
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

We hope you find your missing links among ours

Miscellaneous Rhodes notes on the Basil Rhodes family of Loudoun Co. VA & Nelson Co. KY

from Ellen Lee b: Elliott

These notes are from Loudoun County Tithables 1758-1786, volumes 1, 2, 3
Volume 1 A Historian's Guide to Loudoun County, Virginia, Colonial Laws of Virginia, and County Course Orders
page 150 August 11, 1760 John Rhodes is the Fairfax County Sheriff
page 182 June 12, 1769 - Henry Rhodes is required to enter a Peace Bond to satisfy the complaints brought against him by Andrew Adams

page 506 August 11, 1760 On a writ of Fifge [attachment] issued from the Loudoun County Court against Ezekiel Jenkins, deceased, for a judgment debt owed to Thomas Awbrey as the Administrator of the estate of Walter English, deceased, the Sheriff of Fairfax County, John Rhodes notes that "nothing [was] found to execute [i.e.attach]"

Loudoun County Tithables 1758-1786 Volume 2
Rhode, Christopher page 852

Rhodes, Basil p 701
Bazil p537,580, 854

Christian Rhodes 531
Joseph 836
Tolemiah 744, 796,858
Thomas 725
William 505, 628, 670,725, 845 These were notes from Shelbourne Parish 1772 and indicated tithe was to be paid but gives no idea of the amount
Basil 618
Christian (1772) Stephen Donaldson's list

[Basil] may have served withn Capt. Daniel Morgan
p135 Court orders and Reembursements
1778, Nov. 15 George Emery to furnish the dhild of Jacob Rhodes, said Jacob being in the Continential Army - William Douglass to furnish Mary Rhodes, her husband being in the Army
page 854 Basil Rhodes O
N David, Prince, Peter, Pegg, Dinah
Shelboune Parish January 1777 L. Powell
History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun Virginia
by James W. Head
Park View Press 19-8
Gives the History, Soils, Minerals, Flora, Fauna, Transportation Facilities, Towns &Villages, Industries, Farm Values
The Revolution - page 127
"Armed with flint lock muskets of small bore and with long barrelled rifles which they loaded from the muzzle by the use of the ramrod, equipped with powder horn, charges made of cane for loading, bullet molds and wadding, but bravely arrayed in homespun of blue, and belted with cutlass and broadsword by the side, cocade on the hat and courage in the heart, her revolutionary soldiers marched to the music of fife and drum into battle for freedom against the powers and might of the mother country."
Nelson County,Ky the place to which my Rhodes ancestor, Basil, moved seems to have pretty good records.
I expect to obtain a copy of Basil Rhodes will some time soon. As you can see, he married twice. Thomas was evidently son of the first wife whose name I have not found.

The following material came from James William Cantley who began collecting data on the family in endeavor to trace back as far as possible. The relationship to the Rhodes family comes through Elizabeth Rhodes Booth whose second husband was Squire Owens Bridewell.
Elizabeth Rhodes was the daughter of Basil Rhodes.
Mrs. Sarah Milligan Rhodes, widow of Thomas Rhodes died in Oct,1853 of yellow fever age 65. (on tomb stone in Wintergreen Cemetery, Port Gibson, MS)[ She was evidently living then with her son-in-law Squire Owens Bridewell. We have not found any death notice or grave for Thomas Rhodes. He did spend some time in near-by Carroll County. There are record books in Carroll which contain a great deal of information but they were totally unorganized when we visited them in 2000. ]
Cantley Notes
(Nelson County, Ky taken from Jefferson CO. in 1785

Nelson Co. Ky.:
Lewis Rhodes M Nancy Knigton Dec. 1810

James Rhodes M Nancy Wilcox JAN 13, 1792 ( dau of Wm)

Thomas Rhodes M Sarah Milligan Jan. 4, 1808

Basil Rhodes M Nancy Middleton 12 March 1812

Susan Rhodes M Joseph Boone 12 Nov. 1827

Geo. W. Rhodes M Priscilla Rhodes April 15, 1832 ( Edward Rhodes)

Daniel Rhodes M Eliz. Newman 1790

Henry Rhodes - 1 male above 21 2 males between 16 and 21 No land
Daniel Rhodes - 1 male above 21 7 acres
Jacob Rhodes - 1 male above 21 200 acres
James Rhodes - 1 male above 21 No land
Basil Rhodes - 1 male above 21 1 male between 16 and 21
Basil Rhodes - 1 male above 21 1 male between 16 and 21
Basil Rhodes - 1 male over 21 1 male between 16 and 21 113 3/4 acres
Ignatius Rhodes 1 male over 21
Matthew Rhodes
James Rhodes
Basil Rhodes 1 male over 21 1 male between 16 and 21 113 3/4 acres
Ignatius Rhodes No land
Matthew Rhodes No land
Barnabas (Barney) Rhodes 1 over 21
Basil Rhodes 1 over 21 113 3/4 acres
James Rhodes
Matthew Rhodes
Cornelius Rhodes
Basil Rhodes
Barney Rhodes
Cornelius Rhodes
James Rhodes
Matthew Rhodes
Ignatius Rhodes 100 acres

In Goodspeed Cat #367 no 607 Rhodes
Genealogy, History and Traditions of Thomas and His Dscendants (1990 by T or J W. Rhodes #12.50
No 618 A Short History and Genealogy of the English Family who Reached America in the 17th Century, settled in New Kent County, Va (1929) by S. R. Patterson

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