Notes |
- Lunsford Pitts was a patriot during the American Revolution when he furnished beef to the troops. (Public Source Clain, Essex County, Virginia, court booklet, page 6, court minutes, 15 April 1782)
The will of Lunsford Pitts will be found in Sumner County, Tennessee, Will Book 1, page 172, date 26 June 1813. It mentions son Burton H., son Henry, son Lunsford C., children of Burton, nameley [sic] Lunsford, George Gaines and Rebecca Pitts . . . mentions having paid Henry Fetherson, Sr . . . daughter Lucy Fetherston . . . daughter Fanny Black . . . daughter Betsy Yandell . . . daughter Judith Yandell . . . grandson Lunsford Pitts Yandell . . . his executors were Samuel P. Black, Charles Fetherston, Wilson Yandell, and John Yandell. Witnesses to the will were M.D.S.F. Sharp, William Craven and Samuel Wooton