1) John Jacob Beals Jr, her 2nd cousin, on 14 Aug 1711 at the New Garden Friends MH in Chester Co PA; he died 12 Dec 1744. They had at least nine children, six daughters and three sons.
2) Alexander Underwood; no known children.
Sarah transferred back to York Co PA, on a certificate dated 25 Apr 1748. She was accompanied by her son Bowater Beals, who had married Sarah Cook, daughter of Thomas Sr and Mary (Underwood) Cook. Mary is a daughter of Alexander Underwood.
Another record shows Alexander at the Monacacy Friends MH in MD on 7 Feb 1745, requesting permission to marry Sarah Beals, widow of John Beals.
Sarah is recorded on 12 Sep 1761, when she was succeeded as "overseer". She died a few years later, aged abt 77 yrs. Alexander died in 1767, not mentioning Sarah in his Will, an indication of her death prior to his.