Green Meador Seinney/Sweeney divorced Lydia Thompson o n 6 M ay 1852, Mercer Co., VA; per court decree. Sometim e afte r 1863 Green, with his wife Louisa Charlotte and the ir si x children moved to Winthrop, MO and were in the 187 0 Bucha nan County census.
!Green Sweeney divorced Lydia Sweeney on 6 May 1852 in Mer c er County. Per decree Lydia was prohibited from gettin g ma rried again. On 20 Sep 1852, Lydia went to court in M erce r on a Bill of Review. The divorce was affirmed, bu t it wa s decreed that she "also have liberty to marry agai n." (Co urt actions copied in Mercer County, WV at Circui t Court Cl erk's Office by Burnell Mills; copies received f rom Burnell Mills, Nov 1994)
!Sometime after 1863 Green, Lydia and their six children m o ved to Winthrop, MO and were so reflected in the 1870 Bu ch anan County census. (JLG, ltr of 11 Aug 1995) This lt r al so included Green's POD and the last two children o f Louis a.
!Green also moved to Wilson County, KS after the Civil Wa r , then later to Oregon. (Bill Bentley)
!Green died 26 Feb 1895 in Forest Grove, Oregon. (Note : F orest Grove is near Gales Creek in Washington County. ) (e- mail of Raymond Swinney, 7 Sep 1998; file Swinney/TX ) - Ch eck Washington County, OR for DR/Obit for Green??
!Green enlisted for 3 years and served in Co. K, 34th VA C a v. (CSA). He was on a list of prisoners of war 1 May 18 6 5 and paroled as a Sergeant at Charleston on May 6, 186 5 , a month after the war ended. (Bill Bentley)