
The Back Rhodes of Our Genealogy

We hope you find your missing links among ours

From the book entitled: Annals of the Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County, Volume 3
Author: Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County
Publisher: The Association, 1892, p. 318.

[Leader,(a newspaper) April 6, 1894]

The funeral of Charles L. Rhodes, who died on Tuesday, was held yesterday afternoon, from the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. b: Hough, No. 804 Case avenue. Rev. William Knight conducted the services in the absence of Rev. Dr. Charles S. Pomeroy, who was officiating at the funeral of Dr. L. L. Leggett, at Sandusky. The services were brief and consisted only of the reading of passages of Scripture and a prayer. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The following gentlemen acted as honorary pall-bearers: Messrs. Fayette Brown, James J. Tracy, John Coon, E. S. Flint, James Upson, and Daniel Upson, Judge Pease and General J. S. Casement. The active pall-bearers were Messrs. A. b: Hough, A. H. Hough, Robert R. Rhodes, W. C. Rhodes, M. T. Marshall and Dr. Pease. The burial was in Riverside Cemetery.

The death of Mr. Rhodes brings to mind the fact that the men who helped to shape the destinies of Cleveland in her early days are fast passing from the scene of action. Mr. Rhodes was the last survivor of the Commissioners of Annexation who arranged the terms of union with Ohio City, now known as the West Side. Though a native of Vermont, he has been a resident of Ohio since early manhood, and older citizens will remember him as being prominently identified with railroad and commercial affairs since the days when Cleveland was only a thriving town. For many years he was a member of that quaint organization known as the "Ark," which met for social intercourse. It was provided with permanent quarters by the late Leonard Case. It was to have unlimited control so long as one member survived. Upon the death of the last one, the property reverts to the estate. The ranks have been rapidly depleted since the death of Mr. Case, and it will not be long before the last man will be left alone.

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