!Enlisted in Co. B, 30th Iowa Infantry during the Civil Wa r , was wounded during the "Battle Above the Clouds", was w ith Sherman's army on t he march from Atlanta to the Sea an d in the review of the army before th e President before be ing mustered out. (Pioneer History of Davis County, Iowa)
!In July 1862, he enlisted in Company B, 30th Iowa Infantr y ; was in battles of Chickasaw, Arkansas Post, Raymond, Ja ckson, Champion's Hill , Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain and mo st all the battles with Sherman's command . He was dischar ged at Washington in June 1865. He was wounded November 25 , 186 3 at Mission Ridge, in the leg, which laid him in hos pital over a year. (Histor y of Davis County)
!Also read account of his Civil War activities in (Swinn e y Family; Emma Swinney Walker; pp. 16-17)