Notes |
- Lutheran Church Records, Steinwenden Parish, Pfalz, Bayern, Germany, Johann Theobald Guth, legitimate Son of the deceased Heinrich Guth of Altenkirchen to Anna Magdalena, Daughter of Johann Hochelocher of Tubimer District. They were married a t Dittweiler on 10 Mar 1733.
Form the website "Pennsylvania - German Passenger Lists, Glasgow 1738" at:
[List 53] (the ship:) Glasgow
Captain: Walter Sterling
From: Amsterdam
By Way of: Cowes
Arrival: Philadelphia, 9 Sep 1738
Debalt Guth, age 28
1786 Will of Dewalt Guth
York County, PA Wills, Vol. F;
The 1786 Will cites the following information: (in part; spellings intact)
"In the Name of God Amen. this Ninteenth Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight six, I David Good Senior of Windsor Township, York County and State of Pennsylvanias Taylor do make Constitute and ordain this m y Last Will and Testament...unto Anna Mary Good my dearly beloved Wife all my personal Mantion House and Plantation as her own property...[pending her death, and sale of said property, the proceeds to be] equally divided into five ea qual Shears one eaqual fifthe part I leave to my Son Charles Good, and one equal fifth part I leave to my Soning law Peter Henry and one equal fifth part I leave to my two Grand Childern Christian and John Mouch, and one eaqual fifth part I leav e to my three grand Childern Christian,
John and Anna Mary Mosey and one equal fifth part I leave to my youngest daughter Anna Mary Good....but my ouldist Son David Good and Jacob Lechmont my Soninglaw they and each of them shall have one english shilling for their Shear and no more . Lastly I make...Henry Tyson and Charles Good to be the Sole Executors....
[Signed] Debalt Guth [seal]
Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and declared in the presents of Us
Daniel H?aeohler, Jacob Schmuck"
Recorded 17 Apr 1878, H[enr]y Miller, D[eput]y Reg[istra]r
"A true Copy taken from and Compared with the Original at York. J. Barnitz, Reg[istrar]"