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- !"Helen Olive Gore - 1902-1969 - Born June 14, 1902 in t h e Elida, New Mexico area, she married Paul William Horne y (sic), March 16, 191 9 in Elida and the couple honeymoone d in the Nickson Hotel in Roswell, N.M . - She was a Past M atron of the Order of the Eastern Star in Fort Sumner . - T here were two children born to Helen Olive Gore Horne y. Paul Edward Horn ey, Jr., born March 17, 1922 at Elida , New Mexico and Gloria Louise Horney Duni van, born May 9 , 1923 at Elida, N.M. - She survived her husband's death b y f ive years, during which time she remained active in th e ranching business wit h her son, Paul Edward Horney, Jr. " (Living Water, Our Mid-Pecos History , The Families & Ev ents - From Fort to Future; p. 105; Copied at Clovis-Carv e r Library, Clovis, NM in May 1994)