Mrs. James H. Sweeney (Mattie Harvey) Mrs. Sweeney, w i dow of the late Rev. James H. Sweeney, entered into res t a t the home of her brother, Mr. W. L. Harvey, near Orcha rd , this county, on Thursday, Sept. 29, 1921, aged 70 year s . Her death was sudden and was due to a hemorrhage of t h e lungs. Mrs. Sweeney was a splendid woman and a trueche ar ted christian character. She was a consistent member o f th e Baptist Church. She had a wide circle of devoted fri end s in this and Summers counties to whom her goodcbye t o lif e brings genuine sorrow. Mrs. Sweeney is survived b y two b rothers, Messrs. W. L. and James Harvey; and four s isters , Mrs. A. J. Keatley and Miss Jennie Harvey of Hinto n, Mrs . Kent of Beckley and Mrs. Phillips, whose home is o n New R iver. Her body was laid to repose in the cemeter y at India n Mills on Oct. 1.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Henry Dill o n & Rev. J. B. Chambers. A very large throng of sorrowi n g friends attended and the floral offerings were profus e an d exquisite.
(Note: "this county" in the above obit would be Monroe Co u nty.)