1) Sarah Edge on 4 Oct 1686 in Edgemont, Chester Co PA; she died 1692.
2) Widow Frances (Lambe) Barnet in Feb 1703 in Concord Twp, Chester Co PA.
Children with Sarah:
1) Sarah C Bowater (1688-1765), m: John Jacob Beals Jr.
2) Thomas Bowater Jr (1691-c1752)
No known children with Frances.
Thomas immigrated from England in 1683, joining the Friends Meeting House in Philadelphia, certificate dated in England, Mar 14, 1683. To pay his passage to America, Thomas indentured himself to Francis Fincher. According to the manifest of th e ship "Bristol Comfort", "Tho. Bowater out of Worcestershire, servant to francis fincher out of Woster City, glover, for three years."
In 1695 Thomas purchase 100 acres of land in Edgmont, Ridley Creek PA.