Notes |
- !Data and descendants from Darlene Campbell, 15 Sep 199 4 . Mrs. Campbell believes family group sheet for James Wi lliam came from Mrs . Lowell Burnham.
!Listed in the 1920 census of Jackson County, MO. (Sounde x : ED 66/Sheet 5)
!From unnamed Atchison, Kansas newspaper; dated 13 Dec 195 1 : "Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gore, above, route 1, Nortonville , will celebrate thei r 60th wedding anniversary Sunday wit h a family dinner at their home. The y were married Dec. 2 0, 1891, at the home of her parents in Platte County, M O . -- Mrs. Gore had no difficulty getting accustomed to h er married name follow ing the wedding because her parent s were Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Gore. The y lived two miles e ast of the old Sugar Lake station. -- 'My wife and I ar e abou t third or fourth cousins,' Mr. Gore explained. 'M y father and her father we re second cousins.' -- He was b orn in Platte county March 17, 1871, and she w as born Oct . 7, the same year. His parents were John and Rachel Gore . -- Mr . Gore explained that he lived for a time near Pe rry. After his father's death i n 1875, his family moved b ack to Platte county. -- Mr. and Mrs. Gore began hou sekeep ing on a farm south of Sugar Creek church in Buchanan count y. From ther e they moved to Platte county where they rema ined until 1909, when they mov ed to Woodward county, Okla . -- xxx -- The family moved from Oklahom a to the Free land neighborhood about three and one-half miles west of th eir p resent farm. In 1914 they moved to Whiting where the y remained on farms fo r 22 years. They left Whiting and m oved to a farm near Lancaster where the y remained eight ye ars before they moved to their present home seven years ago . - - Their son, James Henry, operates the farm, and thei r daughters, Mary Elizabe th and Lula Mae Gore remain at ho me. They have two other sons, Fred of near Mus cotah, an d Raymond, north of Holton, three grandchildren and two gre at grandchi ldren. -- xxx -- He recalls he helped to hau l rock for the foundation and he lped build the Short Cree k Baptist church. Both retain their membership there . - - Their anniversary is doubly important because it also i s the birt hday of their son, Fred. -- xxx -- When he wa s a young man, Mr. Gore haule d many loads of wood to Atchi son from Missouri and some of the trips were made o n extr a cold days. -- xxx." (Copy received from Darlene Campbel l at Buchana n County Genealogical Library, St. Joseph, M O on 15 Sep 1994)
!Burial data from (Records From Cemeteries in Atchison Cou n ty, Kansas; 1986; A Study Made by the Atchison County His torical Society; p. 38 ; Copied at Jefferson County Gen. Li b., Oskaloosa, KS; 19 Sep 1994)
!Obit in Atchison Globe; 5 Aug 1957. Name in obit is Jo h n rather than James