Notes |
- Excerpt from data compiled and written by Emma Swinney Wal k er, Blakesburg, Iowa, 1928-29 Lavinia Stark
Delaney Swinney, the second child of James and Jane Gartin - Swinney, was born in Monroe County, Virginia, Oct. 9, 182 0.
When eight years of age he, with his parents, emigrate d t o Decatur County, Indiana. Here he grew to manhood an d bec ame educated in subscription schools. Then early i n life t aught school. In those days, teaching schools con sisted o f keeping order, and teaching the three r's wa s a second re quisite.
April 23, 1843, he married Lavinia Stark, a native of Hen r y County Kentucky. In the fall of 1843 he came to Davi s Co unty, Iowa, bringing his bride, settling in Lick Cree k Town ship -- the exact location of their log house bein g in th e right-of-way one-fourth mile west of Dunnville cr oss road s on the south side of the railroad track.
To this couple six sons were born: William Gartin, Irvi n , James Abner, Boone, Josiah and Harvey Elsworth.
After living here for twenty-one years, they moved to Illi n ois. After three years they returned to Iowa, purchasin g 16 0 acres between Dunnville and Floris, residing here un til , impaired by old age, they retired from the farm, movi ng t o Floris.
He held many offices of public trust, including that of Ju s tice of the Peace for four townships in 1844.
In 1846 he was appointed first Postmaster in Lick Creek To w nship and held the same most of the time until 1865.
In 1873 he was again elected Justice of the Peace, holdi n g the office for many years. In 1881 he was elected to t h e office of Member of Board of County Supervisors on th e gr eenback ticket.
His son, Wm. Gartin, served in the 90-day service of the C i vil War at the age of 16 years.
Delaney went to Keokuk with his brother Harvey to enlis t i n the Army, but during his physical test, his slight de fec t in hearing was detected, so he was rejected, and he r etur ned home.
This remarkable man and his companion celebrated their Gol d en Wedding Day at their farm home on April 23, 1893, al l th eir sons with their wives -- the two Lauras, the two E mma s and the two Sarahs -- being present. The Rev. S. R . Down ing re-tied the nuptial knot.
Delaney and wife were charter members of the Chequest Uni o n Baptist Church, and he was an ordained deacon for man y ye ars before and at the time of his death. He was at on e tim e Moderator of the Fox River Baptist Association.
On July 4, 1900, Delaney passed away. His companion survi v ed until Nov. 6, 1913, when she died. Both are buried i n t he Dunnville Cemetery.
!Went to Decatur County, IN at age of 8 and to Iowa in 184 3 . He moved to IL for 3 years and came back to Iowa. (Dav i s County History, 1882, p. 679)
!Came to Davis County in the fall of 1843. He held many o f fices of public trust, including that of Justice of the P ea ce for four townships in 1844. In 1846 he was appointe d fi rst Postmaster in Lick Creek Twp. and held the same mo st o f until about 1865. In 1873 he was again elected JP . In 1 881 he was elected to the office of Member of Boar d of Coun ty Supervisors on the Greenbackticket. (Swinne y Family)