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- !(St. Joseph News-Press, St. Joseph, MO; Thursday, 6 May 1 9 20; p. 1) "Wound Inflicted By Wife May Be Fatal - Mrs. E tta Gore Fires Bulle t Into Abdomen Of Her Husband. - Quarr eled in Restaurant - After Shooting Cec il C. Gore, His Wif e Calls Up the Police and Says She is Awaiting Arrest-Gor e Ta ken to Hospital. - Cecil C. Gore, who conducts a resta urant and confectionar y at xxx is believed to have been fa tally shot by his wife, Etta, this afternoon . - The shooti ng took place in a small room adjoining the restaurant dini n g room and the bullet entered Gore's abdomen. Dr. W. W . Gray said it may be fata l and sent the patient to Enswor th Hospital. The woman, who confessed t o the shooting, wa s locked up at Central Police Station. - xxx - Gore is twen ty -seven years old and his wife is several years his senio r. xxx. - Charles Thoma s, a youth employed in the restaur ant, says the couple had been quarreling. H e was in the d ining room and heard one shot fired. Then Mrs. Gore emerge d fro m the adjoining room holding a revolver and proceede d to a clothing store next d oor. She called up the police , told them she had shot her husband, and said sh e was wai ting for them. - When (the police) reached the restaurant t hey foun d Gore writhing on a bed, but conscious. Mrs. Gor e was in the clothing store an d she was taken into custody . Gore was removed to the hospital in xxx's ambulan ce. " A follow-up article in the next days News-Press (copy to o poor to rea d accurately) says wife is not talking. Gor e says they were not arguing, sh e just appeared with a gu n and shot him. Cecil Gore died on the 13th. The follow i ng article appeared in the News-Press, p. 1 on the 14th. " Charged With Murder . - Wife of Cecil Gore, Who Died in Hos pital Last Night, Waives Hearing and G ives Bond. - Mrs. Et ta Gore, who shot her husband May 6th in their restauran t , xxx, was arraigned in Justice Wilson's court this morni ng, charged with firs t degree murder, following the deat h of the husband, Cecil Gore, at Enswort h Hospital last ni ght. xxx. - Cecil Gore was twenty-five years old. Besid e s his widow he is survived by his father, Thomas I. Gore , xxx N. 12th St.; tw o brothers, Clarence and Carl Gore, a nd two sisters, Minnie Ruby and Leta Gore , all of St. Jose ph. xxx. Burial will be in Sugar Creek Cemetery, near Rush vill e. xxx. Rushville is the former home of both Gore an d his wife. Mrs. Gore wa s a grass widow when she marrie d Gore, and her first husband is said to be highl y respect ed in the Rushville neighborhood."