Notes |
- !Lived in Oxford, CO per his father's obit. (29 Aug 1918)
!In La Plata County, CO (Oxford) during the 1920 census.
!"In the course of his lifetime, he became a master carpen t er, as well as a master cigar maker. The eldest of Joh n M. Gore's brothers , Frank, reportedly operated a sash an d door factory, and that is where John M . learned carpentr y. Between the time of his adolescence and the birth of m y gra ndfather in 1911, something happened between John M . Gore and the majority o f his family. The result of what ever had occurred is that, for the remainde r of his life , the only relatives that we know he had anything to do wit h wer e his brothers Will and Jim, and sister Lula. -- Sh ortly after John Curtis Go re was born in OK, the family le ft for CO. My father tells me that while in O K, his grand father was a streetcar conductor. He was to manage a minin g opera tion out in CO, but that fell apart. In any event , John wound up managing a ra nching enterprise for a man n amed Denning, who had invented snow fencing an d become wea lthy. His own homestead was a few miles south of the ranc h headquarte rs, next to that of his brother Jim. Will's b achelor cabin was about a mile ea st of ranch headquarters . When John M. left the area, his brother Ji m became Denn ing Ranch Manager. ... The family later moved to TX befor e moving t o Clearwater, FL permanently in the early 20's " (From ltr of John S. Gore, C assopolis, MI dated 8 Aug 19 94)
!Living in Clearwater, FL in 1927. (Statement of Heirs, I n ventory of Mary C. Gore estate, 15 Feb 1927)