Joseph Rhodes, postoffice Northville, Pa., railroad station State Line, N. Y. Mr. Rhodes is a native of New Jersey, and was born November 1, 1828. He is a son of George and Annie (Vanderhoff) Rhodes. The father was born September 13, 1797, in New ]ersey, and the mother July 11, 1798. The father was a blacksmith and wagonmaker by trade, and came to Genoa, Cayuga county, N. Y., at an early date. He was an excel ent workman, and noted throu hout central New York State for the perfection of fish-hooks. He followed his trade at Genoa, N. Y., and several years at Rhodesport, and was next engaged in boatintg and boat buildin for several ears. About 1842 the family removed to Corning, N. Y., and about the time they moved he caught a severe cold through exposure on Lake Seneca, and went to Corning, where he died ]une 24, 1842. His wife died Febauary 10, 1881. children: Lucetta, born September 1, 1818, and died March 20, 1840; Hattie Caroline, born November 12, 1824, now Mrs. Robert Clark, Corning, N. Y.; Catherine Maria, born November 30, 1828, married Alonzo Buckley, and resides in the West; Hosea, born April 28, 1831, Olean, N. Y.; john, born Au ust 3, 1833, ives in Chicago; Lydia Samantha, born September 13,1837, died September 7, 1847; and Rachael Ann, born November 23, 1839, died October 23, 1840. Joseph Rhodes came to New York State with his parents when he was 1 year old. He showed a talent for mechanical work ever since he was a child, and when a youth naturally and easily learned the carpenter's trade, and followed this occuation as a railroad carpenter for several years, wit his home at Corning. Ln 1875 he bought one-half interest in the cider and vinegar factory which he now owns. It is situated on the Buflalo road, near State Line. In 1877 he bought the entire concern, and since then has been engaged in the manufacture of cider, vinegar and unfermented grape cider. He manufactures ahout 80,000 gallons of vinegar er year. Mr. Rhodes was married first at Akron, O., R/larch 21, 1853, to Miss Sarah Townsend, of Akron, O. She died january 16, 1889, leaving one child, Marcus, who now resides at Dayton, N. Y. Mr. Rhodes was again married July 23, 1890, to Miss Harriet Baker. Mr. Rhodes is a member of the State Police, and politically is a Republican. Mr. Rhodes' great-greatgrandfather, joseph Rhodes, lived and died in Horton, Yorkshire, England. His son, Charles Rhodes, when a lad of 17 years, was seized by a press gang, while attendin school in a seaport town, with his school books in is hand, put on board a man-of-war, and it was three years before he finally escaped, while the vessel was at anchor in New York harbor. He found a position as a school teacher in Freehold, N. J., where he was married on the (ith of August, 1750, to Alice Van Kirk. He was a farmer durin the Revolution, and the British took possession o his farm. Later he conducted a hotel,built a gristmill, sawmill and distillery. He was for a long time county clerk of Sussex county, holding the office at the time of his death. He made a trip to England to secure property left him by his ather. George Rhodes, the father of our subject, was the third child of joseph Rhodes, above mentioned, by his second wife, Catherine Wintermate.
From the book entitle: Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Erie County, Pennsylvania
Author: Benjamin Whitman
Publisher: S.B. Nelson, 1896