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- !(The Kansas City Journal, Thursday, March 23, 1893) "Wro n ged Wife's Revenge - She Slays the Woman Who Brought Rui n to Her Home - Mol lie Gore, a Notorious Woman, Shot an d Instantly Killed by Mrs. Annie O' Hearn-The Story of th e Tragedy -- Mollie Gore, a notorious woman, was shot a n d almost instantly killed, last night, by Mrs. Annie O'Hear n, whose husband wa s in the house of the murdered woman a t the time of the tragedy. - While Poli ce Lt. Campbell wa s standing on the corner of 13th St. and Grand Ave., last e ve ning at 9:40 o'clock, he heard the sharp report of a rev olver ring out , and immediately started in the direction o f the sound. - When he reached th e alleyway between Gran d and McGee street he heard a second report and redoubl e d his efforts to reach the scene of the shooting. Just a s he arrived at th e corner of 13th and McGee he heard anot her shot and this time it was within a f ew hundred feet o f him to the north. - As he neared the place, hack No. 24 w he eled around and dashed away. He called to the driver t o halt, but it was n ot heeded. The hack turned east on 12 th street. - The Lt. saw a neighbor lookin g out of the doo r of her house and asked her where the shooting was committ ed, a nd received the reply that it was at No. 1229 McGee . - He ran into the hous e and saw Mrs. Gore lying on a sof a in the dining room, unconscious. Over he r was bendin g a man whom the Lt. recognized as Mike O'Hearn. The latte r was sa ying, 'My God, speak Mollie.' Looking up to the L t. he said, 'I know who shot h er, it was my wife.' - xx x - xxx - Leaving the body in charge of Patrolmen Longa n a nd Hayden, Lt. Campbell with Police Detective Andy O'Hare , went to 1622 Mc Gee Street, where Mrs. O'Hearn lives wit h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S herlock. - Soon afte r they arrived at the house Mrs. O'Hearn appeared and w a s placed under arrest and taken to police station No. 4, wh ere she was pla ced under guard. When asked by the Lt. wh o had done the shooting, Mrs. O'Hea rn said, 'I did, an d I am glad of it.' She afterwards said she was sorry . - T o a Journal reporter she said: 'It is all on accoun t of my husband. I have kno wn for some little time that h e has been in the habit of visiting Mrs. Gore, h aving lef t him once on account of it. This was last July. - 'He cam e to me aft erwards and, promising to reform, I took him ba ck. A few days ago I hea rd he was still visiting there, a nd last evening about 9:15 some one calle d at my door an d asked for me. I went, and a woman whom I did not know to l d me that my husband was at Mrs. Gore's house. - 'I wen t to my father's livery s table, at No. 1710 Grand avenue , and telephoned for a hack. When it came I to ld the driv er to take me to a pawn shop. which he did. I went in an d told t he proprietor that I would give him $4 for a loade d revolver, and he gave me one . - 'I then drove to 1229 Mc Gee St., and going to the door rang the bell. A wom an cam e to the door and I told her I wanted to see Mike. At thi s she shut th e door, and it excited me so that I raised th e revolver, which I had carried in m y hand all the way, an d fired three shots. I then went home and gave mysel f u p to the police.' - xxx - While the coroner was examini ng the body, Lida Ford , a colored woman who worked for Mrs . Gore, came in and said that she left the ho use a littl e before 8 o'clock, and when she left Mrs. Gore and O'Hear n were eat ing supper. She said they were chatting pleasan tly. - She then asked the co roner if he had found her mone y, adding that the deceased had $550 in bill s and a gold w atch and a diamond brooch, none of which was found upon th e body . Officials were detailed on the case, and Martin We lsh and Mike O'Hearn wer e arrested on suspicion of havin g stolen the money and jewelry. They wer e locked up at st ation No. 4. - Mrs. Gore is the daughter of Jesse Pott s , a well-to-do farmer, living near Blue Springs. She ha s four children, two of wh om are married. The family wa s telegraphed of the affair. - Mrs. O'Hearn was ma rried ab out 16 months ago to Mike O'Hearn, and shortly after she at tempte d suicide. Last July she had a quarrel with O'Hear n over the Gore woman, and the y separated for a while, bu t afterwards lived together. The article goes o n with a r eport of the Hackman's story.