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Jackson County Marriage License
Sept 26, 1879
License issued to Wm M Miller aged 23 years and Celia Jane Rhodes aged 23 years both of this county.
Marriage Record
Sept 27, 1879
Wm M Miller, 23
Celia Rhodes 23
both residents of Jackson Co.
1880 Dist 43, Jackson, WV # 77 5 June 1880
Miller, Wm C 24 KY KY KY
Celia 25 VA KY VA
Laura S 6/12 WV
1900 Ripley, Jackson, WV # 70
Miller, William M 5/1855 45 m 21y KY KY KY
Celia 4/1855 45 m 21y 5-5 children WV KY WV
Laura S da 11/1880 19 WV
Mary E da 4/1883 17 WV
James S son 6/1886 13 WV
Harry M sno 5/1892 8 WV
Florence E H da 9/1894 5 WV
[Laura's age is off by a year so the other kids' may be as well]
1910 Ripley, Jackson, WV # 164-168
Miller, William M 54 m1- 31y
Seliah J 55 m1- 31y 5-5 children
Harry son 19
Florence da 15
Levasseur or Levassum, May C gd 7 Oh VA WV
1920 Ripley, Jackson, WV #71
Miller, William 63
Celia J 64
1930 Ripley, Jackson, WV # 315-319
Miller, William 73 m age 23 KYKYKY
Selia J 75 m age 25 WVWVWV