The entry in the society page of the Examiner reads as follows:
The wedding of Miss Mabel Sowers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sowers, and Gorden Graham, son of S. H. Graham, was solemnized Sunday at 8:45a.m. at the Church of Christ in Rushylvania.
Rev. Herbert Graham, of Rushsylvania, a brother of the groom was the officiating minister. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weeks, who reside south of Bellefontaine, attended the couple.
Preceding the ceremony, Miss Martha Hughes, of Rushsylvania, played several organ elections, "This Day," "Oh Perfect Love," and the Lohengrin Wedding March. As the chords of the triumphal wedding march were struck the bride and Mrs. Weeks walke d toward the altar from one side of the church and at the same time the groom and Mr. Weeks approached the altar by another aisle.
The bride was lovely in a light blue street-length costume. Her accessories were in white. Her corsage bouquet was of pink roses, sweet peas, and a gardenia.
Only the members of the two families and a few close friends were present. The bride has been the teacher of commercial work at the New Madison school until recently. The groom is associated with the Hillcrest Dairy, east of Bellefontaine.
Mr. Graham and his bride left by motor soon after the ceremony on a honeymoon trip to the Smoky Mountains. Upon return they will reside on a farm east of this city.