Notes |
- John K. Fanning and Edna Swinney
Per newspaper article in the East Washingtonian, 22 Apr i l 1916
"John K. Fanning died at home Wednesday afternoon. Accord i ng to data written by his own hand a few days before hi s de ath, Mr. Fanning was born at Albany, Oregon, Decembe r 19, 1 855, and with his father and two brothers settled o n the Al powa in 1880, he married Miss Edna Swin ney, hal f sister of Green Swinney, of Pomeroy. Mrs. Fanni ng died s everal years ago. Six sons and four daughters st ill living , E.C. and F.M. Fanning of Pomeroy, John of Pend leton, Oreg on, Harry Fanning, Mrs. Anna Trent and Mrs. Mau d Rogers o f Spokane, a sister, Mrs. Emma Travis of Lewisto n."
Conflicting information exists when comparing page 19 of E m ma Swinney Walker's data, whereby, under Elijah's Family , i t is stated:
"Eliza married John Fanning--both are dead. They have tw i n sons, Edward and Francis, of Spokane, Washington."
Are Eliza and Edna one and the same person?? (Tom says , y es!)
The article above states that Green Swinney is the half br o ther of Edna! Who is the mother of Eliza/Edna? Hannah St ar k, or Bonnie Paris, or Mrs. Jenkins? At this time we ha v e Edna's mother as Hannah Stark, which is the same mothe r o f Greenup. Eliza's mother is Bonnie Paris.