
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

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From: Wills & Administrations from the Knaresborough Court Rolls, By Knaresborough (Honor), Published by Published for the Society by Andrews & Co., 1905
Item notes: v.110

THE WILL OF JOHN RHODES. Membrane 16. Sept. 27, 13 Charles I (1637). May 10, 1632.—I, John Roades of Holme, shoemaker, to be buried at Hampsethwait. Whereas I have made a surrender of l 1/2 a. of land, called Newfeild and Birke Close, to thuse of my brother, William Roades, and William Lutie and their heirs for ever, to the end that they sell as much of the same as will pay to the said William Lutie xxli. which I owe him, and vli. to Stephen Gilwyddowl and xx s. to Stephen Snowe, and the rest that can be gotten for the land, such payment to be bestowed amongst my wife and all my children ratablie. And whereas I have also surrendered one close, called the Lea Close, conteinyng £ a. of land, to Francis Day and William Shepperd and their heires for ever, to the end that they shall stand and be seased of the same untill my sonne, John Roades, shall accomplish his full age of xxj yeares, and shall enter into sufficient securitie to pay to everie one of his brethren and sisters vli. a peice, within five yeares next after the deathes of Janett Roades, wyddow, my naturall mother, Margrett Roades, my sister in law, and Margaret Roades, my loveing wife, and is alwaies to pay the eldest first; and after such securitie maid, then they to surrender the said close to my said sonne John and his heires for ever. As touching my temporall goodes I will that my wife shall have her right therein, and of the residue shalbe devided amongst my five children. I appoint Margrett, my wife, sole executrix. Witnesses, Will. Day, Will. Roades, Will. Shepperd, Hen. Ranson.—Executrix named admitted.

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