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In the 1870 Scott County, Virginia Census, Taylor Township, a Haywood Rodes, age 18, farm laborer, from Virginia, is listed among the household of Rufus Fugate. I am certain that this is James Haywood Rhodes, son of Joseph and Catherine. By 1870, he must have been working the Fugate farm as either a field hand or tenant farmer. Either way, the relationship between the Rufus Fugate family and the Haywood Rhodes family was strong. When Haywood Rhodes died, he was buried in the Fugate Cemetery on their farm in Rye Cove. His grave is not far from Rufus' grave.
The other names listed in the Fugate household in the 1870 Census include: Rufus B. Fugate, 42, farming; Sarah, 28, keeping household; James, 17, farm laborer; Susan, 73 (can't read occupation); and Elizabeth Hoof, 20, domestic servant.
In the 1900 Scott County, Virginia Census, Powell District, Haywood and family are listed and summarized as follows: H. Rhodes, head, Mar 1852, age 48, from North Carolina; Sallie, wife, Jan 1864, age 46, from Virginia; Emmett, son, Oct 1878, age 21, Virginia; Mattie, daughter, Apr 1882, age 18, from Virginia; James H., son, Aug 1884, age 15, from Virginia; Bertie, daughter, Mar 1889, age 11, from Virginia; Annie, daughter, Aug 1896, age 4, from Virginia.