Thanks to Wayne Rhodes of the Jones Memorial Library in Lynchburg, Virginia for bringing us the following data. Check out their website at
Westerfield, Thomas W., editor, Kentucky Genealogy
and Biography (Volume I) Sketches from Hancock, La Rue, Hardin,
Edmonson, Hart, Breckinridge, Grayson, and Mead Counties Reprinted from
Kentucky: A History of the State by Battle, Perrin, Kniffin,
1885-1886. (Owensboro, KY: Genealogical Reference Co., 1970), p. 152-153.
Elias Rhodes was born in Breckinridge County, April 3,
1828, and is the son of Elias and Margaret (Mattingly) Rhodes, natives of
Virginia and Maryland, respectively. His father was born in Loudon County,
Va., in 1781, and was brought to Kentucky when but ten years of age, the
family settling in what is now Washington County, where he remained until
1801, at which time he came to the southern part of Breckinridge, being one
of the pioneers of that section of the county. He was a farmer by
occupation, and died in November, 1868.
Subject's maternal grandfather, Richard Mattingly,
moved from Maryland to Kentucky about the beginning of the present century
[19th], settling in Washington County, where he remained a short time,
afterward moving to Breckinridge, where his death occurred about 1830.
Margaret Mattingly Rhodes was born in 1782, and
departed this life in Breckinridge County, in 1869. Twelve children were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes: Ellen, Richard, Nancy, Mary, John, Elizabeth,
Thomas, Winifred, Francis, Teresa, Elias and Agnes.
The subject of this sketch remained with his parents
until their death, growing to manhood in Breckinridge County, where he has
since resided. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and at the age of
twenty-five purchased a farm in the southern part of the county, and later,
in 1868, bought his present home place in Bewleyville District, to which he
moved in 1870. Mr. Rhodes' farm is a model in every respect, consisting of
400 acres of fine "barren" land, well improved and under successful
cultivation. As a farmer and stock raiser Mr. Rhodes has been more than
ordinarily successful, while as a moral and upright citizen he stands high
in the community in which he resides.
He was married, November 11, 1867, in Breckinridge County,
to Miss Columbia Mattingly, daughter of James L. and Matilda (Coomes) Mattingly,
the parents natives of Maryland and Virginia. Two children have been born to
Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, viz.: Margaret C. and Mary A.
Mr. Rhodes is a warm friend of education, and takes an
active part in all movements for the moral and religious welfare of the
community. He is a conservative politician, voting for the man rather than the
party, and with his family belongs to the Catholic Church, being a member of the
congregation of the Guardian Angels, known as Mt. Merino Church.