Rhoads / Rhodes Biographies from Kansas

Thanks to Wayne Rhodes of the Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia for bringing us the following data. Check out their website at www.jmlibrary.org.
Rhoads / Rhodes Biographies from Kansas, published in: A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans (Chicago: Lewis, 1918), by William Elsey Connelley. The Biographies include some of the following name:
Hiram K. Rhoads
Samuel A. Rhoads
Harry R., Earl R., Fred H., and J. J. Rhodes
Ross Homer Rhoads
John Rothe
Fred H. Rhodes
Christian Rhodes
John M. and Martha (Kuhn) Rhodes.
William H. Rhodes
Among others. The page is located at http://rhodesfamily.org/bio_rhoads_rhodes_history_KS.php