Sarah is mention in father's will below:
!William Willis will was probated in Edgecomb Co NC IN 1776. Dated 05 Jan 1776,
son: Thomas,150A of land whereon I live; daus: Marth, 2 negroes; Ann Arrington
(James ARRINGTON'S WIFE), 2 negroes; Rhoda BECKWITH 9?), 1 negro; Sarah DANIEL,
5 S sterling. Remainder of esteate tp be divided between my son (Thomas) and 3
daus: MARTHA, ANN AND RHODA. Exr & sons-in-law: Thomas James Arrington, Amos
BECKWITH, Wit: Richard VICK, Benjamin VICK, Benjamin EVANS.
Abstracts of Wills Edgecomb Co NC, 1733-1856, page 366.