The following is taken from a newspaper clipping from the Warsaw
newspaper: "It is our painful duty to chronicle the death by
accidental shooding of one of our citizens near here Saturday. Sam
Stocker accidently shot his young brother Forrest, death resulting in
a few minutes. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stocker, who live on
the northeast farm of the township, had gone to Ligonier and the
brothers took down the gun and went out to hunt rabbits and had killed
two when another was scared up, which the elder boy was prepared to
shoot, when it got away, and in putting down the trigger the gun was
discharged, the contents entering the body of the younger brother in
the region of the heart. He said: "Sam, you have shot me," and
expired instantly. Sam is seventeen and the deceased eleven years of
age. The bereaved ones are deserving of all sympathy, and especially
the one who innocently did the deed."
Forrest Stocker
Northern Indianian Oct. 20, 1896 (Webster)
DEATH: It is our painful duty to chronicle the death by accidental shooting of one of the citizens near here Saturday.
Sam Stocker accidently shot his younger brother, Forrest, death resulting in a few minutes. Mr. and Mrs. William
Stocker, who live on the NE far of the township, had gone to Ligonier and the brothers took the gun to hunt rabbits.
They had secured two, when another was scared up, which the elder boy was prepared to shoot when it got away.
In putting down the trigger, the gun was discharged entering the young brother in the heart. Sam is 17 years old,
and the deceased was 11.