
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

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From the book entitled: History of Richland County, Ohio, from 1808 to 1908: Also Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens of the County, Abraham J. Baughman
Author: Abraham J. Baughman
Publisher: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1908

Henry P. Rhodes is a worthy representative of the agricultural interests of Richland county, where he is now making his home. He was born on his present farm in Jackson township, December 26, 1842, a son of Henry Philip and Rachel (Stoner) Rhodes, both of whom were natives of the Keystone state, the former born in Lancaster county, November 22, 1808, while the latter was born in York county, September 15, 1813. They were reared and married in Pennsylvania and in 1831 made their way to Richland county, Ohio, settling on an unimproved tract of land, on which the father made a small clearing and erected a log house, in which they took up their abode. In 1850 he replaced that rude dwelling with a more modern structure, which is still standing on the place. The family numbered nine children, of whom five still survive, namely: Elizabeth, the wife of Washington Bloom, of Michigan; Henry P., of this re-view; Sarah, the wife of Dr. Franklin Paul, of Milford, Indiana; David, who is mentioned on another page of this work; and Melvina, the wife of George Arnold. a resident of Jackson township. Both the parents are now demised, the mother passing away in October, 1888, while the father survived for several years and died in March, 1896, when he had reached the venerable age of eighty-eight years. He was numbered among the worthy citizens and prominent pioneers of Richland county.

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