
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

We hope you find your missing links among ours

This data was compiled by Jax Zumwalt, ( ).  If you a have additional infomation on this family or are you a descendant of these people please contact Jax Zumwalt at: .

Andrew Roth, possibly b: about 1720, died Flint Hill, St Charles Co. Mo.

My notes as follows:

Sailor in his youth, had been to India.

In English army at Braddocks Defeat. (1754 ) Pittsburgh, he said he would make a prayer and bullets would not hurt him.

Came to Kentucky by raft, down the Ohio river.

Lived with Adam 2 and daughter Maria on  Flint Hill in old age.

Jacob Roads appears on 1797 tax list of Harrison Co. Ky.  ????

Rhoda Rhodes married Francis Holland, 20 Jul. 1797 in Bourbon Co. Ky.  ????

May have had son Clayborne Rhodes  Clayborne seems to be his son, but Hezekiah is still not proven. Hezekiah also appears on two petitions of 1810 . Also may have had son Frederick Rhodes who lived in Warren Cottle household in 1805 tax list. 1797 tax list of Harrison Co. Ky. lists Jacob Roads who may be son of Andrew Rhodes . ???

also may have had son Samuel Rhodes who appears in petition of 1810  ???

George, Henry & Samuel Rhodes of Franklin Co. Mo. probably were from the Tenn. Rhodes line and not related to our Andreas Roth family.

John Rodes , 1406 acres on Licking River, book 2, pg. 87, 18 Jan. 1783 ??

American State Papers, Land Claims XV11, Vol. 2, pg. 549, Claiborne Rhodes had three or four Spanish Land Claims in early Mo.

The year,1801, the 22nd of January, I, the undersigned, cur`e of this parish,have received the mutual consent of Jacob Somwhalt, son of Christophe Sommewhalt and of Elizabeth Shever, native of the state of Pennsylvania in the United States of America and of the Presbyterian religion on the one hand, and Sara Hosteter, daughter of Francis Hosteter and of Franqui Sheets, native of the state of Maryland, also in the United States of America and of the Anabaptist religion, on the other hand. Not having discovered any impediment to their marriage, I married them following the orders  of his majesty, King of Spain, in regard to his non-Catholic subjects established in this colony. They have promised to faithfully fulfill and observe the laws prescribed by the said orders, and this in the presence of witnesses, relatives and friends who have signed here with us in our Presbytery (Priests house) of St Charles of Missouri the day, month and year above.

 Sara (X) Hosteter                           Jacob Zumwalt

         Cristophe (X) Somwhat                       Andrew Rhodes

        Michel (X) Rebot                                  John(X)Somwhat

              Henry (X) Somwhat                          Arthur Burns

            Frederic (X) Roods                 

                       F L Lusson Priest Rec. Cur`e of St Charles

DUNBAR, Thomas, British soldier, died in 1767. He became

colonel of the 48th foot, 29 April 1752, was stationed in

Nova Scotia, and joined Braddock's expedition against Fort

Duquesne. Braddock, by Washington's advice, pressed on with

1,200 chosen men on 19 June 1755, leaving Dunbar behind

with the residue of the army. After the defeat of 9 July

Dunbar destroyed his remaining artillery, burned stores and

baggage worth £100,000, pretending that it was done by

Braddock's orders, and ignominiously retreated. Dunbar was

made lieutenant governor of Gibraltar in 1756, and promoted

to lieutenant general, 18 December 1760.


Frederick Rhodes:

1794 Harrison Co. Ky tax list

Frederick Rhodes

1795 Harrison Co. Ky tax list

Frederick Rhodes

1796 Harrison Co. Ky tax list

Frederick Rhodes

Harrison Co. Ky tax list

Frederick Rhodes

1797 Harrison Co. Ky tax list

Jacob Roads

1798 Harrison Co. Ky tax list





Claiborne Rhodes     1st. wife Unk

Spanish Land Claims in early Mo. I have plat of his Survey # 1642 in my Lincoln Co. Plat bk.

15 May 1800... Edward Hempstead and Claiborne Rhodes. assignees of Antoine DeJarlais. assignee of Andrew Peltier, claiming. eight hundred arpents of land, situate in the district of St Charles; produces  the record of a consession not signed, dated the 15th of May 1800; record of a transfer from Peltier to DeJarlais, dated 14 Jan. 1804; record of a transfer from DeJarlais to Rhodes without date. record  of a transfer from Rhodes to Hempstead, for one half of this tract, dated 25 Jun. 1808. It is the opinion of the board that this claim ought not to be confirmed.

16 Jul. 1806, Claiborne Rhodes - A claim, under the second section of the act of Congress, for six hundred arpents of land, situate on the waters of the River Mississippi in the district of St Charles, pruduces  special permission to settle, frpm Charles Dhault Delassus. Lt. Governor, dated 17 Feb. 1800 and a survey of the same taken 30 Dec. 1803. Certified 20 Jan. 1804 Testimony taken16 Jul. 1806. William Ewing, being duly sworn , says that the claimant did some time in the fall of 1803, cut some logs, with the intent of building a distellery; that at tha period, the Indians seeming inclined to hostilities. he did not think it prudent to proceed any further in the same.

Samuel griffith. being duly sworn, says that, about the time claimant was prparing for the afresaid distillery, three young mrn were killed by the Indians at a very small distance from the aforesaid  tract. that claimant, fearing a repetition of the same gave up his plan of said building, that the first knowledge, he the witness, had of claimants intention of building said distillery, was derived  from the persons whom he had engaged for the building of the same. that he had, prior to that period, improved  another tract of land, situate on the Portage de Sioux; that he cultivated the same for three years consecutively, to wit 1798, 1799 and 1800, that he did afterwards at the request of the Lt. Governor, and upon the promise of manother tract, move out of the same, and relinquish right thereto. having prior to that complie with the Spanish law and regulation, where, vested in the cultivator the right of domainby three years of cultivation.

It is the opinion of the board that this claim ought not to be confirmed. 24  Nov. 1809

1809, 31 Jan.   Claiborne Rhodes, assignee of David Rowland, claiming 400 arpents of land, situate on river Cuivre, district of St Charles, produces to the board a notice of claim to the recorder, a conveyance from Daniel Rowland to claimant, dated 4 Mar,. 1801.

     Testimony taken, 31 jan. 1809, James McKay, sworn, says that he saw, held and read a concession from Zenon Trudeau. Lt. Governor, to Daniel Rowland, for 400 arpents of land, witness believes dated in 1798, said concession called for land situate on  river Cuivre, district of St Charles.

     Claimant, sworn, says that Daniel Rowland told him that he had a concession in 1801, says that he never saw it, neither does he know where it is to be found.

      Jacob Hostetter, sworn, says that Daniel Rowland inhabited and cultivated on the land claimed in 1800, said Rowland then had a wife and one child.

     1810, 16 Jul.   ought not to be confirmed.

Territorial Papers by Carter, Vol. 13 Louisiana - Missouri Territory

Militia Appointments for the Territory of Louisiana, pg. 547

District of St Charles, 5th Company - Cleburne Rhodes, Ensign

Territorial Papers by Carter, Vol. 13 Louisiana - Missouri Territory

pg. 339, 27 Dec. 1805

Subscribers to a Memorial ( petition ) Claiborne Rhodes

1 Jan. 1806, buyers at the estate of dec’d Henry Zumwlt, Flint Hill St Charles Co. Mo.

E.W. Laughlin    One cow adjudged to Henry W. Laughlin for 13 Piastres & half

C. Rhodes         Security  Clayton Rhodes 

Territorial Papers by Carter, Vol. 13 Louisiana - Missouri Territory

pg. 483,  1806, district of St Charles.

Subscribers to a Memorial ( petition ) C. Rhodes

1817 Census, St Charles Co. Mo.

 Clairbourn  Roods

1 male     over 45

2 males  under 18

1 female under 14

Claiborne Rhodes land survey # 1642 was in Lincoln Co. Mo. see Lincoln Co. Mo. land owners atlas of 1836, pg. 15, twp. 50 - R 2 E - secs. 11, 12, 16,17

"The Missourian" List of letters  in the Post office at St Charles, Mo.  on 30 June 1820 -- Claiborne Rhodes


1804 - 1806 St Charles Co. Mo. Residents

Claibourne Rhodes

Frederick  Rhodes

Francis Roads


Terr. Papers, Petition  1805 as they appeared as neighbors pg. 339

Christopher Zeumalt

Jacob Zeumalt

Peter Zeumalt

Christopher Zeumalt Jr.

Aam Zeumalt

John Zeumalt

Wm. Spurgin

James Callaway

Claiborne Rhodes

(Index shows, Rhodes C. ,on pg. 483 I did not find hin there)


Mo. Terr. Papers pg. 547  14 Jul. 1806 Militia Appointment, 6th Co.

Christopher Clark     Captain

Daniel McCoy            Lt.

Cleburne  Rhodes       Ensign


April 1805 Nathaniel Simonds & Claiborne Rhodes, Doing Business as Simonds & Rhodes

Defendant Simonds & Rhodes - Plaintiff, Defendant Frederick Dickson Damages $120.00

Jul. 1805 Plaintiff Arand Rutger, Defendant Claiborne Rhodes - Debt, damages $100.00

 defendant was to pay for Deer Skins, 2 1/2 pounds of Deer Skins to the dollar.

Jul. 1805 Pliantiff’s Josiah McLanahan & Jacob Harry, Defendants Simonds & Rhodes

damages $1,500. - $400. & $100. Defendants did not deliver pelts.

Jan. 1806 Plaintiff’s Simond’s & Rhodes, Defendant William Ewings, debt $400.

Jan. 1806 Plaintiff’s McLanahan & Harry, Defendant, Claiborne Rhodes

Supoena for Edmond Chandler & Nathaniel Simonds.

Jan. 1806 Plaintiff  Claiborne Rhodes, Defendant, Martin Woods, damages $200.

Defendant promised to pay $37. in Merchantable Pork

Jan. 1806 Plaintiff John Campbell, defendant Claiborne Rhodes, debt. damages $100., defendant was accused of breaking monopoly on ferry traffic across the Mississippi River from Cahokia to St Louis.

Jan. 1806 plaintiff Claiborne Rhodes, defendantJonathan Woods, damages $1500., defendant was to pay in merchantable Pork, Plaintif assignee of BenjaminAllen

Jan. 1806 Plaintiff  Claiborne Rhodes, defendant, Nathaniel Simonds, debt, damages $500.

Apr. 1807 plaintiff Claiborne Rhodes, defendant JOHN COOK,  Trespass, Damages $100.

JUL. 1807 plaintff’s, McLanahan & Harry, defendants, Claiborne Rhodes, Samuel Griffith & Wm. MConnell, debt, damages $1365.92,  plaintiffs use of Nicholas Coons


Terr. Papers  pg. 7 & 8  Dardienne 26 Jul. 1814  “Indian Battle”

Killed  Peter Harpole & Hesekiah Rhodes


Maria Roth/Rhodes:  b.bef. 1770,her son Solomon Zumwalt said she was born in Pa. she died 1 Apr. 1846 Flint Hill, St Charles Co. Mo.

History of the Pres. Church at Dardenne. Presbyterian Church, Mary Zumwalt # 6 wife of Adam Zumwalt #5 received into the church 18 sep 1819. examined # 6 died Mar 1846. term of membership, 26 1/2 years.        Page 121

Margaret Zumwalt of lawful age appears in open court and after being duly sworn on her oath deposeth and saith that she has been aquainted with the above named Mary Zumwalt ever since they both were children. That the deponent and said Mary Zumwalt were both raised in the state of Kentucky, that she knows that the above named Mary Zumwalt is the widow of the above named Adam Zumwalt - that she was present and saw said Adam Zumwalt and said Mary Zumwalt married, but the said deponent has very little education and is not in the habit of keeping the date of aforesaid marriage, but she believes it was about the time mentioned in the foregoing declaration, towit, the 24th day of May 1785 Subscribed and sworn to in open court before the county court of Warren County, Missouri aforesaid on this 20th day of August 1839 her Margaret  ( X )   Zumwalt


1846, 26 April, St Charles Co. Mo. Mary Zumwalt, deceased

Letters of administration were filed by Robert Green on 22 Nov. 1847

heirs were:    Rachel McConnell

                     Mary Ann Kent

                     John Zumwalt

                     Catherine Kent

                     Solomon Zumwalt

                     Jonathan Zumwalt

    Heirs not named in estate were son Andrew Zumwalt  (Jax Line) who had left that month for Oregon and was probably given his share of estate before he left and therefore not mentioned. The other heir not mentioned is dau. Elizabeth Zumwalt. We know nothing about this Elizabeth other than her being mentioned by brother Solomon. Elizebeth, I suspect, died young before she reached marriageable age and that is why we can find no trace of her other than being mentioned by Solomon as child of Adam and Mary Zumwalt. Solomon in his memoirs of his father Adam Zumwalt says: He had eight children, John, Elizabeth, Andrew, Rachel, Maryan, Catharin, Jonathan and Solomon.

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