Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage (Vol XIII, No. 2, Apr.1990, Jane
Evan Best) contains the following information about Jacok Graf: " In
1633 listed as Hans Jacob, aged 18; in 1634 lived with his mother; in
1637 lived with his wife and son in his mother's household in Bettswil
in 1640; in 1640 lived in Bettswil with his wife and 2 ch.; in 1646
was and Anabaptist living in Bettswil his brother's family; in 1649
was an Anabaptist living in Wirzwil with his wife and 6 ch.; in 1651
moved near Sinsheim, Germany, with his wife and 7 ch.; in 1661
attended Steinsfurt meeting;, in 1661 and 1683 lived at Steinsfurt"