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- Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book 12:240: 19 Jan 1797, Epaphroditus Rhod es & wife Ann to Hezekiah Rhodes, 20 pounds, 114 acres, church lands. Witn esses: John Rhodes, John D. Grymes, Reubin Rhodes
Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book 22:245, 13 Oct 1819 Hezekiah Rhodes & wi fe Mary to Francis Burkhead, $1200 114 acres bought from Epaphroditus Rhod es 19 Jan 1797.
Surry County, NC, Deed Book P:216, 2 Nov 1819: Jonathan Joyner to Hezeki ah Rhodes $1100, 150 acres on Yadkin River; Lines: John Stuart, Durrett, C abin branch, Joyner. Witnesses: Davis Durrett, Samuel Bolyjack, Epaphrodit us Rhodes
Hezekiah Rhodes Pension File S-7385 Surry County, North Carolina:
On this the 14th of August 1832 personally appeared in open court bei ng a court of record ... Hezekiah Rhodes of the County of Surry ... who ag ed sixty-eight years in February last who being first duly sworn accordi ng to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obt ain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832:
That he the said Hezekiah Rhodes entered the militia service of the Unit ed States in the fall of the year before the capture of Cornwallis at York town for two months in the company commanded by Capt. William Dalton, in t he Regiment commanded by Col. Hiatt Richardson in the County of Albemar le in the State of Virginia for the period of two months; that they march ed from Albemarle County ... to Cabin Point, below Richmond, that on leavi ng the service he did not obtain a written or regular discharge. [Not e: in 1780 he would have been 16 years old]
And the said Hezekiah Rhodes further states that he again entered the ser vice in the Spring of the year Cornwallis was taken, in the month of M ay as a drafted militia soldier under Capt. John Miller in the Regiment co mmanded by Hiatt Richardson for the period of two months, that they march ed to Richmond in Virginia, from thence to Four Mile Creek below Richmon d; and at Four Mile Creek he turned out as a volunteer and marched to t he lines of the British Army below the Mablin Hills; that on leaving the s ervice the second time he did not receive a regular or written discharge.
And the said Hezekiah Rhodes further states that he again entered the ser vice as a drafted militia soldier in August of the year Cornwallis was tak en, he thinks in 1781, under Capt John Miller of the County of Albemarl e, and in the Regiment commanded by Col. Hiatt Richardson, Major Macklehan ey, for the period of two months, the Brigade commanded by General Hugh Ne lson; that they marched from Albemarle to Williamsburgh where they encamp ed till General Washington was ready to march to Yorktown before the sie ge of that place; that they remained before Yorktown till Cornwallis was c aptured, and there he the said Hezekiah Rhodes was ordered to Fredericksbu rgh to guard the prisoners taken at the surrender of Yorktown; that we w as taken sick at this place and was carried from thence in a waggon to Alb emarle; that on leaving this his third period of service he did not obta in a written or regular discharge; that having moved since 1819 from Albem arle in Va to Surry County in North Carolina the day not known th at it is in his power to offer any proof of his said service except his o wn declaration ...
And the said Hezekiah Rhodes further states that he would refer to the fo llowing persons as is neighbors capable of testifying to his character: T homas Williams ... Peter Clingman merchant and postmaster of Huntsville . .. The Revd. William Jean of the Methodist Church and the Revd Joshua Cart er of the Baptist Church ...
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Witness John Wright, Clerk
... the Court do hereby declare their opinion .. that the above named app licant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states ...
J. Whitaker Chm.
Surry County, NC, Will Book 4, pp. 87-89 Nov. term 1835
I Hezekiah Rhodes of the county and state aforesaid ... do make and const itute this my last will and testament ...
First ... unto my beloved wife Polly Rhodes during her natural life or wi dowhood one negro young Peter and one good bed.
Secondly ... unto my son Richard Rhodes one negro woman named Miny and h er increase ... also choice of one horse and two feather beds and furnitu re and forty dollars in money to be raised out of my estate.
Thirdly ... unto my son John Rhodes one negro man named Jeffrey and one h orse the second choice and sixty dollars in money to be raised out of my e state ... in case the said negro Jeffrey should die then the said Jo hn to have an equal share with my other children hereinafter named.
Fourthly ... unto my son Clifton Rhodes one horse third choice and an equ al share with those hereinafter named.
Fifthly ... unto my son Epaphroditus Rhodes five dollars and no more b ut if my son Epaphroditus does pay a debt of two hundred and seventy-fi ve dollars for which I am his security then and in that case he is to ha ve an equal share with those hereinafter named.
And my further will is that my executor ... shall proceed to sell a ll my estate not before willed my lands on one and two years credit and af ter paying the aforementioned sums the rest and residue to be equally divi ded between my daughter Lucy Edwards wife of Samuel Edwards, and Fanny Har rison wife of John C. Harrison, Sally Hutchins wife of Amos Hutchins, Mild red Crew wife of Jesse Crew and my son David Rhodes and the heirs of my da ughter Nancy Bruce, decd, formerly the wife of Eli Bruce, and the hei rs of my daughter Betsy Marshall, decd, formerly the wife of Richard Marsh all and the heirs of Agnes Philips, formerly the wife of Joseph Philips, a nd my further wish is that my children have the negroes put up for sale am ongst themselves and purchase them or divide them amongst them in some sat isfactory way to prevent their being sold out of the family and scatter ed through the world.
...appoint my trusty friend Henry P. Poindexter executor ...this the 31 st day of July AD 1835
Witnesses: Samuel Bolyjack, Abraham Bolyjack, Wm. Spillman Jurett