
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

We hope you find your missing links among ours

The Lamoni Chronicle
Lamoni, Iowa
January 19, 1905


Nelson Carrier RHOADES was born in Cateragus county New York in 1836 and died of cancer of the stomach in Leon, Decatur county, Iowa, on January 9, 1905, aged 68 years 7 months and 23 days. At the age of 13 years he moved with his parents to Vernon county, Wisconsin, where he was married in 1859 to Miss Temperance HART, who died in 1864. To this union were born two children, Mary Alice, who died when five years old, and Francis M., who now resides in Lamoni, Iowa. In 1866 he was again united in marriage to Miss Lucy Eunice OSGOOD at Viroqua, Wisconsin. To this union were born eight children, four of whom are still living: Nelson C., Jr., of Littleton, Colo., Matie KELLEY, Chicosa, Colo., Edward J, whereabouts unknown, and Eva MATHEWS of Leon.

In 1867 the deceased united with the M. E. Church in Viroqua, Wisconsin. He afterward moved to Iowa and in 1881 united with the M. E. Church of Garden Grove, Iowa, and a few years later with the same church at Leon, of which he has been a most faithful member until the death angel took him to that home where there is no more sorrow or suffering. He will always be remembered as a most faithful husband and father, ever ready to do what he could for the comfort of others.

In the last few days of his illness he often expressed himself as being ready to go, and prayed that the good Lord, who knows all of our sorrows would take him home right away, so he would be out of his misery. His son, F. M. RHOADES, was with and took care of him the last week of his sickness. Those of the relatives who were present at his deathbed were his wife, Mrs. Lucy E. RHOADES, son, Francis M., and grandson, Archie, of Lamoni, Mrs. Eva MATHEWS of Leon, A. G. OSGOOD and son, Charles of Mt. Ayr, and Frank OSGOOD of Mystic, Iowa.

The funeral was held at the M. E. church, January 11, conducted by Rev. Pilcher. The remains were laid to rest in the Leon cemetery. The Lord giveth and he taketh away. His will not ours be done.

Copied by Stacey McDowell Dietiker
June 12, 2003

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