Month: September 2012

New Blog software

I just upgraded my blog software from b2evolution to WordPress. So far I like WP much more than b2 from an administrator’s standpoint, the menus in that area are straight-forward and easy to follow. I am glad I made the transition, and I highly recommend this script to others.

Here is a link to: WordPress

Good News: Back issues of Craig Rhodes’ Rhodes Family Newsletter the “Rhodes Crossroads Newsletter” available for purchase

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NOW AVAILABLE !!! The first 74 issues (1994-2012) of the RHODES CROSSROADS NEWSLETTER have been scanned in Adobe PDF file format and are available on a CD. Price: $19.95 plus $3.95 S&H “Oldies SALE” : The RHODES CROSSROADS NEWSLETTER has limited quantities of back issues 01 through 65 Price per issue is $2.00 plus postage. Qty Price Postage Total
1 issue $ 2.00 + .55 = $ 2.55
2 issues $ 4.00 + 1.00 = $ 5.00
3 issues $ 6.00 + 1.50 = $ 7.50 6 issues $12.00 + 3.00 = $15.00
Please make checks payable to: Craig RHODES Mail order to: 133 Montclair Loop, Daphne AL 36526. NOTICE: Please check your expiration date on the mailing label and renew early so you do not miss any Newsletters. If your label has “Exp Jan 2012” thru “Exp AUG 2012”, then this is your last issue.