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John Bowater Jr was a Quaker minister. He married:
1) Ann Carter in abt 1650 in Spitalfields, White Chapel, London, England. She died on 25 Feb 1679 in England.
2) Frances Corbet in abt 1681 in England.
Children with Ann:
1) Thomas Bowater (1655-1705), m1: Sarah Edge, m2: Frances Lambe.
Children with Frances:
1) Ann Bowater I (1684-1685)
2) Mary Bowater, m: Stephen Ailes.
3) William Bowater (1686-1686)
4) Elizabeth Bowater (1688-1740), m: William Pusey.
5) John Bowater III, (twin) died aged abt 12 yrs.
6) Ann Bowater II (twin), m: William Chandler.
7) Alice Bowater, m1: Jacob Pyle, m2: Moses Mendenhall.
8) Phebe Bowater, m: Shadrack Scarlet.
John immigrated to America in 1677. His first wife Ann remained in England with their son and she died 2 years later. John seems to have returned to England because he may have spent the years 1681-1683 in prison for his religous beliefs.
Son Thomas arrived in America in 1683. John and his new wife Frances, left for America in May or June the next year. On 21 May 1684, at the Dudley MH in Worcestershire England, John and wife Frances received certificates to transfer to the Phila delphia Meeting House in America.
John and Frances presented their certificates to the Friends MM at the Governor's House in Philadelphia on 4 Nov 1684. Their first child, Ann I, was born a few weeks later. She lived to be 3 months old. A third child, William, appears to have be en born premature and most likely died soon after birth.
On 7 May 1688, John, Frances and their only surviving children, Mary [second child] and Elizabeth [fourth child], joined the Chester PA MH.
John established the Bowater Friends Meeting House at his home in Nether Providence, Middletown Twp, Chester Co PA. Although a new church was built in 1700 on land belonging to Joshua Hastings, adjacent to John Bowater's land, the new church mai ntained the name of Bowater Friends MH. Active in both church and community, John served on church committees and Grand Juries.
John died at his farm in Middletown Twp, Chester Co PA on 4 Nov 1704. His Will, written on 20 Jul 1704, was proved on 17 Nov 1705 in Weston, Chester Co. The Will mentions wife Frances and five daughters.
John is my 8th paternal Gr-Grandfather through his son Thomas Bowater Sr (1655-1705). This research is still very much on-going; new information will be added and existing information is still being documented.