will dated 1 June 1633, proved 10 Jan 1634
mentions daughters Elizabeth to whom he has already disburised a certain sum and Anne, wife of John Neville of Mattersey Abby, Nottingham having been given one thousand pounds for her marriage as "full satisfaction of her portion of goods" leaves a certain "rent charge from tenaments in Great Houghton unto my son Godfrey Rodes" executed by his elder son Edward, a value of fifty pounds per year for his natural life. The rest of his estate and all household goods to Edward Rodes. Will also mentions a bond of fourscore pounds in the hands of Lady Lewknor, "my sister" of Denham Suffolk which is to be paid by Sir Edward Boyd the younger at the decease of Sir Edward Boyd the elder.
See an account of the Rhodes family of Great Houghton in "Worthies, Families and Celebrities of Barnsley and the District" by Joseph Wilkinson
Edward Lewkenor, esq., and Thomas Wrothe, esq.Godfrey Rodes, esq.Manor of Great Houghton and 20 messuages with lands in Great Houghton, Byllingley, Derfeld, and Mylnehowse.