"AMERICAN VAN METRE FAMILY" by Smyth (Allen County Public Library, Fort
Wayne, IN): Chretian Maxamillien de Fiennes, Seigneur de Beaufermez
and de Bource, married.......? The record of the erasure of
Chretian's marriage and family, that is, the Chretien known to have
been the father of Louis du Bois, makes a break in Louis' line of
descent. The official record was obviously destroyed because of his
Protestantism, and to prevent him--or any of his descendants-- from
ever after establishing a claim to the title or estates. We are
informed that there were not two branches after the resumption of the
title of Marquis des Fiennes. We are also advised that Louis was a
second son; and that the title and arms of the des Fiennes became
extinct with the death of the Marchioness de Poyanne, in 1761.
pub 1943 (Indiana State Library) "Cretian Mazimillian des Fiennes,
Marquis des Feinnes was a captain of cavalry in his father' regiment."