The following was brought to us by:
This is my line: Daniel Rhoads Pierce who married Susan Goodman is my direct
line. Daniel's brother Samuel O Pierce who married Ann Johnston is related
also. Ann Johnston's brother George Alfred Johnston married Rebecca Pierce
the daughter of Daniel Rhoads and Susan Goodman.
Descendants of Sarah Ann Rhoads
Generation No. 1
was born April 06, 1789 in Hardin Co. or Logan Co., KY, and died 1870 in
Edmonson Co.,Kentucky. She married JOHN C PIERCE November 19, 1809 in
Hardin Co., Kentucky . He was born February 07, 1787 in Maryland, and died
August 08, 1857 in Edmonson Co.,Kentucky.
Marriage: November 19, 1809, Hardin Co., Kentucky
Children of SARAH RHOADS and JOHN PIERCE are:
i. DANIEL RHOADS2 PIERCE, b: 1811, Hardin Co, Ky; d: February 14, 1877, St
Paul, Neosho Co, Ks; m. SUSAN GOODMAN, April 18, 1831, Hardin Co., Ky; b.
1808, Virginia; d: November 14, 1892, St Paul,Neosho Co., Ks.
Marriage: April 18, 1831, Hardin Co., Ky
ii. VERLINDA MATILDA PIERCE, b: Abt. 1812, Kentucky; d: Bet. 1870 - 1880;
m. JOHN SIMS, November 12, 1833, Edmondson Co., Kentucky; b: 1804, Kentucky;
d. October 10, 1868, Grayson Co., Ky.
Marriage: November 12, 1833, Edmondson Co., Kentucky
iii. CATHARINE A PIERCE, b: Abt. 1814, Kentucky; d: Illinois; m. BENEDICT J
MEDLEY, April 28, 1835, Meade Co., KY; b: Abt. 1814, Kentucky; d: Illinois.
Marriage: April 28, 1835, Meade Co., KY
iv. WILLIAM THOMAS PIERCE, b: November 19, 1816, Grayson Co.,Ky; d.
November 20, 1892, Grayson Co., Ky; m. MARY BRADLEY, December 31, 1836,
Hardin Co., Kentucky; b: 1820, Hardin Co., Kentucky; d: August 10, 1888,
Grayson Co., Ky.
Marriage: December 31, 1836, Hardin Co., Kentucky
v. MARGARET PIERCE, b: July 24, 1819, Edmonson Co., Ky; d: January 03,
1891, Grayson Co.,Ky; m. STEPHEN GRANT, April 11, 1839, Edmondson Co.,
Kentucky; b: April 12, 1815, Washington Co.,Kentucky; d: April 15, 1890,
Grayson Co., Ky.
Marriage: April 11, 1839, Edmondson Co., Kentucky
vi. ELIZABETH J PIERCE, b: 1821, Edmonson Co., Kentucky; d: Aft. 1880, Hart
Co., Kentucky; m. JAMES MADISON ALVEY, February 27, 1843, Edmondson
Co.,Kentucky; b: February 11, 1822; d: April 24, 1872, Grayson Co.,Kentucky.
Marriage: February 27, 1843, Edmondson Co.,Kentucky
vii. SUSAN ANN PIERCE, b: Abt. 1823, Kentucky; m. JAMES ABELL, August 12,
1854, Edmondson Co.,Kentucky; b: November 04, 1820; d: October 11, 1902,
Sangamon Co., Illinois.
Marriage: August 12, 1854, Edmondson Co.,Kentucky
viii. BENJAMIN GATTEN PIERCE, b: June 10, 1825, Dickey's Mill, Grayson
Co.,Kentucky; d: March 02, 1904, Grayson Co.,Ky; m. JANE SUMMERS; b.
February 29, 1828, Kentucky; d: January 1898, Grayson Co., Ky.
ix. SAMUEL O. PIERCE, b: March 10, 1827, Grayson Co., Ky; d: March 21,
1907, Indian territory near Welch, Oklahoma; m. ANN ELIZABETH JOHNSTON,
1847; b: April 28, 1830, Green Co.,Ky; d: May 08, 1910, St Paul, Neosho Co.,
Marriage: 1847
x. JOHN L PIERCE, b: Abt. 1830, Kentucky; d: Aft. 1858.
xi. SARAH E PIERCE, b: October 22, 1832; d: July 23, 1853, Edmonson
Co.,Kentucky; m. GEORGE SUMMERS; b: Abt. 1830.
Marriage notes for John C Pierce and Sarah Rhoads:
Marriage bond Nov 17 1809, married Nov 19 1809 by Harrel Stancliff, Hardin
Co., Ky Marriage Bonds,surety Benjamin Able (Abell) and Elijah Bush.
Notes for JOhn C Pierce:
The Pierce land was along the county line between Grayson and Edmonson
counties along the Noland River. James C. Pierce started purchasing this
land in 1826 while they were living in Hardin County.
John is on the 1831 tax list for Edmonson Co.,Ky.
Living in Edmonson Co, Ky in 1850 Census.
20a 41 Pierce John 63 Maryland pg0012a.txt (father)
20a 42 Pierce Sarah A. 62 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (mother)
20b 1 Pierce Susan 27 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (daughter of John C)
20b 2 Pierce John L. 19 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (son of John C.)
20b 3 Pierce Samuel 23 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (son of John C)
20b 4 Pierce Ann 20 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (wife of Samuel) (Ann Johnston)
20b 5 Pierce Sarah J. 2 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (daughter of Samuel and Ann)
20b 6 Pierce Elizabeth L. 7/12 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (daughter of Samuel and
20b 7 Pierce Benjamin G. 25 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (son of John C)
20b 8 Pierce Jane 23 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (wife of Benjamin G.)
20b 9 Pierce John W. 8/12 Kentucky pg0012a.txt (son of Benjamin G. and Jane)
1830 census for Edmondson Co., KY:
John C Pearce male 40-50, 2 male 15-20, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 5-10, 1 male
0-5, Females 1 female 60-70 ( mother or mother-in-law?) 2 females 40-50 (
wife and sister or sister-in-law), 1 female 15-20, 2 females 10-15, 3
females 5-10. Children match up to children listed for his estate. Who is
the other woman age 40-50 and the older woman age 60-70.
On the 1850 Federal Census for the same county, pages 20a and 20b, there is
a John Pierce, age 63, b: Maryland and wife Sarah A., age 62, b: KY with
Susan, age 27, and John L., age 19. Susan and John were born in KY. Next
door is Samuel Pierce, age 23, b: KY and wife Ann, age 20 with children
Sarah J., age 2 and Elizabeth L., age 7/12. Next door to Samuel is Benjamin
G. Pierce, age 25, b: KY, with wife Jane, age 23, b: KY with son John W.,
age 8/12.
The following land transfers shows the children of John C Pierce and Sarah.
Land transfer found in Edmonson Co Courthouse.
Sept 21 1858
This Indenture made this September, the 21st, Eighteen Hundred and Fifty
Eight between the heirs of John C. Pierce of the one part dead and
J.L.Pierce of the County of Edmondson and State of KY of the other are the
heirs of J.C. Pierce dead do this day bargain and sell into the above named
J.L. Pierce 200 acres of land lying in Edmonson County on the South side of
Nolynn near the Hart County line and bounding as follows to wit beginning at
chestnut oak and black gum near the Hart County line then S39E74 poles to
two black oaks thence N74W33 poles to two post oaks and poplar thence S45W21
poles to a black oak and Hickory thence S13E323 poles to a white oak thence
N57E44 poles to a hickory post oak and black oak thence S15E58 poles to
thence black oaks thence N87W36 poles to a double hickory thence S18W20
poles to two white oaks thence N71W146 poles to a white oak and dogwood
thence N20E168 poles to a chestnut and stone thence N65E52 poles to two
white oaks and a black gum thence N59W128 poles to a hickory, black oak and
chestnut thence N44E74 poles to two black oaks thence S63E112 poles to the
begining. Containing 200 acres to have and to hold forever with all its
appertainances there unto belonging to him and said J.L. Pierce and his
heirs forever and we the heirs of J.C. Pierce dead doth warrant and defined
from ourselves and our heirs forever as witnesses whereof we have unto set
our hands and fix out seals this day and date afore mentioned.
B.G. Pierce
Susan Abel
William T Pierce
Margaret Grant
Samuel Pierce
Elizabeth Alvey
Phalinder Simis
Catharine A. Medley
B. Medley
State of Kentucky
Edmonson County Court
I Thomas b: McIntire Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do
certify that on the 22nd day of September 1858 that the foregoing deed of
Conveyance was produced to me and acknowledged by the parties think to be
this act and deed. Where upon the same together with this Certificate is
truly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 19th day of November
I do also certify that on this 28th of Nov. 1859 b: Medley and his wife
Catherine A. Medley acknowledge the same before me.
T.B. McIntire Clerk
By R.C. Hayslif DC
This indenture made this the twenty first day of September Eighteen Hundred
and Fifty Eight between the heirs of J.C. Pierce dead of the one part and
Sarah A. Pierce the widow of J.C. Pierce of Edmonson County and State of
Kentucky of the other Witnesseth whereas we the heirs of J.C. Pierce dead,
DANIEL R. PIERCE, Phalinder Simms, Katherine A. Medley, William T. Pierce,
Margaret Grant, Elizabeth M. Alvey, Susan A. Abell, Benjamin G. Pierce,
Samuel Pierce, and J.L. Pierce do bargain and sell unto Sarah A. Pierce a
certain tract of land lying in Edmonson County on the waters of Nolynn for
the sum of Six Hundred and One dollars. We the above mentioned heirs do this
day convey to the said Sarah A. Pierce the above named tract of land
containing 200 acres with a reserve of one third which was laid off for the
widow's dower the above mentioned widow of J.C. Pierce dead and bounded as
follows to wit beginning at the red oak poplar and back on the bank of
Nolynn at the Corner of Robert Daniels' 1000 acre survey running thence
S20E200 to two ash two hickorys and back on a drain thence N10 E200 poles to
two bunches Chestnut and poplar thence N8E55 poles to thence sugar threes,
hickory and black walnut on the bank of Nolynn thence down Nolynn with its
meanders to the beginning for Six Hundred and One dollars paid in hand we
the aforesaid heirs deliver up to Sarah A. Pierce all our claims to have and
to hold the same with all its appertainances there unto belonging to him and
to hold the same with all its assigns forever and we the aforesaid heirs of
J.C. Pierce dead do warrant and define the said land from all claims from
all and every person or persons whatever in testimony whereof we will unto
set our hands and seal this day date afore mentioned.
B.G. Pierce
William T. Pierce
Susan A. Abell
Margaret Grant
J.L. Pierce
Elizabeth Alvey
Samuel Pierce
George Summers
Phalinder Sims
Catharine A. Medley
B. Medley
State of Kentucky
Edmonson County Court
I Thomas b: McIntire, Cleark of the County Court of the County aforesaid, do
certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance was on the 22nd day of
September 1858 produced to me and acknowledged by the parties thereto to be
their act and deed where upon the same together with this certificate is
truly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 19th day of November
1858. Thomas b: McIntire CCCC and on the 28th day of November 1859 the same
was assigned and acknowledged before my by Catharine A. Medley her husband
B. Medley to be their act and deed where upon the same is truly recorded.
T.B. McIntire Clk
By R.C. Hayslif DC