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- !Lewis Marion was a Physician practicing in northeast an d c entral Kansas until he entered the Army Medical Corps a nd was assigned to the M exican border, where his wife an d two daughters accompanied him. After his wife 's death , he sent his two daughters to live with his sister Elizabe th. He re mained in Texas until he retired, then he went t o Savannah, MO to live wit h his daughter Mary and her fami ly. - Will Shade
!Listed in the 1910 census of Doniphan County, KS. (Mirac o de: 020-0047-0117)
!Listed in the 1920 census of Webb County, TX. (JLG lt r o f 14 Jul 1995)
!"To: Lee Gore, From: Doctor Lewis Gore, Box 95, Megarge l , Texas. -- Dear Lee; In answer to your letter concern ing your ancestors, m y father's name was Greenlee Gore. H e was born 4 Dec 1831 and died 5 Apr 1899 ; three days befo re you were born and for whom you were named Lee. He live d i n Greenbriar, Virginia. Burried in Savannah, Missour i on 7 Apr 1899. - H e had three brothers, Noah, Ward and R iley Gore. Riley died in Montan a and I have never seen hi m. - My grandfather Gore with his family went up th e Misso uri river in a flat boat. They landed at King's Landing wh ich is now Kans as City, but did not stay. They went on t o Robertson's Landing which is now St . Joseph, Missouri, w here you were later born on a dairy four miles out of tow n . They landed in November 1844 having polled the boat al l they way from Virg inia. His name was James Gore. His f ather fought with 'Light Horse Harry Lee ' a famous Genera l in the revolutionary war. - Our family history goes bac k to S cotland. Two families left there in 1620 for the Am erican colonies. On e landed in Boston and the other in No rth Carolina. We are from the Boston Br anch. I have trac ed our ancestors back to the 'House of Lyle' in Scotland . - Af ter the revolutionary war, the colonies became state s and a Gore wa s appointed by George Washington to be th e Governor of the State of Massac husetts and another was t he attorney General of Massachusetts. - My father, Gre enle e, farmed most of his life in the state of Kansas until th e civil war brok e out between the states. He and my mothe r were married in and lived in a sm all log cabin. I hav e been in that log cabin. They, being southernors, wer e i n a hot spot and living in danger all the time. He finall y moved mother an d the children to north of St. Joseph whi ch is now Savannah, Missouri, whil e he joined up with a fr eight outfit hauling by wagon train from Atchison, Kans a s to Denver, Colorado long before there was any railroad . He came back started f arming in Savannah, Missouri an d lived there the rest of his life. He was a re d hot sout hern Democrat and at one time voted the Popular Ticket. - Y our f ather was born in a log cabin near Savannah and no w I am the only one left. Yo ur father's first wife wa s a Stephens and died leaving Bob Gore your half-bro ther . He later married your mother Stella Gore. - Father cam ped in and h unted and fished in Yellowstone Park long befo re it was a park. -- Signed, Dr . Lewis Gore, Box 95. (W ill Shade/Descend, 24 Jul 1995)