From: History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Published: Warner, Beers & Co.,
Chicago; 1895
Jonathan S. Rhodes, farmer, P. 0. Cambridgeboro, was born in Rhode Island, January 7, 1821; son of Jonathan and Mary (Young) Rhodes, who settled in what is now Cambridge Township, this county, in 1835. Our subject was married May 20, 1852, to Mary A., daughter of Jonathan and Louisa (Doolittle) Stoddard, who has borne him five children : Alida S., Ellen L., Emma C., Zadoc L. and Mary A. Of these Alida S. married Edgar Throop, of Rockdale Township, this county. They have three children: Dennis, Lillie and Lynn (twins). Emma C. married J. N. Jarvis; have one child, Ethel, and reside in Tennessee. Mary A. married James McClafferty, of Washington Township, Erie County. Mr. Rhodes lives on a part of the tract his father took up and settled on in 1835. In politics he is a Democrat.