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- Sarah Mansfield, born June 14, 1677, married William Rhodes, Jan 1, 1698, a mariner from Newport RI, probably resided in New Haven. May have ultimately removed to Newport, as the records are so silent concerning them. There appears to have been no other family of Rhodes in New Haven. In the church records, the name appears only twice, two children baptized, namely Sherman Rhodes, baptized June 4, 1721, and Alling Rhodes, baptized Oct 29, 1727. There is only one gravestone for this name, which is a large handsome one in the row of ancient stones against the north wall of Grove Street Cemetery. Inscription reads: In memory of a son and daughter of Doct. John Rhodes, viz: Frederick, died Nov 22, 1759, aged 10 months, Catharine, died Jan 14, 1773, aged 3 years.. This Doct. Rhodes was a son of the above William. His large brick Dwelling house where he resided was near the present St. Paul's Church, corner of Chapel and Olive Sts. He died, Jan 24, 1775, leaving minor children, namely Thomas, William and Andrew. His estate was valued at about L1200. His widow, Rebecca,married 12 Sep 1775, Doct. Daniel Bontican, he died Aug 20, 1778, aged 39, and for her next husband, she married, Dec 23, 1787, Capt. Ephraim Pease, of Nefield CT and her family probably removed to that place, as the name Rhodes does not appear again on the New Haven records, and the writer has never been able to find any of their descendants. She died Apr 6, 1802. Her first husband was Thomas Tyler, who died Nov 7, 1754. She married Doct. Rhodes, her second husband, Sep 23, 1756.
(Mansfield Genealogy, p. 15, from Gary L. Rhodes)