Month: July 2013

The Food that Fueled the American Revolution

With many of our holidays food makes can make up an essential part of the festive celebrations like Easter’s eggs, and the Thanksgiving turkey, but what of Independence Day? I likely candidate for the 4th of July is a good old cookout of burgers, hotdogs and the like, huh? It is true our forefathers in the American Army during the Revolution would have mostly been cooking over an open fire, but many times the vittles would have been less that appetizing, sometimes nauseating and often nonexistent. With the our enlisted men living on “fire cakes” which was nothing more flour mixed with water, rapped around a bayonet then cooked over an open fire, and meat if they got may be spoiled. The has a short article of the food during the war that is worth a look. Remember all what our ancestors suffered and sacrificed for on this up and coming Independence Day.
Here is the link: The Food that Fueled the American Revolution