1808 name change: from PRICE to RHODES in NC
Thanks to Philip Wayne Rhodes of the Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia for bringing this to our attention. Check out their website at www.jmlibrary.org.
In the Pitt County (NC) Genealogical Quarterly, Vol. 8, no. 4 (Nov. 2001), there is an index to selected records in the North Carolina General Assembly Session Records, NC Archives, Raleigh, NC. On page 18 there is the following entry:
Nov-Dec 1808
Box 1
?Change name of William PRICE and Henry PRICE to William RHODES and Henry RHODES?
There was no county named in the item, so it would be difficult to determine exactly where these two people were located without examining the document. Is there someone near Raleigh who could check this out? It would appear to be an adoption proceeding ? but who knows?
Thanks for the heads-up Wayne!