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- Henry Rogers, who apparently died before 1773. I know he had at least oneson, John, who inherited land from his father and sold it in 1773. Johnmade a will inFauquier Co. in 1794. (this John was grandson to Henry)
24 Jul 1773 - JohnRogers of Fauquier Co. to Thomas Blanton ofSpotsylvania Co. 100 acres in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co.inherited by said John Rogers from his father Henry Rogers, deceased.
John who died 1794 had sons John, Henry (married Sarah "Sally" Jett), andStephen. Also daughters Mary and Margaret (married Colbert Mason). Hementions a grandson John, son of Henry, in his will.
Ancestry of JohnROGERS (d. 1794/5) of Culpeper & Fauquier Cos., VA. Hiswill indicates that hehad the following children:
John ROGERS, Jr., Henry ROGERS who married Sarah"Sally" JETT in 1789,Mary ROGERS, Margaret ROGERS who married Colbert MASON in1786, and myancestor Stephen ROGERS (1759-1846) who was a Veteran of theRevolutionary War and who eventually settled in Switzerland Co., IN.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Rogers of ye County of Fauq'r & in yeState of Virginia in perfect sense and sound memory, duly weighing yeuncertainty of human affairs, do make and ordain this my Last will &Testament in manner and form following
Imprimis I give my Immortal part to ye blessed devine Aughthor and mybody in ye earth to be enterd in such desent sort as my hereafter Excr'sshall think propper.
Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Henry Rogers my Lot & Lease ofLand that I now live on in during his life & to his wife Sarah Rogers induring hir Widowhood, provided she the sd. Sarah Rogers should out livehir husband & after their death I give ye above said Lease to my grandson John Rogers ye son ofHenry Rogers for ye term of the tenor of yeLease of Land aforesaid, & I also give unto my son Henry Rogers twopewter dishes & eight pewter plates & one pair of iron wedges.
Item I give and bequeath to my grand son John Rogers ye son of HenryRogers one small Cow & calf & one Green Rugg
Item all yes rest of myEstate both within and without doors I give andbequeath to my four Children towit, Stephen Rogers & John Rogers andMary Rogers & Margrett Mason after my Lawfull debts is paid of & myburring Expenses is paid of also
Lastly I do ordainand appoint my loving son Henry Rogers my whole & soleExcr. of this my last will & testament hereby revoking all other wills byme before made whereby I do hereby set my hand and seal this Eight day ofAugust One thousand seven Hundred &Ninety four.
his mark
John X Rogers (SEAL)
Sig'n Sealed & delivered mark
inpresents of us
Dan'l Greenwood
James Dennis
Matthew Neale
At a Court held for Fauquier County the 22'd day of December 1794. Thiswill was proved by theoath of Matthew Neale a witness thereto andordered to be Certified; And at a Court held for the said County the 23'dday of February 1795 the same was furtherproved by the oaths of JamesDennis and Daniel Greenwood Witnesses thereto andordered to be recorded.And on the motion of Henry Rogers the Executor therein named who madeoath and together with Augustine Jennings his Security entered into andacknowledged bond in the penalty of One thousand dollars conditioned asthelaw directs, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probatethereof in dueform.
Teste: F. Brooke, C.C.