From: History of Jones County, Iowa, Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1879, page 575.
John Rhodes, merchant, dealer in groceries, Anamosa; is a native of Akron, Ohio, and was born October 16, 1813; he grew up to manhood and lived there until 1851, then went to South Bend, Ind.; in 1856, he came to Webster City, Iowa; he built the first brick store in that town, and remained there eleven years, then removed to Belvidere, Boone Co., Ill., and remained there eight years, and in 1875, came to Jones Co. and located in Anamosa, and engaged in his present business; Mr. Rhodes has been engaged in mercantile business over thirty years; he has held the office of Postmaster and other town offices; he owns a good firm and 230 acres finely improved in Wayne Township. He married Miss Rebecca Smith, a native of Akron, Ohio; they have had eight children, four of whom are living-E. Henry, in California; John E., in California; Ella, now Mrs. Roach, living in Chicago; Mary Eldora, at home. Mr. Rhodes has one sister living in Oakland, Cal., and one living in Carson City, and another living in Sacramento; the latter married Judge Crocker, one of the originators of the Central Pacific Railroad.