County, MI
John W. Rhodes 1759-1837, Genealogy Records
John W. Rhodes, & his Descendants
John W. Rhodes, b. 1841, Dearborn County, IN, of Havana, IL
John W. Rhodes, b. 1857, Santa Clara County, CA
John W. Rhodes, b. Wayne County, N. Y., of Bsy County, MI
Jonathan Rhodes to Joseph F. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jonathan S. Rhodes b. 1821, RI, of Crawford Co., PA
Jonn K. Rhodes, b. 1827, in Allegheny Co., PA
Joseph F. Rhodes, Chicago, IL, 1881, of Los Angeles, CA
Joseph R Rhoades to Joseph Rhodes,of Foxborough, MA
Joseph R Rhoades b. 1796, NJ, & his Descendants
Joseph Rhodes of Carteret Co., NC, Will dated 1789
Joseph Rhodes, b. abt. 1750, of Foxborough, MA
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, OH to Joseph S Rhodes, Herrin, IL
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, Champaign Co., OH
Joseph S Rhodes 1866-1854, of Herrin, IL
Joshua Rhodes b. London, England 1824, of Pittsburgh PA
Joseph Rhodes, of Northville, PA to Mary (Carrier) Rhodes
Joseph Rhodes b. 1828, New Jersey, of Northville, PA
Joseph Rhodes, b. 1824 Yorkshire, ENG, of Pike County, IL
Joshua Rhodes, b. 1823, in London, England, of Pittsburgh, PA
Joshua and Susannah Jane Rhoades of Vinton Co., OH
Julius Dextor Rhodes Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
Leander Rhoades, b. 1837, of Warrick Co., IN
Leander L. Rhodes, b. 1833, Hampshire Co., MA
Ledru K. Rhodes, b. OH, of Denver, CO
Ledru R. Rhodes, b. Licking Co., OH, 1849, of Larimer Co., CO
Leidigh H. Rhodes, b. 1843, Medina Co., of Portage Co., OH
Leslie G. Rhodes, b. 1852, East Almond, NY, of South Haven, MI
Lester Francis Rhodes' Military Record
Levi Rhodes b. 1825 PA, of Delaware Co., OH
Levin Rhodes, & his Descendants
Lewis G. Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1880
Lewis Rhodes, 1799-1859, Marlboro, Ulster, NY
Lottie M. Rhodes, & Irving F. Whitaker, of Broome Co., NY
Louise A. Rhodes,, and Tobias D. Kilkenny, of Solano Co., CA
Lydia Rhodes & L. E. Heisel, of Cambria Co., PA
Manoah Rhodes, b. 1810, of County York, ENG
Marion Edward Rhodes, b. 1868, in Glen Allen, MO
Martine Rhodes b. 1608, Shropshire, ENG, & his Descendants
Mary (Carrier) Rhodes, b. VA, of Licking Co., OH
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott,to O. A. Rhodes
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott, of Poweshiek County, IA
Mary Ida Rhodes, b. 1862, in Webster Co., IA, of Ft. Dodge, IA
Mary Louise Rhodes (1916-1987), of Midland, TX
Mary M. Rhodes & Wm S. Anderson, & their Descendants
Mary Rhodes & Willis W. Whyland of Rensselaer Co., NY
Matthew Rhodes of County Chester, England, Will dated 1896
Michael Rhodes 1749-1820, of Shenandoah Co., Virginia
McHenry Rhoads, b. 1858 Muhlenburg Co., KY
Miles Rhodes, b. 1818, Dryden, NY, d: 1891 Tompkins Co., NY
Miron M. Rhodes, b. 1842, Richmond, VT, of Knox Co., IL
Moses Rhodes, & his Descendants
Moses Rhodes, Loudoun Co., VA, 1769 Wil
Mosheim Rhodes, b. 1837, in Williamshurg, PA
N. C. Rhodes, b. 1806, Cazenovia, NY, of Trumbull Co., OH
Nathaniel P. Rhodes, b. Sand Lake, NY, 1800, d: 1890
Nathaniel Rhodes, b. 1685, & Mary Blythe b. 1685, of Shropshire, ENG
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. 1836, NY, d: 1905, Decatur Co., IA, Obituary
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. New York, 1836, d Decatur Co., Iowa
Nelson Osgood Rhoades, b. 1869, Franklin, WI, of Los Angeles, CA
Nicholas Rhoades, his Descendants
Nicholas Rhodes, b. 1823, Knox Co., TN, of Missouri
Noah Rhoades, b. 1851, of Miami Co., OH
O. A. Rhodes, b. 1861, West Sunbury, PA, of Columbiana Co., OH
O. H. Rhodes, M. D.,to Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
O. H. Rhodes, M. D., b. Madison Co., of Baldwin, IL
Oliver L. Rhodes, b. 1850 Bridgewater, VA, d 1915, MD
Omar R. Rhodes, b. 1854, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Omer O. Rhodes b. Neoga, IL, 1882, of Terre Haute, IN
Orange Hampton Rhodes, b. 1862, Wabash Co., IN, of Vienna, IL
Orlo b. Rhodes, Scriba, b. 1849, Oswego Co., NY
Peter M. Rhodes, born at Wheeling, OH in 1847
Peter S. Rhodes, b. 1864 of Lawrence Co., PA
Rabie Rhodes b. 1901 AR, of Harrison, AR
Reddick/Rhodes Cemetery, Rush Co., IN
Raleigh E. Rhodes, b. 1868, San Francisco, of Madera Co., CA
Reuben b. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1831 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Rev. John Q. Rhodes, b. 1846, of Albemarle Co., VA
Rhoades/ect. Obituaries in the Alexandria (VA) Gazette 1916-1946
Rhoades/Rhodes family of Chesterfield, MA
Rhodes & Rhoden's Birth records of Williamsburg, VA, 1662-1797
Rhodes Ancestry of Doris Faye Bauguess Duncan
Rhodes' buried in the Oakdale Cem., Osceola County, MI
Rhodes Descendants of Abraham Beery, b 1718, Switzerland, of PA
Rhodes Descendants of Christian Wenger
Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
Rhodes burial records from MI to Richard Rhodes, b.1690, of MD
Rhodes family burial records from MI
Rhodes family of Fayette County PA
Rhodes Family of Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire, ENG
Rhodes Family of New Zealand
Rhodes Family of Stonington, Connecticut
Rhodes Family of Taunton and New Bedford, MA
Rhodes Family of Tompkins County, NY
Rhodes family of Upper Ohio Valley
Rhodes Genealogy of RI and Beaver County, PA
Rhodes' in Hampsthwaite Parish, Co. York, ENG
Rhodes' of Woodlawn Cemetary in Bloomington IL
Early Rhodes/ect., Marriages of Montgomery Co., OH
Rhodes, Rhoads, Rodes, by Sue Moore
Rhodes/Roads Marriage Records of Duplin County NC
Richard I, Vicomte de Rodes, & his Descendants
Richard Lee Rhodes, b. July 4. 1937, Kansas City. KS
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), engraver, of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes, 1760-1823, of Warwick, Kent Co., RI, Rev. War Pension
Richard Rhodes, b. Abt. 1690, of MD
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG to Rufus Napoleon Rhodes
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG
Richards R. Rhodes b. 1853, Robeson Co., NC, of Grant Co., AK
Richard S. Rhodes 1842 b. RI
Richard Silas Rhodes, b. Providence, RI, of Chicago, IL
Biography of Robert Bussell Rhodes, b. 1845, Cleveland, OH
Robert E. Rhodes, Rev., b. 1850, of Webster Co., MS
Robert Emmett Rodes, General of CSA
Robert Heaton Rhodes of New Zealand
Robert J. Rhodes b. Fayette Co., 1844, d Whiteville, TN, his Obituary
Robert R. Rhodes, b. 1845 Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Rhodes, b. 1840 Warwick, RI
Rodes family of Virginia
Ross Homer Rhoads, of Kansas
Roth-Rhoads Mystery
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes of Birmingham, AL
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, in Pascagoula. MS
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, of Jefferson County, AL
Rufus Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, 1871 Will
Samuel A. Sandy & Minnie Rhodes of Northwest Missouri
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, to Stephen Holbrook Rhodes
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, b. 1861, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhoades, b. 1752, MA, d: 1832, of Kingsbury, NY. Rev War Pension
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1832, Knoxville, TN, of Jasper Co., M
Samuel Rhoads, 1711-1784, Congressman, Builder
Samuel Rhoads, Congressman, b. 1711 in Philadelphia, d: 1784, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhodes, congressman from 1774-75
Samuel Rhoads, 1822-1896, of Somerset County, PA, & his Descendants
Samuel D. Rhodes, b. 1841, NY, of Bay County, MI
Samuel Rhodes, & his Descendants, of, Forton, Staffordshire, ENG
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1812 PA, of Clark Co., PA
Samuel S. Rhodes, b. PA, of Indianapolis, IN
Samuel Thomas Rhodes b. 1861 MS, of Roanoke Co., VA
Sanford Rhodes b. 1884, & Lucy L. Smith, b. 1886, of Martinsburg/Altoona, PA
Sarah Ann Rhoads, & her Descendants
S. C. Rhoads, b. 1843, Marion Co., IN, of Warren Co., IA
Simeon Rhodes - Tyrrell Co., NC, 1865 Will
Sir. Girard De Rodes, & his Descendants
Stephen Holbrook Rhodes, b. 1825, in Franklin, MA
Stephen H. Rhodes, to Ulrich Rhodes
Stephen H. Rhodes, b. 1836, Hampshire Co., MA
Sylvester B. Rhodes, 1842-104, of Wilkes Barre, PA, awarded Medal of Honor
Susan M. Rhodes and Henry James Farmer, of Detroit, MI
Sylvester Rhodes, Rev. War Privateer, b. 1742, Warwick, RI
Tholemiah Rhodes, of Loudoun Co., VA, 1821 Will
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1860 Savanna, IL
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1856, in Greene County, PA, of Cincinnati, OH
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, b. 1837, in Berks county, PA
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1837 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Thomas J. Rhodes, b. 1867, of Miami Co., IN
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1826 in Lanoastershire, ENG, of Summit Co., OH
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1753, Leesburg, Loudoun County, VA, of Bonaparte, IA
Thomas Rhodes, Revolutionary War Pension application S17045
Thomas Rode/Rhodes, 1521-1587 b. Cheshire, d: Yorkshire, ENG,
Thomas Willett Rhodes, b. 1833 at Marcellus, NY
Thomas Willie Rhodes, b. 1846, KY, d: Trigg County, KY
Ulrich Rhodes, & his Descendants
W. A. Rhodes to William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
W. A. Rhodes b. 1851, NC, of Hope, AK
W. E. Rhodes, b. 1866, Bradford, England
Walter Hancock Rhodes, b. Mason Co., IL, of Lewistown, IL, & Omaha, NE
Welton C. Rhodes, b. 1894, of Madera County, CA
Willemus deRode, & his Descendants
William B. Rhodes, b 1850 WI, of Dodge City, KS
William Barnard Rhodes, b. 1807 Lincolnshire, Eng., d 1878, New Zealand
William Barnes Rhodes 1772-1826, of Leeds, ENG
William C. Rhodes b. 1846, of Allen County, Ohio
William E. Rhoads, b. 1835 Montgomery Co., PA
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
William H. Rhodes, b. 1801, KY,, d: 1891, AL, & his Descendants
William H. Rhodes, b. 1828 MD, of Sangamon Co., IL
William H. Rhodes, b. 1829 Nova Scotia, d: 1912, of Revere, MA, Bible of
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869 Atehison Co., KY
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
William Henry Rhodes, to William P. Rhodes
William Henry Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822 NC, of San Francisco
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, Bertie Co., NC, of San Francisco, CA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, in Bertie county, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1824, Orange Co., N
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1858, in Comfort, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1861, d 1933 Wayne Co. NC, Bible
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1890 Colquitt Co., GA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1848 in KY, of Trigg Co., KY
William J. Rhodes, b. 1832 Mobile AL, of Mobile AL
William James Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Lee Rhodes b. 1840, Frederick Co., Maryland, d 1902
William Oran Rhodes, b. 1883 d. 1954 in Baytown, TX. &s Ancestors
William P. Rhodes, b. 1833 Tippecanoe Co., IN
William P. Rhodes, b. 1853, Greene Co., MO, of Clay Co., NE
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC to William Rhodes, Captain, of, RI
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, 1765 Will
William Rhodes & Esther Craven, of Calverley, Yorkshire, ENG, & their Descendants
William & Sussannah Rhodes of Urbana, OH, & their Descendants
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, 1828 Probate record
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, Obituary
William Rhodes b. Dec 3, 1724, died NC or SC?, 1743 Will
William Rhodes of Newport RI (c.1672-c.1716)
William Rhodes Sr., Orange Co, VA, & his Descendants
William Rhodes, 1764-1813, NY, & Sophia Rhodes 1770-1813, NY, Family Bible
William Rhodes, b. 1818, of Greene Co., PA
William Rhodes, b. 1844, Wakefield, England
William Rhodes, b. 1850, of Leeds, England
William Rhodes, born 1765, Fairfax County, VA
William Rhodes, Captain, of Burrillville, RI
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel to Young J. Rhodes
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel of Quebec
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
Rev. William Rhodes, b. MA, of Lenawee Co., & Detroit MI
William V. & Eliza (Gowdy) Rhodes
William V. Rhodes, b. 1846, Bedford Co., PA, of Wrightsville, IL
William Venables Rhodes, b. 1849, Cleckheaton, England
William W. Rhodes b. 1804 Alexandria, VA, d Noble Co., OH
William Wade Rhodes, b. 1820, AL, d: 1864 LA,, & Descendants
William Wallace Rhodes, b 1861, MS, of Lincoln Co., WA
William Watson Rhoades, b. 1818, AL, d: Neshoba Co, MS, & Descendants
William Rhodus, b. 1791, SC, d: Pike Co., MS
Willis Rhodes, b. 1865, Thorncreek Twp., of Whitley Co., IN
Young J. Rhodes b. 1852, Crawford Co., PA, of Cambridgboro, PA
Zachariah Rhodes to Zechariah Rhodes,
Zachariah Rhodes, b. 1603, ENG, of RI, MA, & some Descendants
Zacharias Rhodes - Westbrook Bible
Zadock Rhodes b. 1811, CT, d 1870, Crawford Co., PA
Zadock Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, 1852 Will
Zebulon Rhodes b. 1760,of Hampshire Co., MA
Zechariah Rhodes, Sr., b. 1755, of Mason Co., (W)VA & Descendants
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy
Carl & Elaine (Grove) Rhodes' Genealogy Pages
BackRhodes Genealogy & History Blog
The Back Rhodes Message Board
Descendants of William Rhodes
Ancestors of Arnold James Rhodes
Ancestors of Sadie Winifred Hattery
Descendants of Hans Graf (Grove)
Ancestors of Howard Frank Grove
Ancestors of Donna Rose Baugher
Rhodes Deaths in West Virginia
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes Births of WV
Rhoades/Rhoads/Rhodes IN Marriage to 1850
Abigail - Hannah R. Rhoades/Rhodes
Henry Rhodes - Mary Rhoades/Rhodes
Mathias - Wm Rhoades/Rhodes
Queensland Australia Vital Records
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Rhoades,& Roads Births
Queensland Rhodes Births
Queensland Marriages 1829-1914
Queensland Deaths (1829-1914)
Rhodes/ect. that served in the Rev War
Revolutionary War
MA Soldiers & Sailors of the Rev War
Aaron to James Rhodes
Jere to Prephus Rhodes
Samuel to Zebulon Roads
Stoughton MA Minutemen
Rhodes' from Lynn, MA
Officers in the Continental Army
Rhodes/ect that served at Valley Forge
US Soldiers from 1784-1811
Rhodes/etc. in the War 1812
War of 1812 Land Warrantees
War of 1812 Pensioners
South Carolinia War of 1812
IL Black Hawk War Veterans (1832)
Civil Warr/War Between the States
FL Confederate Pensions
TX Confederate Pensions
TN Confederate Pensions
VA Military Institute Cadets
Britsh fatalities of WW I
Cemetery Records
Cemetery Records Page 1
Cemetery Records Page 2
A. A. Rhodes to Arthur Rhodes
A. A. Rhodes, b. 1862, Dane Co., WI, d 1898, Syracuse, NE
A. C. Rhodes, of Drew County, Arkansas
A. L. Rhodes, of California
A. S. Rhodes of Hampshire County, WV
Abraham Rhoades, b. 1854, Montgomery Co., of Darke Co., OH
Abraham Rhodes, b. 1810, Bedford Co., PA, of Rush County, IN
Abraham Rhodes b. 1838, York Co., of Lawrence Co., PA
Albert H. Rhodes, b. 1848, TN
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840 Pittsburg, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, in Pittshurgh, PA
Albert Rhodes, b. 1840, Montgomery Co., OH, of Rush County, IN
Alexander & Mahala (Evans) Rhodes, & their Descendants
Alexander Rhodes, Will of Jones Co., NC
Allin L. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Amos A. Rhodes, b. 1841, Shelby County, IL, of Christian County, IL
Amos Rhodes b. 1795, of Lynn MA
Andrew M. Rhodes Family Bible
Ann Elizabeth Rhodes & John M. Beaver
Ann Rhodes & John of Tompkins Co., NY, in 1894
Annie Rhodes Jones Bible
Anthony Rhodes, 1795-1864 of Hinton VA(WV) & his Descendants
Armina Rhoads, Genealogy Notes
Arthur Rhodes of Edgefield Co., South Carolina
Basil Rhodes to Charles Benjamin Rhodes,
Basil Rhodes family of Loudoun Co. VA & Nelson Co. KY
Basil Rhodes, Monongalia Co., WV, b. 1830, of Rush County, IN
B.B. Rhodes b. 1826, Blair County, of Indiana Co., PA
Beechum Rhodes, & his Descendants
Beechum Rhodes, b. 1762 in MD, d: KY
Benjamin & Sobrina Rhodes' of Graves Co., KY, Rev. War Bounty Land
Benjamin Franklin Rhodes, Sr, 1869-1947
Benjamin Rhodes of NC & Graves Co., KY, Rev. War pension
Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1799, of Onslow Co., NC, & his Descendants
Benjamin Rhodes, of GA, & his Descendants
Bert J. Rhodes, b. Shirland, IL, 1877, of Iowa
Bertrand Rhodes, b. 1837, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Bradford Rhodes, b. 1849, in Beaver county, PA
Bradford Rhodes, b. Beaver Co., PA, 1849, of New York
Carey W. Rhodes, b. 1869, Adams Co., OH, of Cook Co., IL
Cecil B. Rhodes b. 1858, in Auburn, IN,of Kansas City MO
Cecil B. Rhodes, :1858 Ft Wayne IN, of Barton Co., MS
Cecil John Rhodes
C. H. Rhodes, b. Marcellus Falls, Onondaga Co., NY, of Bay City, MI
Charles Alexander Rhodes, b. 1855, of New York, NY
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1874, Bibb County. GA, of Macon, GA
Charles Benjamin Rhodes, b. 1849, of Schuyler County, NY
Charles C. Rhoads to Daniel Rhoads
Charles C. Rhoads, b. 1824 KY
Charles E. Rhodes, from Genesee County, of Bay City, MI
Charles Frederick Rhodes of Tuscarawas Co., OH
Charles Henry Rhodes, b. 1924, of McCracken County, KY
Charles H. Rhodes, b. 1842, Henderson, IL, of Knox County IL
Charles L. Rhodes of Cuyahoga Co., OH
Charles L. Rhodes, b. 1834, of Warrick Co., IN
Charles Rodes, Amherst County, VA, 1805 Will
Charles S. Rhoads, b. 1854, Cincinnati, OH, of Indianapolis, IN
Charles T. Rhodes, b. Muscatine Co., IA, 1868, of Decatur Co., IA
Charles Walter Rhodes, b. 1853 Baltimore, MD
Charlotte Rhodes, (Will of) - Butler Co., AL., 1857
Christian Rhodes, of Kansas
Christopher Pinckney Rhodes, b. 1786-1861, of Greenville Co. SC
Christopher Rhodes b. 1776, Warwick, RI
Christopher Rhodes Sr, & his Descendants
Christopher Rhodes, Sr. & his children
Clayborne Rhodes of St Charles Co. MO, and Family
Cornelia Harsen Rhoades born Dec. 1, 1863, in New York City
Crawford J. Rhodes, b. 1829 Philadelphia, PA, of Bureau Co., IL
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1755 Bedford, PA, of the 1st PA Rifle Reg.
Daniel Rhoads to Dudley Ward Rhodes
Daniel Rhoads, b. 1839 Montgomery Co., OH
Daniel Harker Rhodes, b. 1839, Sussex County, NJ, of Wichita, KS
Daniel James Rhoads, b. 1834, Warrick Co., IN, of Muhlenburgh Co., KY
Daniel L.(Boone) and Mary Polly Keith Rhoads
Daniel Rhodes, 1781-1838 & Sally Ann Fenner b. 1785, Bible Record
Daniel Rhodes, b. 1898, in Maryland
David Rhodes, b. 1820 in Stark county, Ohio
David & Susanna (Butters) Rhodes
David B. Rhodes, & his Descendants
David B. Rhodes b. Rockingham Co., VA, in 1828, of Ray Co., MO
David E. Rhoads, b. 1842 Yazoo Co., MS
David E. Rhodes, b. 1869 Fulton Co., IN
David F. C. Roads, Pvt., of Co. G, 36 Alabama Infantry
David G Rhoades, & his Descendants
David Rhodes, b. 1849, of Richland Co., OH
David Rodes, of Albemarle Co., VA, will dated 1790
David W. Rhoads, b. 1857 DeKalb Co., MO
Dennis A. Rhodes, b. 1847, Franklin Co., PA, of Ray County, MO
Dorsey L. Rhodes, b. Pottawattamie Co., IA, 1880, of Idaho City, IA
Dudley Ward Rhodes, 1849, Marietta, OH, of Hamilton Co., OH
Durant Hatch Rhodes to Elisha Hunt Rhodes
Durant Hatch Rhodes Family Bible
Earl R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Early Rhodes' in the Town of Exeter, North Kingstown, RI
Ebenezer Rhodes (1762-1839), Yorkshire, England
Ebenezer Rhodes, b. 1780 Holland
Ebenezer Rhodes, and the Disciples of Christ in IL
Ebenezer Rhodes, Rev., b. 1780 Holland
Edward A. Rhodes of CA & NC CSA
Edward J. Rhodes, b. 1865 Pana, IL
Edwin D. Rhodes, Dr., b. 1832 GA
Edwin Herbert Rhodes, b. 1833 Congleton,of County Chester, ENG
Eleazer Rhodes, & his Descendants
Eliakam Rhodes, b. 1795, d 1863' his Bible record
Eliakim Rhodes, of Taylor Co., GA, & his Descendants
Elias Rhodes, b. 1828 Breckinridge Co., KY
Elijah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Averitt Rhodes b. 1791, Bertie Co., NC, of TX
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Ancestors & Biography
Elisha Hunt Rhodes, & his Descendants
Elisha Hunt Rhodes to George H. Rhodes
Elisha Hunt Rhodes , General
Elisha Jefferson (Jeff) Rhoades, b. 1810, TN, of MS
Elisha Rhodes of Bertie Co., NC, & his Descendants
Eliza Rhodes & James Ballou, of Orleans County, NY, in 1894
Elizabeth (Rhodes) Jack, b. 1822, of Tipton Co., IN
Emanuel William Rhoden, b. 1885 Colquitt Co., GA
Ephraim Rhodes of Saratoga Co. NY, & his Descendants
Eugene Manlove Rhodes, b. 1869, NE, d: 1934, Alamogordo, NM
Ezekiel Rhoades & Anna Greatsinger, & their Descendants
Frank De Rhodes of Columbiana Co., OH
Frank Valerius Rhodes, b. 1855, Frederick Co., MD
Fred H. Rhodes, of Humboldt, KS
Fred H. Rhodes, of Kansas
Frederick Rhodes
George A. Rhoades, b. Kansas, 1881, of OK
George Rhodes, b. 1835, Alabama, NY, of Wheatville, NY
George G. Rhodes, b. 1838, Richmond, VT, of Knox County IL
George H. Rhodes, b. 1848, Taunton, MA, of Bristol Co., MA
George Holbrook Rhodes,to Harry R. Rhodes,
George Holbrook Rhodes, b. Tuunton, MA, 1848, of Bristol, MA
George L. Rhodes b. 1844, in Madison Co., NY, of Chicago, IL
George N. Rhodes, b. 1843, Colchester, VT
George Pearson Rhodes b. 1871, of Pittsburgh, PA
George R. Rhodes, b. 1833, in Frederick Co., MD, of Ogle Co., IL
George Rhodes, b. 1816, Lincolnshire, ENG, of New Zealand
George Rhodes, b. 1821, Ithaca, NY, of Tompkins Co., NY
George Rhodes, Lieut. Gen., b. 1923, Corrine, WV
George W. Rhodes, b. 1843, of Jefferson Co., PA
ItemGeorge W. Rhodes, of Saratoga County, NY, b. 1804
Gerard Rodes, & his Descendants
Gertrude Rhodes, & Charles A. Steinbarge of St. Lawrence Co., NY, 1932
Halsey A. Rhodes, b. 1836, Chemung NY, of Steuben Co., NY
Harold Winston Rhodes, b. 1905, Australia, of New Zealand
Harrison Garfield Rhodes, b. 1871, in Cleveland, Ohio
Harry Hartley Rhodes, b. 1869, of Chicago, IL
Harry R. Rhodes, of Kansas
Henry S. Rhodes, to Henry Rhoads
Henry S. Rhodes, b. 1839, Rush County, IN
Harry W. Rhodes, b. 1865, Chester Co., of Delaware Co., PA
Heinrich Roth Rhoads, & his Descendants
Helen M. Rhodes, and Fred G. Smith, of Knox County, IL, in 1912
Henry (Heinrich) Roth Sr. of Ursina PA, & his Descendants
Henry (Heinrich) Roth, (Rhoads/Rhodes) Sr., b. 1712 Germany d: 1774, Somerset Co., PA
Henry C. Rhodes, b. 1853 Savanna, IL
Henry Colclazier Rhodes, b. 1858 Wabash Co., IN
Henry F. Rhodes, b. 1835 Bollinger Co., MO
Henry H. Rhodes b. 1846 in Erie, PA, of Painesville, OH
Henry Heckford Rhoades b. 1844, in New York City
Henry Little Rhodes, b. 1829, Orange Co., NY, of Centralia, IL
Henry P. Rhodes, b. 1842, of Richland Co., OH
Henry P. Rhodes, b. Lancaster Co., PA, of Richland Co., OH
Henry Rhoads of Somerset County, PA, Bible Record
Henry Rhoads, b. Germany, 1739, of Muhlenberg Co., KY
Henry Rhoads, to Hiram H. Rhodes,
Henry Rhoads, b, 1824 Muskingum Co., OH
Henry Rhodes 1608-1675, b. Lancashire, ENG, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes 1715-1780, of Onslow County, NC
Henry Rhodes 1760-1815 of Buncombe Co., NC, & his Descendants
Henry Rhodes b. 1793 TN, d: CA
Henry Rhodes of Dobbs County, NC, Will dated 1773
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Will dated 1751
Henry Rhodes,1715-1780 of Onslow Co., NC
Henry Rhodes of Onslow Co., NC, Bible Record
Henry Rhodes, b. Lancashire, ENG, d: 1675, Lynn, MA
Hezekiah Rhodes Revolutionary War Pension
Hezekiah Rhodes, & his Descendants
Hezekiah (Ezechias) Rhodes, via. Craig Rhodes
Hiram H. Rhodes, b. Madison Co., MO, 1882
Hiram K. Rhoads to J. J. Rhodes
Hiram K. Rhoads, of Kansas
Hiram Rhodes b. 1804,Orange Co., NY, d: 1856, Kent Co., MI
Hiram Roads, b. 1838, Montgomery Co., OH, of Darke Co., OH
Holden Rhodes, b. 1797, Middlebury, Vt., d Richmond, Va., 1857
Hugh Rhodes b. 1550, Devonshire, Engand
Ira J. Rhodes, b. 1871, Rockingham Co., of Welch, WV
Ira O. Rhoades, b. 1863, Rockiand, ME, of Sait Lake City, Utah
Irwin Rhodes, b. 1859 Lawrence Co., PA
saac Rhodes b. 1822 in Kent, England, of Iowa
Isaac Rhodes, of Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1875
Ivison T. Rodes, b. 1838, of Fayetteville, TN
J. B. Rhodes, b. 1863, Sarahsville, OH, of Zanesville, OH
J. D. Rhodes, b 1832, of Jones County, Iowa
J. J. Rhodes, of Kansas
J. Newton Rhoads,to James Clinton Rhodes
J. Newton Rhoads, b. 1856, Cumberland Co., PA
J. Wesley Rhodes, b. 1829 PA, of Lawrence Co., PA
Jacob B. Rhoads, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., PA
Jacob M. Rhoads, b. 1835 Macoupin Co., IL
Jacob M. Rhodes, b. 1843 Louderville OH, d: 1933, Family Bible Record
Jacob Rhodes b. 1835 Licking Co., of Knox Co., OH
Jacob Rhodes, b. 1836, in Highland, OH, of Decatur Co., IA
Jacob Rhodes, Robeson Co., NC, Will dated 1822
Jacob S. Rhodes, b. Frederick county, VA 1822, d: 1881 Wheeling, OH
Jacob W. Rhoads, b. 1857 OH, of Compton, IL
James "JR", b. 1845 & Nancy Stevens/Rhodes b. 1850, of Barnwell, SC
James A. Rhodes, b. 1827, IN, of Butler Co., KS
James Clinton Rhodes, Rhodes Ancestry
James E. Rhoades to James Rhodes, Genera
James E. Rhoades, & his Descendants
James E. Rhoads, b. 1828, in Marple, PA, d: 1895, in Bryn Mawr, PA
James Ford Rhodes, b. 1849 Cleveland, OH
James Ford Rhodes, b. in Cleveland, OH
James G. Rhodes b. 1808, CT, of Cambridgboro, PA
James Harrison Rhodes, b. 1836, Summit Co., of Cleveland, OH
James J. Rhodes, b. 1833 Preble Co., OH
James M. Rhodes Jr., Brigadier General, b. 1937, Santa Monica, CA
James Manly Rhodes b. 1850, Johnston County, NC, d: 1941, Littleton, NC
James P. Rhodes, b. 1853 Carroll Co., TN
James Rhodes, 1761-1803, of Edgefield Co., NC
James Rhodes, General, of Wayne County, NC Bible Record
James W. Rhodes to John E. Rhodes
James W. Rhodes, b. 1847 Fayette Co., of Huntington Co., IN
Jarrett Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jazeb R. Rhodes, Captain in the C.S.A., The Execution of
Jeremiah R. Rhodes, b. 1840, of Muskingham Co., OH
Jesse Rhoads, b. 1700, Family, of NC, & IN
John Rhoades, b. 1820, Montgomery Co., of Miami County, OH
John & Sir Godfrey Rhodes of RI, & Yorkshire, ENG
John B. Rhodes b. I860 Savanna IL
John C. & Lydia Peters Rhodes, of VA, and their Descendants
John C. Rhodes, b. 1861, Chester Heights, Delaware County, PA
John E. Rhodes, Lieutenant General USMC
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., to Melancthon Rhodes
John Edwin Rhodes, Dr., b. 1851 OH, of Chicago, IL
John Foster Rhodes, b. 1850, Brownsville, PA, of Chicago, IL
John H. S. Rhodes, b. 1796 MD, of McLean County, IL
John J. K. Rhodes, 1903-1985, of Blackpool, Enlgland
John K. Rhodes, b. 1827, of Allegheny, Co., PA
John Knox Rhodes b. 1901, Silverdale, Craven Co., NC Bible
John L. Rhodes, b. 1873 Argos, IN
John M. & Martha (Kuhn) Rhodes, of Kansas
John Martin Franck Rhodes, Bible Record
Melancthon Rhodes b. 1849, of Gaston Co., NC
John Miltom Rhodes to John Rhodes of Jones County, IA
John Miltom Rhodes, b. 1817, Middlebury, OH, of Yolo Co., CA
John N. Rhodes b. 1809, painter, of Leeds ENG
John Nicholas Rhodes,Yorkshire ENG Artist 1809-1842
John R. Rhodes, b. Bluir Co., Pa., 1859, of Monona Co., IA
John Rhoads of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, Will dated 1826
John Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, Will dated 1765
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhoads, of Philadelphia, PA & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b 1813, of Akron, Ohio, and Jones County, Iowa
John Rhode, of Boone County IL to John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN,
John Rhode, b. 1857, German, of Boone County IL
John Rhodes b. 1712, Switzerland, d: 1764, Page Co., VA
John Rhodes b. 1766 of Albemarle Co., VA, & his Descendants
John Rhodes b. 1843 Fayette, Co. PA, of Effingham Co., IL
John Rhodes b. 1857 of Kosciusko Co., IN
John Rhodes b. bef. 1620, ENG, & his Descendants
John Rhodes of Wayne Co., NC, Will dated 1808
John Rhodes, b. 1837, MN, of Dakota County, MN
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA to John Roades of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 1
John Rhodes, Albemarle Co. VA, & his Descendants, page 2
John Rhodes, b. 1857, of Kosciusko Co., IN, 1902
John Rhodes, of Butler Co, AL & Nancy McGinty, & their Descendants
John Rhodes, b: 1783,Northampton Co., of Milton, PA
John Rhodes, Revolutionary War Lt. of Prince Williams Co., VA
John Roades / Rhodes of Fayette Co., PA
John Rhodes of Greene Co., IL to John Thornton Rhodes,
John Rhodes b. 1824, Yorkshire, ENG, of Greene Co., IL
John Roth (Roads/Rhodes), & his Descendants
John S. Rhodes, b. Yorkshire, England, 1848, of Topeka, KS
John Stafford Rhodes, Capt. b. 1826 VT, of Mercer Co., OH
John Sivley Rhodes, of MS
John Thornton Rhodes, b. 1816 Madison Co., of Amherst Co. VA
John W. Rhodes b. 1759 to John W. Rhodes of Bay County, MI
John W. Rhodes 1759-1837, Genealogy Records
John W. Rhodes, & his Descendants
John W. Rhodes, b. 1841, Dearborn County, IN, of Havana, IL
John W. Rhodes, b. 1857, Santa Clara County, CA
John W. Rhodes, b. Wayne County, N. Y., of Bsy County, MI
Jonathan Rhodes to Joseph F. Rhodes, of Los Angeles, CA
Jonathan Rhodes, & his Descendants
Jonathan S. Rhodes b. 1821, RI, of Crawford Co., PA
Jonn K. Rhodes, b. 1827, in Allegheny Co., PA
Joseph F. Rhodes, Chicago, IL, 1881, of Los Angeles, CA
Joseph R Rhoades to Joseph Rhodes,of Foxborough, MA
Joseph R Rhoades b. 1796, NJ, & his Descendants
Joseph Rhodes of Carteret Co., NC, Will dated 1789
Joseph Rhodes, b. abt. 1750, of Foxborough, MA
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, OH to Joseph S Rhodes, Herrin, IL
Joseph Rhodes, of Terre Haute, Champaign Co., OH
Joseph S Rhodes 1866-1854, of Herrin, IL
Joshua Rhodes b. London, England 1824, of Pittsburgh PA
Joseph Rhodes, of Northville, PA to Mary (Carrier) Rhodes
Joseph Rhodes b. 1828, New Jersey, of Northville, PA
Joseph Rhodes, b. 1824 Yorkshire, ENG, of Pike County, IL
Joshua Rhodes, b. 1823, in London, England, of Pittsburgh, PA
Joshua and Susannah Jane Rhoades of Vinton Co., OH
Julius Dextor Rhodes Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient
Leander Rhoades, b. 1837, of Warrick Co., IN
Leander L. Rhodes, b. 1833, Hampshire Co., MA
Ledru K. Rhodes, b. OH, of Denver, CO
Ledru R. Rhodes, b. Licking Co., OH, 1849, of Larimer Co., CO
Leidigh H. Rhodes, b. 1843, Medina Co., of Portage Co., OH
Leslie G. Rhodes, b. 1852, East Almond, NY, of South Haven, MI
Lester Francis Rhodes' Military Record
Levi Rhodes b. 1825 PA, of Delaware Co., OH
Levin Rhodes, & his Descendants
Lewis G. Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, Will dated 1880
Lewis Rhodes, 1799-1859, Marlboro, Ulster, NY
Lottie M. Rhodes, & Irving F. Whitaker, of Broome Co., NY
Louise A. Rhodes,, and Tobias D. Kilkenny, of Solano Co., CA
Lydia Rhodes & L. E. Heisel, of Cambria Co., PA
Manoah Rhodes, b. 1810, of County York, ENG
Marion Edward Rhodes, b. 1868, in Glen Allen, MO
Martine Rhodes b. 1608, Shropshire, ENG, & his Descendants
Mary (Carrier) Rhodes, b. VA, of Licking Co., OH
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott,to O. A. Rhodes
Mary G. Rhodes & Walter Wolcott, of Poweshiek County, IA
Mary Ida Rhodes, b. 1862, in Webster Co., IA, of Ft. Dodge, IA
Mary Louise Rhodes (1916-1987), of Midland, TX
Mary M. Rhodes & Wm S. Anderson, & their Descendants
Mary Rhodes & Willis W. Whyland of Rensselaer Co., NY
Matthew Rhodes of County Chester, England, Will dated 1896
Michael Rhodes 1749-1820, of Shenandoah Co., Virginia
McHenry Rhoads, b. 1858 Muhlenburg Co., KY
Miles Rhodes, b. 1818, Dryden, NY, d: 1891 Tompkins Co., NY
Miron M. Rhodes, b. 1842, Richmond, VT, of Knox Co., IL
Moses Rhodes, & his Descendants
Moses Rhodes, Loudoun Co., VA, 1769 Wil
Mosheim Rhodes, b. 1837, in Williamshurg, PA
N. C. Rhodes, b. 1806, Cazenovia, NY, of Trumbull Co., OH
Nathaniel P. Rhodes, b. Sand Lake, NY, 1800, d: 1890
Nathaniel Rhodes, b. 1685, & Mary Blythe b. 1685, of Shropshire, ENG
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. 1836, NY, d: 1905, Decatur Co., IA, Obituary
Nelson Carrier Rhoades, b. New York, 1836, d Decatur Co., Iowa
Nelson Osgood Rhoades, b. 1869, Franklin, WI, of Los Angeles, CA
Nicholas Rhoades, his Descendants
Nicholas Rhodes, b. 1823, Knox Co., TN, of Missouri
Noah Rhoades, b. 1851, of Miami Co., OH
O. A. Rhodes, b. 1861, West Sunbury, PA, of Columbiana Co., OH
O. H. Rhodes, M. D.,to Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
O. H. Rhodes, M. D., b. Madison Co., of Baldwin, IL
Oliver L. Rhodes, b. 1850 Bridgewater, VA, d 1915, MD
Omar R. Rhodes, b. 1854, Dryden, of Tompkins Co., NY
Omer O. Rhodes b. Neoga, IL, 1882, of Terre Haute, IN
Orange Hampton Rhodes, b. 1862, Wabash Co., IN, of Vienna, IL
Orlo b. Rhodes, Scriba, b. 1849, Oswego Co., NY
Peter M. Rhodes, born at Wheeling, OH in 1847
Peter S. Rhodes, b. 1864 of Lawrence Co., PA
Rabie Rhodes b. 1901 AR, of Harrison, AR
Reddick/Rhodes Cemetery, Rush Co., IN
Raleigh E. Rhodes, b. 1868, San Francisco, of Madera Co., CA
Reuben b. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1831 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Rev. John Q. Rhodes, b. 1846, of Albemarle Co., VA
Rhoades/ect. Obituaries in the Alexandria (VA) Gazette 1916-1946
Rhoades/Rhodes family of Chesterfield, MA
Rhodes & Rhoden's Birth records of Williamsburg, VA, 1662-1797
Rhodes Ancestry of Doris Faye Bauguess Duncan
Rhodes' buried in the Oakdale Cem., Osceola County, MI
Rhodes Descendants of Abraham Beery, b 1718, Switzerland, of PA
Rhodes Descendants of Christian Wenger
Rhodes'in Family Tree Book of W T Smith
Rhodes burial records from MI to Richard Rhodes, b.1690, of MD
Rhodes family burial records from MI
Rhodes family of Fayette County PA
Rhodes Family of Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire, ENG
Rhodes Family of New Zealand
Rhodes Family of Stonington, Connecticut
Rhodes Family of Taunton and New Bedford, MA
Rhodes Family of Tompkins County, NY
Rhodes family of Upper Ohio Valley
Rhodes Genealogy of RI and Beaver County, PA
Rhodes' in Hampsthwaite Parish, Co. York, ENG
Rhodes' of Woodlawn Cemetary in Bloomington IL
Early Rhodes/ect., Marriages of Montgomery Co., OH
Rhodes, Rhoads, Rodes, by Sue Moore
Rhodes/Roads Marriage Records of Duplin County NC
Richard I, Vicomte de Rodes, & his Descendants
Richard Lee Rhodes, b. July 4. 1937, Kansas City. KS
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), engraver, of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes (1766-1838), of Camden Town, ENG
Richard Rhodes, 1760-1823, of Warwick, Kent Co., RI, Rev. War Pension
Richard Rhodes, b. Abt. 1690, of MD
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG to Rufus Napoleon Rhodes
Richard Rhodes, d: 1668, of London, ENG
Richards R. Rhodes b. 1853, Robeson Co., NC, of Grant Co., AK
Richard S. Rhodes 1842 b. RI
Richard Silas Rhodes, b. Providence, RI, of Chicago, IL
Biography of Robert Bussell Rhodes, b. 1845, Cleveland, OH
Robert E. Rhodes, Rev., b. 1850, of Webster Co., MS
Robert Emmett Rodes, General of CSA
Robert Heaton Rhodes of New Zealand
Robert J. Rhodes b. Fayette Co., 1844, d Whiteville, TN, his Obituary
Robert R. Rhodes, b. 1845 Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Rhodes, b. 1840 Warwick, RI
Rodes family of Virginia
Ross Homer Rhoads, of Kansas
Roth-Rhoads Mystery
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes of Birmingham, AL
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, in Pascagoula. MS
Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, b. 1856, of Jefferson County, AL
Rufus Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster co., NY, 1871 Will
Samuel A. Sandy & Minnie Rhodes of Northwest Missouri
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, to Stephen Holbrook Rhodes
Samuel Nicholson Rhoads, b. 1861, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhoades, b. 1752, MA, d: 1832, of Kingsbury, NY. Rev War Pension
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1832, Knoxville, TN, of Jasper Co., M
Samuel Rhoads, 1711-1784, Congressman, Builder
Samuel Rhoads, Congressman, b. 1711 in Philadelphia, d: 1784, Philadelphia PA
Samuel Rhodes, congressman from 1774-75
Samuel Rhoads, 1822-1896, of Somerset County, PA, & his Descendants
Samuel D. Rhodes, b. 1841, NY, of Bay County, MI
Samuel Rhodes, & his Descendants, of, Forton, Staffordshire, ENG
Samuel Rhodes, b. 1812 PA, of Clark Co., PA
Samuel S. Rhodes, b. PA, of Indianapolis, IN
Samuel Thomas Rhodes b. 1861 MS, of Roanoke Co., VA
Sanford Rhodes b. 1884, & Lucy L. Smith, b. 1886, of Martinsburg/Altoona, PA
Sarah Ann Rhoads, & her Descendants
S. C. Rhoads, b. 1843, Marion Co., IN, of Warren Co., IA
Simeon Rhodes - Tyrrell Co., NC, 1865 Will
Sir. Girard De Rodes, & his Descendants
Stephen Holbrook Rhodes, b. 1825, in Franklin, MA
Stephen H. Rhodes, to Ulrich Rhodes
Stephen H. Rhodes, b. 1836, Hampshire Co., MA
Sylvester B. Rhodes, 1842-104, of Wilkes Barre, PA, awarded Medal of Honor
Susan M. Rhodes and Henry James Farmer, of Detroit, MI
Sylvester Rhodes, Rev. War Privateer, b. 1742, Warwick, RI
Tholemiah Rhodes, of Loudoun Co., VA, 1821 Will
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1860 Savanna, IL
Thomas B. Rhodes, b. 1856, in Greene County, PA, of Cincinnati, OH
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, b. 1837, in Berks county, PA
Thomas J. B. Rhoads, Dr., b. 1837 PA, of Berks Co., PA
Thomas J. Rhodes, b. 1867, of Miami Co., IN
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1826 in Lanoastershire, ENG, of Summit Co., OH
Thomas Rhodes, b. 1753, Leesburg, Loudoun County, VA, of Bonaparte, IA
Thomas Rhodes, Revolutionary War Pension application S17045
Thomas Rode/Rhodes, 1521-1587 b. Cheshire, d: Yorkshire, ENG,
Thomas Willett Rhodes, b. 1833 at Marcellus, NY
Thomas Willie Rhodes, b. 1846, KY, d: Trigg County, KY
Ulrich Rhodes, & his Descendants
W. A. Rhodes to William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
W. A. Rhodes b. 1851, NC, of Hope, AK
W. E. Rhodes, b. 1866, Bradford, England
Walter Hancock Rhodes, b. Mason Co., IL, of Lewistown, IL, & Omaha, NE
Welton C. Rhodes, b. 1894, of Madera County, CA
Willemus deRode, & his Descendants
William B. Rhodes, b 1850 WI, of Dodge City, KS
William Barnard Rhodes, b. 1807 Lincolnshire, Eng., d 1878, New Zealand
William Barnes Rhodes 1772-1826, of Leeds, ENG
William C. Rhodes b. 1846, of Allen County, Ohio
William E. Rhoads, b. 1835 Montgomery Co., PA
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
William H. Rhodes, b. 1801, KY,, d: 1891, AL, & his Descendants
William H. Rhodes, b. 1828 MD, of Sangamon Co., IL
William H. Rhodes, b. 1829 Nova Scotia, d: 1912, of Revere, MA, Bible of
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869 Atehison Co., KY
William H. Rhodes, b. 1869, of Riley County, KS
William Henry Rhodes, to William P. Rhodes
William Henry Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822 NC, of San Francisco
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, Bertie Co., NC, of San Francisco, CA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1822, in Bertie county, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1824, Orange Co., N
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1858, in Comfort, NC
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1861, d 1933 Wayne Co. NC, Bible
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1890 Colquitt Co., GA
William Henry Rhodes, b. 1848 in KY, of Trigg Co., KY
William J. Rhodes, b. 1832 Mobile AL, of Mobile AL
William James Rhodes, & his Descendants
William Lee Rhodes b. 1840, Frederick Co., Maryland, d 1902
William Oran Rhodes, b. 1883 d. 1954 in Baytown, TX. &s Ancestors
William P. Rhodes, b. 1833 Tippecanoe Co., IN
William P. Rhodes, b. 1853, Greene Co., MO, of Clay Co., NE
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC to William Rhodes, Captain, of, RI
William Rhoads of Tyrrell Co., NC, 1765 Will
William Rhodes & Esther Craven, of Calverley, Yorkshire, ENG, & their Descendants
William & Sussannah Rhodes of Urbana, OH, & their Descendants
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, 1828 Probate record
William Rhodes 1745, b. VA, d: 1825, Champaign Co., OH, Obituary
William Rhodes b. Dec 3, 1724, died NC or SC?, 1743 Will
William Rhodes of Newport RI (c.1672-c.1716)
William Rhodes Sr., Orange Co, VA, & his Descendants
William Rhodes, 1764-1813, NY, & Sophia Rhodes 1770-1813, NY, Family Bible
William Rhodes, b. 1818, of Greene Co., PA
William Rhodes, b. 1844, Wakefield, England
William Rhodes, b. 1850, of Leeds, England
William Rhodes, born 1765, Fairfax County, VA
William Rhodes, Captain, of Burrillville, RI
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel to Young J. Rhodes
William Rhodes, Lieutenant-Colonel of Quebec
William F Rhodes, b. 1845, Rush County, IN
Rev. William Rhodes, b. MA, of Lenawee Co., & Detroit MI
William V. & Eliza (Gowdy) Rhodes
William V. Rhodes, b. 1846, Bedford Co., PA, of Wrightsville, IL
William Venables Rhodes, b. 1849, Cleckheaton, England
William W. Rhodes b. 1804 Alexandria, VA, d Noble Co., OH
William Wade Rhodes, b. 1820, AL, d: 1864 LA,, & Descendants
William Wallace Rhodes, b 1861, MS, of Lincoln Co., WA
William Watson Rhoades, b. 1818, AL, d: Neshoba Co, MS, & Descendants
William Rhodus, b. 1791, SC, d: Pike Co., MS
Willis Rhodes, b. 1865, Thorncreek Twp., of Whitley Co., IN
Young J. Rhodes b. 1852, Crawford Co., PA, of Cambridgboro, PA
Zachariah Rhodes to Zechariah Rhodes,
Zachariah Rhodes, b. 1603, ENG, of RI, MA, & some Descendants
Zacharias Rhodes - Westbrook Bible
Zadock Rhodes b. 1811, CT, d 1870, Crawford Co., PA
Zadock Rhodes of Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, 1852 Will
Zebulon Rhodes b. 1760,of Hampshire Co., MA
Zechariah Rhodes, Sr., b. 1755, of Mason Co., (W)VA & Descendants
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