!Sgt., Co D, 17th VA Cav.; enl 30 Jul 1862 in Mercer Count y ; transferred from 8th VA Cavalry; absent, horse detail 3 1 Oct 1864. (17th Vi rginia Cavalry; Nelson Harris; 1994 ) His last muster with his company wa s in Dec. 1864 - ove r 3 months before the war ended, after which he went AWOL a n d his pay was stopped for having absconded with a gun an d cartridge box. (Bill B entley)
!Per (Marriage Records of Wyoming Co., WV; 1854-1880; Vo l . 1; Compiled by Norma Pontiff Evans; 1980; p. 27) No. 1 4 - Wm. P. Swinney and Sus an C. Hedrick m. by Leroy T. Sea ton.
!Descendant info from "Martin Newton Swinney, Sr." (Bil l B entley, Aug 1998)